Leg muscles anatomy

Leg muscles anatomy
Leg muscles anatomy

Before you start training your lower body, you need to study the anatomy of the legs. Thanks to this, you will learn how to properly feel and contract muscle fibers, triggering muscle hypertrophy. The surface anatomical atlas of the muscles of the human body is taught in grades 8-9. People who have come to the world of bodybuilding and bodybuilding are puzzled in detail by the study of the structure of muscles, be it a beginner athlete, a practicing trainer or an advanced "jock". Indeed, without anatomical knowledge of the principle of the work of muscle groups, it is impossible to choose the right exercises for heavy weight training.

The muscles of the lower body are the largest muscle group, accounting for more than half of the muscles in the entire body. Their condition and tone largely determine human health.

The anatomical "structure" of the leg muscles is conventionally divided as follows:

  1. gluteal muscle group;
  2. quads (front of the thigh);
  3. muscle group of the back of the thigh;
  4. calf muscle group.


Buttocks - muscles
Buttocks - muscles

The development of the fifth point has always been and will remain an object of admiration for the opposite sex. But besides the object of bodily beauty and aesthetics, the gluteal muscles should be an inseparable part of the pumped up muscles of the body. Without developed buttocks, it will be impossible to boast of a strong back, elastic beautiful legs, or competitive strength indicators in fitness.

  • The gluteus maximus is the largest and thickest muscle in the structure of the human body. The appearance (not roundness, but "fleshiness") of the priests depends on its thickness. The muscle performs a number of important functions, the main ones of which are extension and rotation of the hip, extension and fixation of the trunk.
  • The gluteus medius is the external pelvic muscle. Among the main functions that it performs are leading the legs forward and backward, stabilizing the body during extension. The best exercise for pumping the bundles of this muscle is the weighted squat.
  • The small gluteus, like the middle, is located in the upper region of the buttocks and is largely overlapped by the main gluteus. Abduction of the leg to the side is the function for which this muscle is responsible, respectively, and isolated exercises of the leg abduction load the gluteus minimus most of all.

Front of the thigh: quads

Front of the thigh - quads
Front of the thigh - quads

In the photo, the muscles of the legs - quadriceps Units are naturally gifted with slender attractive hips, the rest have to regularly hone the beauty of their legs with exercises with weights. To achieve ideal proportions, you need to know the anatomical structure of the muscles. The front part, and a piece of the lateral surface of the thigh, is occupied by the quadriceps muscle of the thigh (quadriceps). All four heads are considered as independent muscles:

  • The rectus muscle covers most of the other three heads and of all the muscle bundles, the quadriceps is the longest.
  • The lateral broad muscle is practically the entire anterolateral outer surface of the thigh. In front, it is hidden behind the rectus femoris muscle, and from above it is almost invisible behind the straining fascia wide.
  • The intermediate broad muscle is "crowded" between the rest of the muscles, its development is always lagging behind in the quadriceps.
  • The vastus medialis muscle runs along the inner lower thigh. Its location is fixed on the anterior and medial regions of the lower half of the thigh.

Classic squats, bulgarian squats, abduction squats are just some of the quads of your dreams. Sport makes muscles prominent and elastic, flabbiness and excess fat disappear.

Thigh - back view

Muscles of the legs and buttocks - back view
Muscles of the legs and buttocks - back view

In the photo, the muscles of the legs and buttocks - rear view The back of the thigh is the place where the most cellulite accumulates in women and defects appear in men. Her training will not only tone the muscles, but reduce the likelihood of developing problems with ligaments and joints.

The muscle fibers of the back of the thigh are composed of:

  • Biceps femoris. The hamstring is located laterally on the back of the leg.
  • The semitendinosus muscle, which begins alongside the long head of the hamstring from the ischial tuberosity.
  • Semi-membranous muscle, starting from the ischial tuberosity. She turns the lower leg inward and extends the hip at the hip joint with the knee joint extended.

The dorsum of the adductor thigh muscle conscientiously performs its auxiliary role. Together with the short head of the biceps, it works to flex the knee (pulling the heel towards the buttocks) and harden it back as you walk and run.

Calf muscles

Calf muscles
Calf muscles

The muscles of the lower leg include:

  • The gastrocnemius muscle, formed by the medial and lateral heads, which connect in the lower leg and pass into the heel bone.
  • Flounder muscle. It is mainly composed of slow-twitch muscle fibers, which are inferior to the strength of the fast-twitch ones, but have great endurance.
  • The plantar is a small muscle with a long tendon. Some people don't have it at all.
  • The tibialis anterior muscle originates from the tibia. She is responsible for the extension and supination of the foot.

The calf muscles are the division that carries out the function of holding and transferring the weight of the whole body. The muscles also take on "responsibility" for the toe raises and plantar flexion at the ankle, and the calf muscle is also involved in knee flexion.

All the pros and cons in leg training

A very common problem for newcomers to the world of heavy sports is undeveloped legs. Most young bodybuilders and bodybuilders focus on training "beach" body parts - abs, chest, arms. While the importance of "foot day" for professional athletes is above all.

Pros of leg workout:

  • the human body always strives for symmetry, therefore, pumping the legs will enhance the progress of increasing the torso;
  • aesthetics - beautiful rounded shapes and proportionally developed body;
  • good release of testosterone, which contributes to increased progress;
  • the center of gravity is lowered and stability is improved.

Among the disadvantages of leg training can be distinguished

only the risk of joint injuries. But these are "possible" problems, and not necessarily people who regularly load their knees are at risk. There is also a chance to miss the growth of bones in length, this disadvantage is mainly for young guys under 20, who are still actively growing.

Read about exercises for pumping up legs:

  • hook squats
  • bench press
  • squats

To pump up the muscles of the legs, you need not only ambition and desires, but at least approximate knowledge of where it grows from. Then constant physical activity on the muscles of the legs will be compiled correctly and will have a beneficial effect on increasing strength, performance and growth of muscle volume.

Video about the physiology of muscles, how they work:

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