How to cook and with what spices is it better to combine minced beans? TOP 5 recipes for bean cutlets. The subtleties of cooking, video recipes.

Lean bean cutlets with vegetables

Lean cutlets are prepared without the use of eggs, meat, sour cream and butter. Therefore, so that the dish is not dry, you need to use additional ingredients. In this recipe, a large amount of greens and boiled broccoli help to add juiciness. Bean cutlets with vegetables can be cooked not only during fasting, but much more often. Rich taste, high degree of usefulness, relatively low calorie content allow them to be used as a dietary food.
- Red beans - 500 g
- Green beans - 200-250 g
- Broccoli - 250 g
- Large onion - 1 pc.
- Small carrots - 1 pc.
- Greens (dill, cilantro, parsley) - 1 bunch
- Garlic - 3 cloves
- Breadcrumbs - 200 g
- Vegetable oil for frying - 50 ml
- Salt - 0.5 tsp
- Ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp
Step by step preparation of bean and vegetable cutlets:
- Prepare the beans for cooking, boil until tender, drain the broth. Grind the beans in a blender.
- Boil water in a separate saucepan, add green beans and broccoli. When the water boils again, boil for 5-7 minutes so that the food has time to become soft, but at the same time maintain its elasticity. Throw in a colander. When they are cool, chop them with a knife.
- Chop the onion together with the carrots and lightly fry to achieve softness.
- Chop the garlic and chop the herbs.
- Combine all prepared ingredients with bean paste into a homogeneous mass. Season with salt, pepper and stir again.
- The resulting minced meat must be sent to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. This will make the mass thicker, so we can easily form cutlets out of it without adding flour.
- Form patties, lightly coat them in flour or breadcrumbs and fry immediately in a pan.
- Put the ruddy cutlets on a platter. Other vegetables will perfectly complement the taste, for example, baked potatoes, eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, lettuce. Rice, buckwheat or pasta are suitable as a side dish.
It is noteworthy that the bean mixture with vegetables can be used as a pate - put it on bread and eat it as a snack. However, cutlets will look much more interesting on the table.
Bean cutlets with mushrooms

Vegetable cutlets are a great option to diversify your usual menu. Ease of preparation, amazing taste and incredible benefits - all this in bean cutlets with mushrooms.
- Beans of any kind - 1 glass or 250 g
- Hard cheese - 200 g
- Fresh champignons - 150-200 g
- Boiled potatoes, medium size - 2 pcs.
- Medium-sized onion - 1 pc.
- Fresh egg - 1 pc.
- Garlic - 1-2 cloves
- Salt to taste
- Spices to taste
- Greens to taste
- Breadcrumbs for deboning cutlets - 150 g
- Vegetable oil for frying - 3 tablespoons
Step by step preparation of bean cutlets with mushrooms:
- Rinse the beans and soak them in clean water for 5-8 hours. Boil until tender, salting it at the very end of cooking.
- Peel potatoes and boil.
- Mushrooms can be boiled or fried - it all depends on the personal preferences of the cook.
- Peel the bulbs, cut in any way. The shape and size are not critical.
- Pass all prepared ingredients through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting mixture with an egg.
- Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater and, together with salt, spices, combine with the bean mass. The homogeneity of the mixture depends on the thoroughness of the kneading.
- Form patties of the desired size and shape, roll them in breadcrumbs and start frying in a preheated pan with oil.
- Each cutlet must be fried on both sides until golden brown. Because most of the ingredients are used cooked, the frying time is significantly reduced compared to making minced meat patties.
You need to serve warm, so the taste of all components is fully revealed. You can decorate with greens. In addition, you can add boiled eggs or pickles.
Vegetarian bean cutlets with rice

Usually, eggs are used to ensure the required viscosity of the minced meat and to maintain the shape of the cutlets during the frying process. When cooked, the protein perfectly sticks all the ingredients together. However, lacto vegetarians and vegans do not consume them, so they should be replaced. If your diet is guided by the rules of lacto-vegetarianism, then add sour cream or grated cheese, it will not only add an exquisite taste, but also bind all the ingredients, providing a beautiful shape to the cutlets. For a vegan diet, when dairy products are also undesirable, add some semolina.
- Boiled rice - 2, 5 tbsp.
- Boiled beans - 1 tbsp.
- Fresh or frozen parsley - 5 sprigs
- Bulb onions - 1 pc.
- Garlic - 2 cloves
- Semolina - 0.5 tbsp.
- Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
- Sweet paprika - 1 tsp
- Salt, spices - to taste
- Vegetable oil - 50 ml
- Breadcrumbs - 150 g
Step-by-Step Cooking Vegetarian Bean and Rice Cutlets:
- Chop the onion, garlic and bell pepper finely. Saute in vegetable oil for 2 minutes. Stir in sweet paprika. Remove from pan and cool slightly.
- Beat the finished beans in a blender, after adding the mixture of onion, garlic and pepper, beat again. It is not necessary to achieve a homogeneous mass.
- Combine the minced beans with the cooked cold rice. Add herbs and semolina.
- Divide the minced meat into equal parts and make identical cutlets for the cutlets. Roll in breadcrumbs.
- Fry in vegetable oil. The cutlets should come out with a golden brown crust.
Ready-made cutlets can be eaten with a side dish of vegetables or made lush, mouth-watering vegetarian burgers with them.
Making bean cutlets for a vegetarian dinner can be made a little easier by sending them in the oven to bake. This will help them absorb less fat than frying in a pan and will be healthier.
Bean cutlets with meat

A large number of people cannot imagine cutlets without meat. Therefore, we propose to cook amazingly tasty cutlets from the combined minced meat.
- Minced meat - 500 g
- Boiled or canned beans - 1 tbsp.
- Small onions - 3 pcs.
- Eggs - 2 pcs.
- Potatoes - 3 pcs.
- Flour - 0.5 tbsp.
- Salt, spices - to taste
- Carrots - 1 pc.
- Vegetable oil - 60 ml
Step by step preparation of meat cutlets with beans:
- Mash the beans or mince them.
- Onions (2 pcs.) And potatoes cut into small cubes and also pass through a meat grinder.
- Mix prepared food with minced meat. Add egg, salt and spices.
- Knead all the ingredients with your hands until smooth. Make the same cutlets, roll them in flour and start frying.
- Cut the onion (1 pc.) Into strips. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Saute vegetables over medium heat.
- Place the finished cutlets in a saucepan and stew with or without sautéed vegetables.
Serve with sour cream, herbs. An excellent side dish is mashed potatoes or rice.