Features of cooking vigorous seasoning. TOP-14 best step-by-step horseradish recipes for the winter with beets, garlic, cream, mayonnaise, cranberries, bell peppers and others. Video recipes.

Horseradish is a hot seasoning that redefines the taste of cold appetizers, meat and fish dishes. In addition, this is an incredibly healthy plant that increases appetite, helps to improve the secretion of digestive juices and the work of the stomach in general. That is why every housewife should prepare a couple of jars of vigorous seasoning for the winter.
Features of harvesting horseradish for the winter

Cuisines of different countries of the world have their own hot spices, for example, chili, wasabi, mustard. We have this role assigned to horseradish. In Russia, it was the main seasoning for cold snacks, meat and fish dishes. And today it is served to accompany jellied meat, aspic, salted lard, boiled pork or dumplings.
Horseradish harvesting begins with harvesting. It is recommended to dig up the root in the fall, regardless of the month. This is a very time consuming task as it is hidden deep underground. Before harvesting, it must be thoroughly cleaned of the earth, and if a recipe suggests it, it must be washed and / or peeled.
The easiest way is to arrange a horseradish wintering in the sand. The container is transferred to a cellar or basement. It is important that the roots did not touch each other. It is recommended to regularly moisten the sand with very little water.
Another option for saving horseradish for the winter is freezing. The roots can be placed whole in the freezer or shredded and stacked in containers. You can also sprinkle them with lemon juice. When storing the roots as a whole, they cannot be cleaned, otherwise after a couple of months they will become unsuitable for eating.
You can prepare horseradish by drying it. The peeled roots are cut with washers. The prepared raw materials are dried in an open oven for a couple of hours. The optimum temperature is 40-45C.
You can also save horseradish for the winter by pitching the dried root into powder. To do this, we dry the roots, as described above, and grind the dry raw materials in a coffee grinder and pour them into glass containers for storage.
However, the most popular way to harvest horseradish for the winter is canning. Take young, small roots that do not have wormholes. They will be white when cut. But old roots of a yellowish color should not be used. Regardless of the type of seasoning cooked, the burning taste remains unchanged, which cannot but delight lovers of spicy vegetable snacks.
For a change, chili, garlic, lemon juice, walnuts, dill, tomatoes or tomato paste, apples, carrots and cranberries, sour cream, cream or mayonnaise are added to the horseradish-based seasoning. You can tint the sauce with beetroot juice. Horseradish seasoning is good without vinegar, but you need to add it if you plan to store the workpiece for a long time.
Since the sauce is eaten in small portions, small jars of 100 or 200 ml are also used for packaging.
TOP 14 best horseradish recipes for the winter
Harvesting horseradish roots for the winter is not difficult. In the classic version, it is twisted through a meat grinder with the addition of vinegar, but you can also diversify the recipe with the help of various additional ingredients, depending on individual preferences. In any case, every housewife will cope with the preparation of a vigorous seasoning.
Horseradish with beets for the winter

This is a classic spice for jellied meat, jellied or salted lard. The condition for its successful preparation is considered to be the use of high-quality fresh roots, dug out on the same day when the seasoning will be prepared. According to the horseradish recipe for the winter, you can add any vinegar - table, wine, apple, as well as diluted vinegar essence. It is better to take beets with a rich color, so the seasoning will turn out brighter. Or, in general, you can only pour in beet juice.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 68 kcal.
- Servings - 5
- Cooking time - 30 minutes
- Horseradish root - 130 g
- Fresh beets - 1 pc.
- Water - 100 ml
- Table vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons
- Granulated sugar - 1 tsp
- Salt to taste
Step by step cooking horseradish with beets for the winter:
- We wash and dry the peeled roots. We twist in a meat grinder, after cutting into small pieces.
- It is recommended to boil the beets, it will be tastier. But you can also not subject it to heat treatment. Grind the vegetable with a blender.
- We mix the ingredients and then grind the mass again.
- Next, add granulated sugar to the seasoning, pour in the vinegar and salt.
- We mix everything thoroughly and add a little water, adjusting the consistency, since the appetizer initially turns out to be dryish. We select its amount, depending on the juiciness of the beets.
- After preparing horseradish for the winter, try a snack and adjust the flavor, if necessary, with seasonings.
- It remains only to pack the workpiece into jars, which should first be sterilized by tamping and sealing tightly.
- We send the seasoning to the refrigerator, and after a day you can eat it.
Note! You can make horseradish juicier if you soak it in cold water.
Horseradish with mayonnaise for the winter

One of the most delicious recipes for horseradish for the winter, according to which you can prepare sauce for dressing dishes. However, it will also work to accompany jellied meat and aspic.
- Horseradish root - 200 g
- Sugar - 1 tablespoon
- Salt - a pinch
- Table vinegar - 1, 5 tablespoons
- Mayonnaise
Step-by-step preparation of horseradish with mayonnaise for the winter:
- First of all, you should wash and clean the roots.
- Next, they must be twisted in a meat grinder, having previously cut into washers. To protect your eyes, you can fix a plastic bag on it.
- Pour sugar into the twisted horseradish root for the winter, pour in vinegar and salt.
- Next, the appetizer should be seasoned with mayonnaise. Determine its amount yourself. If possible, it is better to give preference to a home product.
- It remains to pack horseradish for the winter in jars, which should first be sterilized, and tighten the lids.
- We send the workpiece for storage in the refrigerator.
Horseradish with cream for the winter

Another original recipe for horseradish for the winter, which is prepared with the addition of one unexpected ingredient - cream. They will give the seasoning a softer flavor.
- Horseradish root - 1, 2 kg
- Water - 250 ml
- Salt - 1 tablespoon
- Sugar - 1 tablespoon
- Vinegar 9% - 80 ml
- Cream - 100 ml
Step-by-step preparation of horseradish with cream for the winter:
- We wash the roots under running water, carefully removing the remnants of the earth, and peel them.
- Cut into washers and twist in a meat grinder. To protect eyes from vigorous fumes, put a plastic bag on it.
- Add cream to the resulting mass, cover with a lid and leave it there for a while.
- In the meantime, let's prepare the brine. To do this, boil water, add sugar and salt to it, and then vinegar.
- Fill the horseradish appetizer with the resulting marinade for the winter and mix quickly.
- It remains to pack the seasoning in small jars, which must first be sterilized, and twist tightly.
- We send for storage in a cool place, for example, a refrigerator.
Note! If you do not like vigorous seasonings, before cooking, you can soak the peeled roots in water and soak for a day.
Classic horseradish with vinegar for the winter

A traditional recipe for spicy horseradish seasoning for the winter with jellied meat, aspic, meat dishes or just for sandwiches. It also makes excellent sauces, they can even be added to salads and some soups.
- Horseradish - 500 g
- Water - 400 ml
- Vinegar 9% - 200 ml
- Sugar - 50 g
- Salt - 20 g
Step-by-step preparation of classic horseradish with vinegar for the winter:
- We clean the thoroughly washed roots from the remnants of the earth and peel and, if desired, soak for a day so that the seasoning turns out to be soft.
- To protect the mucous membrane of the eyes, put a bag on the meat grinder and twist the prepared horseradish root. Better to do it 2 times. You can also use a blender or food processor to grind raw materials.
- Next, dilute sugar and salt in water, pour in vinegar.
- Pour grated horseradish with the resulting marinade for the winter and mix thoroughly.
- Put the seasoning in small sterile jars and seal tightly with lids, which should also be pre-steamed.
- We remove containers with delicious horseradish for the winter in a cool place - a cellar or refrigerator.
Horseradish with lemon for the winter

You can prepare homemade horseradish for the winter with the addition of lemon. Before serving, it is recommended to mix the seasoning with sour cream. Great for accompanying pork or brisket.
- Horseradish root - 300 g
- Salt - 1 tsp
- Sugar - 1 tsp
- Lemon - 1 pc.
- Water - 1 tbsp.
Step by step cooking horseradish with lemon for the winter:
- Peel the thoroughly washed roots and fill them with water to prevent darkening.
- Prepared raw materials need to be twisted into a meat grinder or chopped using a food processor, after cutting into strips.
- At the next stage of preparing horseradish for the winter, it is necessary to make a marinade step by step. Pour boiling water over sugar and salt, stir until the ingredients are dissolved.
- Add it to the vegetable stock.
- Further, according to the horseradish recipe for the winter at home, you should squeeze the juice from the lemon and pour it there.
- Stir the seasoning and let sit for a while.
- After 10-15 minutes, fill small jars with a snack, which must first be sterilized.
- Add more lemon juice to each container and cover with lids.
- Send the workpiece to the refrigerator.
Horseradish with garlic for the winter

You can prepare horseradish for the winter in different ways, but lovers of hot seasonings are advised to pay attention to the recipe with the addition of garlic. The sauce can be served not only with meat dishes or jellied meat, but also added to salads or soup.
- Horseradish - 200 g
- Garlic - 5-7 cloves
- Salt - 0.5 tsp
- Sugar - 1 tsp
- Water - 0.5 tbsp.
Step by step cooking horseradish with garlic for the winter:
- First of all, the roots should be thoroughly washed from the remnants of the earth, peeled and cut to make them easier to grind.
- Twist the horseradish in a meat grinder. Or you can use a blender.
- Pour some water into the resulting mass.
- Peel the garlic, chop and add to the seasoning.
- Grind the whole mass again to get a mixture of a more delicate consistency.
- Further, according to the recipe for horseradish with garlic for the winter, add sugar and salt. If necessary, pour in water and grind again with a blender.
- We fill jars with snacks, which should first be sterilized.
- We tighten the containers with lids and put them in the refrigerator.
Horseradish with apples for the winter

The original version of the seasoning with the addition of apples. The sauce is equally good for serving jellies, jellies, meat dishes and even lightly salted fish. It is also used in the preparation of certain types of soups.
- Apples - 2 pcs.
- Horseradish root - 30-50 g
- Garlic - optional
- Salt - 1-2 pinches
- Sugar to taste
- Vinegar 9% - 1 tsp
Step by step cooking horseradish with apples for the winter:
- Peeled apples should be boiled or baked in the oven. They can also be warmed up in the microwave. The juice that comes out during cooking must be drained.
- Before preparing horseradish for the winter, peel the washed roots and cut them into washers.
- We twist them in a meat grinder or grind them in a blender.
- Peel the garlic and grind it in a mortar.
- We put together all the ingredients.
- Purée the mass again using the hand blender.
- Pour sugar and salt into the resulting mixture, adjusting their amount to your liking.
- Mix apple juice with vinegar, pour liquid into seasoning and stir.
- Fill small jars with the blank after sterilizing them.
- Cap and store in a cool place.
Horseradish with cranberries for the winter

The most original horseradish sauce with a spicy-sweet taste with a pleasant sourness thanks to the use of cranberries and honey. It goes well not only with jellies and meat dishes, but also complements fish well.
- Horseradish - 150 g
- Cranberries - 150 g
- Honey - 1 tsp
Step-by-step preparation of horseradish with cranberries for the winter:
- Peel the thoroughly washed roots and cut into washers.
- We twist them through a meat grinder or grind them with a blender.
- We wash the cranberries under running water or blanch.
- Add the berry to the horseradish, pour in a little water and chop it again.
- Introduce honey into the resulting mass.
- Grind the seasoning again with a blender if you want a sauce that has a more uniform texture.
- In the next step, according to the horseradish recipe for the winter, step by step, adjust the taste by adding honey.
- Pack the prepared sauce into small jars, which should be sterilized first.
Custard horseradish with chili and beetroot juice for the winter

Horseradish brewed with boiling water turns out to be very tasty, with a delicate taste. If you like hot spices, don't forget to add chili peppers. And thanks to the use of beetroot juice, the sauce comes out not only incredibly appetizing, but also bright.
- Horseradish - 400 g
- Beets - 1 pc.
- Salt - 0.5 tsp
- Sugar - 2 tsp
- Vinegar 9% - 1 tsp
- Chile - 1 pc.
- Boiling water - 120 ml
Step-by-step preparation of chilli and beetroot choux for the winter:
- Peel the thoroughly washed beets and squeeze the juice out of them using a juicer.
- We wash the horseradish, remove the skin, cut into washers and twist it through a meat grinder.
- We remove the seeds from the chili and grind it too.
- Pour horseradish with boiling water and wait for it to brew and swell.
- Pour a little beet juice into the resulting mass, given that the seasoning should not turn out to be liquid. It is worth focusing on the consistency of thick sour cream.
- At the next stage of preparing horseradish through a meat grinder for the winter, add vinegar and mix thoroughly.
- It remains to pack the snack in pre-sterilized small jars and tightly close the lids.
- Store the workpiece in a cool place.
Horseradish with sour cream and dill for the winter

An excellent alternative to the usual mayonnaise and ketchup if you are pretty tired of the standard sauces. Suitable for accompanying various meat dishes and jellies. Such horseradish is prepared for the winter without cooking, which is why the seasoning retains all the useful substances. And to adjust the degree of pungency, you just need to change the amount of sour cream.
- Horseradish - 50 g
- Sour cream (20 or 25%) - 100 g
- Dill - to taste
- Salt to taste
Step by step cooking horseradish with sour cream and dill for the winter:
- We cut the washed and peeled roots with washers to facilitate subsequent chopping.
- We twist the horseradish in a meat grinder. You can also use a blender or food processor for this purpose. As a last resort, grind it with a grater.
- At the next stage of cooking vigorous seasoning, wash, dry and finely chop the dill.
- Mix chopped horseradish and herbs.
- Add sour cream to them and mix thoroughly until the mass becomes homogeneous.
- Salt the seasoning, focusing on your own taste, and mix again.
- It remains to pack the sauce in small jars, remembering to sterilize them in advance.
- We close them with lids and put them in the refrigerator for storage.
Horseradish with carrots and apples for the winter

