How to cook an airy omelet with sour cream in a frying pan with minced meat at home? Combinations of ingredients, nutritious food and low calorie content. Step by step recipe with photo and video recipe.

If you do not know what satisfying and tasty food for your family for breakfast? And as you know, breakfast should be nutritious in order to have enough strength and energy for the whole working day. Here such a dish as an omelet will come to the rescue. Usually it is prepared with milk, but I will add sour cream instead of milk. Thanks to sour cream, it turns out to be satisfying and especially tender, lush, juicy. In addition, my recipe is supplemented with minced meat, thanks to which the omelet will become more satisfying. Such a dish will definitely be an excellent start to a working day for the whole family and will charge you with vivacity for the whole day! And, undoubtedly, it will please both adults and children.
I recommend all housewives to use my simple recipe and cook a very tender omelet with sour cream and minced meat, fried in a pan. This is one of the easiest and quickest omelet options to prepare. And the necessary products are available for every family budget. In addition, such an omelet can be taken with you on the road, to work, or given to children to school. You can generally make this dish in advance, and just warm it up in the morning.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 192 kcal.
- Servings - 1
- Cooking time - 20 minutes

- Eggs - 2 pcs.
- Minced meat - 2 tablespoons (I have pre-fried)
- Salt - 1/3 tsp or to taste
- Sour cream - 2 tablespoons
- Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon for frying
- Ground black pepper - to taste
Step-by-step cooking of an omelet with sour cream in a pan with minced meat:

1. First of all, put the pan on a small fire to heat up. Lubricate the bottom of the skillet with vegetable oil. You can, of course, use butter, then the omelet will acquire a very delicate taste. Choose a small pan diameter - about 18 cm. In a small pan, the omelet retains its shape better, turns well and does not disintegrate when removed. But, if you are going to cut it into pieces, then a frying pan of any size will do.
Then rinse the chicken eggs under running cold water and dry with paper towels. It is important to use fresh eggs, then the omelet will turn out to be not only satisfying, but also very healthy and nutritious.
Break the eggs into a deep container (plate, cup), salt and add sour cream.
The main difference between this omelet and the classic version is the replacement of milk, as a traditional ingredient, with sour cream. It is this feature that makes it incredibly lush, airy and delicate. At the same time, you can take sour cream of any fat content from 10% to 30% fat content. The fatter it is, the more high-calorie your omelet will be.

2. Beat everything well with a hand whisk or mixer until smooth, fluffy foam and bubbles form on the surface. If desired, you can add your favorite seasonings to the egg mixture (dried oregano, marjoram, a mixture of Provencal herbs, etc.).

3. Pour the dough into the hot pan, filling the entire surface evenly. Cover it with a lid and simmer heat.

4. After 2 minutes, the edges of the omelet will brown a little, and the bottom will seize with a golden brown crust. When this happens and the liquid component begins to thicken slightly, put the minced meat on top of the omelet. If the omelet is falling apart, it means that too much sour cream has been added or it has a liquid consistency. Then, as they say, "the first pancake is lumpy," and the next time reduce its amount. In general, stick to these standards: for each egg of a standard size, take 1 tablespoon. (without a slide) sour cream of any fat content.
Place the minced meat on only one side of the round tortilla. You can use any minced meat, I had a mixed one - from chicken and pork. I previously fried it with onions. You can also boil the meat in advance and twist it along with the fried onions. You can add any spices and herbs to the minced meat: paprika, onions, herbs. If desired, you can replace minced meat with sausages cut into small cubes.

5. Fold over the free edge of the omelet and cover the filling with it. You will have a cheburek-shaped omelet. Continue cooking the omelet, covered over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Depending on the size of the omelet, the average cooking time for 2 eggs is usually up to 7 minutes. If you cook an omelet over high heat, then there is a risk that it will not be baked to the end.

6. After the omelet rises and the bottom is well baked, the omelet can be removed from the stove. If you wish, you can gently turn it over to the other side again if it seems to you that it has not acquired enough golden hue.
You can sprinkle the finished simple omelet on sour cream in a pan with minced meat with grated Parmesan or other cheese, or decorate with fresh chopped herbs. Serve in a skillet or place directly on a plate.
If you have a slow cooker, you can cook an omelet in it using the "Bake" mode. Turn on this mode, grease the multicooker pan with vegetable oil and add the egg mixture. After 3-5 minutes, add the minced meat, tuck the omelette and cook until the beep, setting the timer for 10 minutes.