Diet rules and menus for weight loss

Diet rules and menus for weight loss
Diet rules and menus for weight loss

What are the differences between the weight loss system for men and women? Which foods contribute to weight loss, and which ones are stored by extra pounds? Principles of menu formation, results and feedback on the diet for men.

A diet for men is the principle of nutrition, in which the diet is built in such a way that the body gives up unclaimed reserves of energy reserves. In men, as a rule, excess adipose tissue forms in the abdomen. It is formed due to an excess of fatty and carbohydrate foods in the diet. Nutritionists emphasize that high-carbohydrate foods are more harmful for men, while fatty foods are for women. Therefore, in the formation of the nutritional system of the representatives of the strong half, such an indicator as the glycemic index, which divides carbohydrates into fast and slow, is taken as a basis.

Features and rules of the diet for men

Slimming diet for men
Slimming diet for men

It is a mistake to believe that the physiological differences between a man and a woman are only in the different structure and principle of the functioning of the reproductive system. In fact, there are a lot of physiological differences, in particular, completely different metabolism, as a result of which muscle and adipose tissue are formed in different ways. Hence, the opposite approaches to the system of weight loss.

For example, in women, regular physical activity is fundamental in the struggle for a good figure, not only involving high activity at work and at home, but also involving regular sports. While for men for weight loss, diet comes first. Only due to physical exertion alone, even very strong, both professional and sports, it will not be possible to reduce weight. You need to start by putting in order the power system.

And here again it is worth mentioning the difference, since the principles of selection of foods for diets for the stronger and weaker sex are significantly different. This is due to the fact that low-calorie diets, which are often followed by women, negatively affect both the physical and psycho-emotional state of men, and also lower testosterone levels, which leads to hormonal imbalance, decreased libido, and lack of male strength.

Therefore, speaking about the appointment of a diet for losing weight in the abdomen for men, it is necessary to take as a basis not a decrease in calorie content, but a correction of the diet according to the glycemic index. This suggests that the food consumed by men should be moderately high in calories, but at the same time contain a reduced amount of carbohydrates.

The glycemic index is a measure of how quickly the sugar in food is absorbed and causes the blood sugar to rise. This theory was recognized at the beginning of its existence to help diabetics, but today it is fundamental in the work of many nutritionists. Foods that have a low glycemic index are called complex carbohydrates because they are gradually absorbed and energize the body gradually as well. Thanks to this, an effective fight against hunger occurs. That is why they should be the basis for the dietary menu of men.

While foods with a high index are called fast carbohydrates. They are instantly absorbed and, therefore, when oversupplied, cause the development of adipose tissue. Most often, this type of food is deposited in the lower abdomen, creating a large fat layer. It is noteworthy that in this place fats are deposited more often in men. The body uses the calorie content and energy value of food products for current energy needs, replenishes glycogen in muscle tissues with their help and forms reserve reserves. In men, most of the energy reserves are stored in the fatty deposits of the abdomen. In women, fast carbohydrates are deposited on the back, thighs, buttocks, below the forearms.

This explains the fact that the menus of a diet for weight loss should contain as little fast carbohydrates as possible, and be based on foods with a low glycemic index, since they do not oversaturate the body with excess energy and do not cause hunger for a long time.

    Results and reviews on the diet for men

    Diet results for men
    Diet results for men

    Excess weight is one of the hottest topics discussed on many specialized forums and sites. On the Internet, you can find a large number of reviews on the topic of diets for men. In general, opinions boil down to the fact that if you follow the correct diet, the result will be visible almost always. If it is not observed, it means that the nutritional scheme is incorrectly built or there are diseases that inhibit this process.

    At the same time, commentators point out that the process of losing weight, unfortunately, is not fast. On average, men lose their first kilograms only after a few weeks of proper nutrition. Stable weight loss is observed over several months. And in the event that the weight stops and does not want to continue to decrease, this can serve as a signal that now sports activities should also be connected to the diet.

    Men who have managed to lose weight using the program described above share not only advice, but also talk about the difficulties they had to face.

    Vladimir, 34 years old, Moscow

    Overweight is probably a problem for most office workers. Unfortunately, our office center does not have a full-fledged dining room, there are only small cafes and buffets. Constant snacks, lack of hot food, along with a sedentary lifestyle and a large professional workload led me to a weight of 130 kg at the age of 30. When I turned to a therapist for help with headaches, palpitations and dizziness, she said that treatment should start with weight loss. And she recommended that the new diet be built around foods containing the so-called slow carbohydrates. That is, slowly giving back sugar to the body and thus gradually saturating with energy. This is a special diet for men. I admit, it was difficult for me to follow such a diet. Not so much because the food was not tasty, but because of the need to take food with you to work. A man who comes to the office with a small basket is an excuse for jokes and teasing. But given that my life was at stake, since I was not just already fighting overweight, but with obesity, I had to endure everything. In a year I managed to lose 40 kg. When I lost my first two dozen, I started to gradually introduce sports training. Thus, I managed to avoid sagging skin.

    Nikita Dmitrievich, 52 years old, Rostov

    When I was young, I went in for sports, was always in shape and was very popular with women. When he got married and had children, there was no time for training. And the power supply system has changed. My wife cooked a lot, delicious and satisfying. As a result, over 15 years of family life, I have significantly recovered. Frankly, she got better too. The decision to go on a diet was made together. But no matter how hard they tried, she succeeded, but I couldn't. My wife even thought that I was secretly eating in the cafeteria at work. This situation offended me. I studied recipes for the diet of men, but nothing worked. Therefore, I turned to a nutritionist who spoke about the difference between weight loss systems in men and women. He helped me put together a monthly menu based on the glycemic index of foods. Already at the end of the first month of using this diet, I lost 6 kg. For the next couple of months, I steadily lost another 3-4 kg. As a result, having reached a comfortable weight for me, I slightly expanded the menu, introducing into it some, albeit harmful, but very favorite foods. As a result, I manage to maintain a stable weight, and with it came a feeling of energy, I began to feel better after sleep and less tired at work.

    Yaroslav, 39 years old, St. Petersburg

    After reading a lot on the Internet about a diet based on the correct use of fast and slow carbohydrates, I very zealously took up this theory. But no matter how much I sat on such a diet, there was no particular effect. Then my friends advised me to go to the doctor and check if everything is in order with my metabolism and work of the gastrointestinal tract. Indeed, it turned out that there are some problems in the digestive tract, in particular the intestines. As soon as I normalized the intestinal flora and adjusted metabolic processes, the diet for men from the abdomen immediately gave its results.

    Watch a video about a weight loss diet for men:

    Any diet aimed at weight loss should be focused on a specific person and formulated based on his gender, age and health status. Only then will it give positive results, heal the body and help improve the quality of life.