There are many recipes for making a vigorous horseradish seasoning for the winter with or without cooking, but you can also make a very tasty salad based on it. If you like savory snacks, use equal amounts of the main ingredients.
- Horseradish - 300 g
- Sour apples - 300 g
- Carrots - 300 g
- Water - 1 l
- Salt - 2 tablespoons
- Sugar - 4 tablespoons
Step by step cooking horseradish with carrots and apples for the winter:
- Peel the carefully washed carrots and grind them into a grater with large cells.
- Wash apples, cut into quarters and remove the seed box. Grind them with a grater.
- We wash the horseradish, remove the skin from it, cut into washers and pass it through a meat grinder.
- Mix the ingredients together and fill the small jars.
- Meanwhile, we make a marinade by dissolving sugar and salt in boiling water.
- Fill them with seasoning containers, without waiting until it cools down.
- Shake the jars so that there is no air left, and set to pasteurize for half an hour.
- After the indicated time, we roll them up with lids.
Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic for the winter

Horseradish horseradish for the winter is a traditional Russian dressing that is used for side dishes, meat, fish, and poultry. Also, such an appetizer is used to accompany dumplings and manti. The sauce turns out to be very aromatic and appetizing, and many love it so much that they eat it, simply spreading it on bread. The pungency of horseradish can be adjusted depending on your taste preferences by increasing or decreasing the amount of horseradish.
- Tomatoes - 1 kg
- Horseradish - 100 g
- Garlic - 5 cloves
- Sugar - 2 tsp
- Salt - 2 tsp
- Chili pepper - 1 pod
Step by step cooking horseradish with tomatoes and garlic:
- Cut the carefully washed tomatoes into pieces. If their skin is thick, the tomatoes should be doused with boiling water and removed so as not to spoil the taste of the sauce. Grind them using a blender.
- We clean the garlic and grind it in a mortar.
- We wash the horseradish roots, peel them, cut them into washers and twist them through a meat grinder. You can also grind them with a blender.
- Combine the prepared ingredients together and add the pre-chopped hot pepper to it. If you want the seasoning to be hot, do not remove the seeds from the chili.
- Next, add sugar to horseradish with tomatoes and garlic for the winter and salt the mass.
- We send the seasoning to the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes, making the fire slow. If you want to make a thick sauce, cook for longer until the excess liquid evaporates.
- We sterilize small jars by heating in the oven and fill them with a hot piece.
- We seal the cans, wait for them to cool down, and put them in a cool place.
Pickled horseradish with bell pepper for the winter

Another horseradish recipe that cooks faster than the classic tomato-based sauce, because it uses ready-made tomato paste.
- Horseradish - 1 kg
- Bulgarian pepper - 0.5 kg
- Chili pepper - 200 g
- Tomato paste - 400 g
- Vegetable oil - 200 g
- Sugar - 1 tbsp.
- Salt - 1 tablespoon
- Vinegar 9% - 100 ml
Step-by-step preparation of pickled horseradish with bell pepper for the winter:
- We clean the thoroughly washed sweet peppers from the stalks and seeds, cut into several parts and grind with a blender.
- We wash the horseradish roots, remove the skin from it, cut into washers and scroll through a meat grinder.
- Combine the ingredients and add the tomato paste.
- We boil the resulting mass for 10 minutes.
- Next, grind the chili and send it to the rest of the ingredients.
- At the next stage of cooking pickled horseradish for the winter with bell pepper, add sugar and vinegar to the seasoning, salt to taste.
- Stir the appetizer and fill small jars, which should be sterilized first.
- Seal tightly and store.
Horseradish with walnuts for the winter

There are many ways to make horseradish sauces, and walnuts can be added to give the seasoning an original flavor.
- Horseradish - 400 g
- Water - 1 tbsp.
- Apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp
- Salt - 1 tsp
- Sugar - 1 tsp
- Walnuts - 4-5 tbsp
Step by step cooking horseradish with walnuts for the winter:
- We clean the washed roots from the skin, cut into washers and twist through a meat grinder. You can also use a blender for this purpose.
- We peel the walnuts, grind and send them to horseradish.
- Pour in water and twist again.
- Pour sugar and salt into the seasoning.
- Pour in vinegar and fill pre-sterilized small jars with snacks.
- We seal and send to a cold place.