Pectoral anatomy

Pectoral anatomy
Pectoral anatomy

In order to correctly draw up your training plan, a bodybuilder must know the anatomical structure of muscles and their functional characteristics. The muscle fibers of the breast are unique in their physiological processes and genetic predisposition to development and growth. Bodybuilding and any other sport oblige you to master, at least in general terms, knowledge about the structure and functional purpose of the main muscles of a person. This anatomical knowledge is necessary in order to most effectively draw up and adjust training programs, have an idea of which muscles will be included in the work in a particular exercise, and monitor the correctness of the technique for their implementation.

Throughout all the centuries, it is an elastic, well-formed breast that was considered and is considered to this day a symbol of reliable protection, heroism and courage. Some argue that the hallmark of a bodybuilder is not a huge biceps, but a powerful chest. Therefore, in weightlifting sports, the chest muscles are given special attention.

Anatomical atlas of the pectoral muscles

The pectoral muscles are a fairly large and large junction of muscle groups located on the outer chest region.

The muscles of the chest are divided into two separate large structures:

  1. Muscles related to the shoulder.
  2. Own chest muscles. They are located in the intercostal spaces and are responsible for the contraction of the diaphragm.

Consider in detail all the muscles of the chest

Consider in detail all the muscles of the chest
Consider in detail all the muscles of the chest
  1. Pectoralis major muscle - the most massive muscle, which is similar in shape to a triangle and occupies most of the anterior chest (90%). The main features of the muscle are its flat and paired structure, due to which the maximum development of hypertrophy of the muscle group occurs. The main functions of the pectoralis major muscle are to lower the raised arm and bring it to the body with counterclockwise rotation (pronation), as well as flexion of the shoulder with a fixed body and a free arm.
  2. Pectoralis minor has the outline of a flat triangle. It is located under the pectoralis major muscle, so it does not have much effect on the overall size of the breast. The origin of the pectoralis minor muscle takes place in the thighs and is attached to the coracoid process of the scapula. The function of this pectoral muscle is insignificant - pulling the scapula forward and downward with its contraction and duplicating the work of the pectoralis major muscle.
  3. Serratus anterior muscle located on the lateral part of the chest, it starts from the upper ribs and is attached to the middle border of the shoulder blades. The muscle pulls the scapula forward and in parallel ensures its stable position in relation to the chest. The front cog is involved in almost all exercises for the chest muscles, but receives the greatest load during the bench press.
  4. Subclavian muscle, which takes the form of a narrow strand (septum), is located in the region of the clavicle and cartilage of the first rib. It pulls the collarbone downward and reinforces the sternoclavicular joint.
  5. Intercostal muscles are of two types: internal and external. They originate from different edges of the ribs and provide a normal inhalation-exhalation process. The subcostal muscles lie on the inner surface of the lower ribs. Their muscle bundles, although they have the same direction of fibers as with the intercostal muscles, but, unlike the latter, are uneven and more rare (they are thrown over one or two ribs).

It is also customary to refer to the pectoral muscles as the diaphragm and the abdominal septum, which are actively involved in breathing processes. An increase in intra-abdominal pressure with contraction of the abdominal and diaphragm muscles is a common physiological characteristic that must be considered when working with heavy weights.

Why do chest muscles grow?

Pectoral anatomy
Pectoral anatomy

To stimulate the growth of the pectoral muscles, it is not necessary to "kill" them at every workout with countless approaches and repetitions. In contrast, the systematic overload of muscle fibers will lead to overtraining and athletic plateaus. No need to wonder later why there are no good results.

Also, a common mistake of athletes is obsession with the same exercises. The specificity of the structure of the pectoral muscles is such that their fibers are directed in different directions at different angles, that is, the training should be varied, taking into account both basic and isolated exercises. Experimenting regularly to find the best exercises through natural selection will help you find the exercises that are effective for a particular athlete.

Any training program should include a varied and regularly changing plan. In most targeted exercises, the chest muscles work in a coherent, unified, holistic system.

Almost any exercise with iron is aimed at working out an entire muscle group, and not using one single one. The focus of the exercise on the upper or lower beam occurs only in terms of emphasizing the load.

Modern athletes are constantly looking for new effective solutions that will develop the desired muscle group and not use the rest. For example, when bench press bodybuilders are able to "turn off" the work of the triceps and use only the pectoral muscles. But this technique obliges you to completely "immerse yourself" in the workout and feel your muscles at an intuitive level.

When training pectoral muscles, it is very important not to forget about their building material - protein nutrition, which is no less part of the formula for the success of a beautiful breast.

Video about pectoral muscles:
