How to remove iron stains - the best ways

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How to remove iron stains - the best ways
How to remove iron stains - the best ways

How to remove iron stains? From what they arise and the methods of their removal with the help of improvised means. How can I prevent iron marks from forming? Video tips. During ironing, many were faced with the fact that traces remain on things from the iron, which are very difficult to remove on their own at home. Therefore, the question arises before the hostess of how to save clothes and effectively get rid of such burn marks. Consider in this article how to quickly eliminate stains with the help of available tools.

What causes iron stains?

Iron stain on your shirt
Iron stain on your shirt

From the iron, yellowish or shiny white spots remain, they are noticeable on dark clothes, and they appear on things both on natural and synthetic fabrics. There may be several reasons for this:

  1. Incorrectly set ironing mode.
  2. Susceptibility of fabric to high temperatures, especially natural yarns.
  3. Breakage and malfunction of the iron.

How to remove iron stains with improvised means?

Guy in a shirt with an iron stain
Guy in a shirt with an iron stain

Some stains are removed by washing with detergent or laundry soap. But if you cannot remove the burn with this method, then you can use the means at hand. In this case, before using any solution, first conduct a test and test it on the seam on the seamy side of the product. As some fabrics can be irreparably damaged. If the fabric changes color or deforms, then do not use this recipe.

Liquid detergent

Rinse the clothes in clean water. Rub the detergent into the stain with your fingers and let it sit for 10 minutes. Then wash your clothes in the washing machine, choosing the recommended washing mode printed on the product label. If a liquid is not available, use a powder diluted in water.

Bleach or bleach

Use bleach and bleach, having previously read the instructions on the packaging, and also take into account the specifics of the fabric. Dilute bleach (1 tsp) in water (1 l). Soak a cotton swab with the solution and rub it on the soiled area. Then rinse the thing in cool water. These products are suitable for white cotton and linen fabrics. But if the fabric is badly burnt, then the solution will destroy it even more.

Hydrogen peroxide or 10% ammonia

Moisten a piece of gauze with hydrogen peroxide or ammonia and put it on the tan. Put a piece of dry gauze on top and iron on top of it with a slightly heated iron or dry with a hair dryer. Under the influence of heat, the peroxide (alcohol) will heat up, penetrate the fibers and wash out the stain. Peroxide (alcohol) will dry out during ironing, so periodically dampen the cloth with it. This method will remove stains from natural white fabrics: linen, cotton.

Lemon juice or vinegar solution

Squeeze lemon juice or vinegar solution onto the trail. Do not use wine or apple cider vinegar, they will ruin the item even more. Immerse the product in hot water for half an hour, then rinse in cold water and squeeze. This method is used for white, dyed and black fabrics. Especially it will help remove fresh stains and shine on synthetic material made from bulky fibers. But it is not suitable for things that are afraid of bleach: wool, silk.

Milk or curdled milk

Soak the spoiled item in milk or yogurt for several hours. When the tan marks have disappeared, rinse the clothes and wash them with powder. Take skim milk and yogurt so that you don't have to remove fat stains afterwards. This method is suitable for light spots, and it will also remove shiny tan marks well.

Boric acid

Rub the mark on the product with a cotton swab dipped in boric acid. When the stain is discolored, wash the clothes with the powder in warm water. The method will clean iron marks on white clothes.


Wet the tan mark with cold water and sprinkle fine salt on it. Dry it in the sun or at room temperature. Then clean this place with a brush and rinse the item in warm water. The salt is suitable for any type of fabric.


Take half an onion or gruel of a grated onion. Rub the damaged area and leave for 15 minutes to absorb the juice. Afterwards, rinse the clothes in cold water and wash in the washing machine. clothes will smell like onions. This method is suitable for colored natural and synthetic clothing.

Shaver or lint remover

This mechanical method is applied to thick garments. Use a razor or lint remover to gently shave off the top layer of fibers from the tanned part. The place, of course, will become thinner, but it will remain even and without defects.

How can I prevent iron stains?

Ironing process
Ironing process

It is better not to resort to the above measures and not to remove stains, but to eliminate their appearance. There are a few simple rules for this.

  1. Check the soleplate before ironing. It must be clean and free of contamination. If there is plaque, first wipe it off from a cold iron using a soft cloth.
  2. Before ironing, look at the label sewn on the wrong side of the garment. It contains information about the temperature regime. Set the correct ironing mode according to it.
  3. Iron from the wrong side, and woolen and knitted fabrics through cheesecloth.
  4. If the fabric allows, then use the steaming mode.

If there are too obvious stains on the fabric, it will be impossible to remove them with anything. Then mask the damaged area by sewing an applique or embroidery on top of it. But if the tan did not severely damage the structure of the fabric, then feel free to use the folk methods given in the article. And also watch the video below, which describes in detail how to deal with such burn marks.

Video - how to remove iron marks from clothes:
