A visit to a bath is a common type of relaxation, hardening and healing of the body. However, bathing procedures can be harmful if you do not adhere to certain rules. Content:
Health benefits of the bath
- For skin
- For the musculoskeletal system
- For the respiratory system
- For the nervous system
- Contraindications to visit
- Preparation for procedures
Bath rules
- Generally accepted rules
- Russian bath traditions
- Relax in a Turkish bath
- Public bath behavior
A visit to the bathhouse for many people is a traditional vacation that allows you to recuperate, relax from the stress of hard everyday life, cheer up and stay in good shape all the time. However, in this capacity, the bath is not suitable for every person. Along with the many benefits, useful properties of bath procedures, a visit can also bring harm to the body.
Health benefits of the bath
The benefits of visiting the baths lie in stimulating metabolic processes in the body. The healing properties of the steam room concern all systems of the human body, from the skin to the nervous system. If there are no objective reasons for refusing bath procedures, then be sure to check for yourself all their benefits.
The benefits of bath procedures for the skin

First of all, the effect of high humidity and temperature contrast helps to cleanse and moisturize the skin, increases its elasticity, and also normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, which directly affects the appearance of the skin. At the same time, the effectiveness of various cosmetic procedures, for example, peeling, increases many times over.
For a bath exfoliation, use melted honey mixed with sea salt. Such procedures help fight stretch marks, folds and cellulite.
The effect of rejuvenation is achieved by expanding blood vessels, improving blood circulation and subsequent acceleration of metabolic processes in the body. Thus, the body loses toxins more intensively.
The benefits of visiting a bath for the musculoskeletal system

Bath procedures can reduce joint and muscle pain, because the body is cleansed of lactic acid and urea salts. In some medical institutions, they are used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for example, osteochondrosis. In such cases, the frequency of sessions, the duration and frequency of stay in the sauna department are adjusted by the doctor who prescribed such procedures.
Osteochondrosis is associated with degenerative processes in the body, the appearance and development of which is explained by poor blood supply to the spine. Improving blood circulation resulting from the expansion of blood vessels and capillaries stimulates a decrease in muscle tension and activation of recovery processes in the vertebrae and connective tissues.
Different periods of the disease are characterized by the presence of pathological changes in cartilage, muscles and ligaments. To relieve painful symptoms, follow these guidelines:
- Visit a sauna with relatively dry air (15-20% humidity) and high temperatures. The most acceptable option is a Finnish sauna.
- Reduce the time spent in the sauna department.
- Take the bottom bunk while lying down.
- Do not chill with ice water.
- If there is a qualified masseur in the bath, be sure to use his services. Otherwise, self-massage.
A visit to the bathhouse with osteochondrosis is possible only in the stage of remission. Do not go to the bathhouse when osteochondrosis and sciatica are in the acute phase. A sharp change in temperature aggravates the disease state of the body, increasing the risk of concomitant diseases.
The benefits of the bath for the respiratory system

Bath procedures strengthen the immune system. Thanks to hardening in the bath, the body's ability to resist infectious diseases increases. Preventive properties are due to high humidity, which facilitates breathing, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are renewed.
Often, different herbs are used in the bath, with the aroma of which healing substances enter the body. Bath inhalations using a collection of oregano, thyme, linden, birch leaves contribute to the improvement of lung ventilation due to the expansion of the airways. That is why use these plants for chronic bronchitis in remission.
A visit to the bathhouse for colds is indicated only at the beginning of the disease, when the inflammatory process has not passed into the acute phase.
The benefits of bath procedures for the nervous system

A visit to the bathhouse is associated with relaxation, mental and physical. The relaxing properties of bath procedures will be significantly increased if essential oils are used. The correct selection of aromatic oils will ensure the desired effect.
People suffering from various sleep disorders are advised to visit the bathhouse in the evening using thyme, orange or mint oil. The pine-scented steam relieves mental stress. The aroma of lavender has the maximum relaxing effect, helps the body fight stress and depression.
Contraindications to visiting the bath

Along with the positive effect of bath procedures on human health, there are many dangers associated with the aggressive effects of high humidity and high temperatures. The likelihood of serious complications of many diseases is high. Bath procedures can cause harm only if there are objective contraindications, and the person does not adhere to the rules for visiting the bath.
The main contraindications for visiting the bath are as follows:
- Any acute inflammatory process in the body and taking medications that affect metabolic processes.
- An increase in body temperature above normal.
- Cardiovascular disease such as hypertension.
- Presence of kidney stones.
- The presence of medical devices or other implants in the body, for example, a pacemaker, any metal pins.
- Diseases of the skin.
- Pregnancy.
- Oncological diseases.
- Bronchial asthma.
Pregnancy is not a disease, but the load on the woman's body during this period is so great that it is better to refrain from bath procedures. An exception may be those cases when a visit to the bath during pregnancy is approved by a doctor. At the same time, the doctor will determine the limitations in temperature and humidity levels. You should not use essential oils, they can have a detrimental effect on the body of a pregnant woman.
A visit to the bathhouse for oncology is strictly contraindicated.
Preparation for bath procedures

A trip to the bathhouse should be planned in advance in order to properly prepare the body for the procedures and get the maximum healing effect from their intake.
Preparation of the body for bath procedures begins even before entering the bath:
- The doctor's consultation … Before the first visit to the bath, it is advisable to visit a doctor in order to exclude possible contraindications.
- Eating … Be sure to eat 2-3 hours before visiting the bathhouse. The menu should contain light meals. During your stay in the bath, it is not recommended to load the stomach, because digestion of food is significantly slowed down due to the effects of high temperatures on the body.
- Sports activities … Eliminate heavy physical exertion on the body just before visiting the bath.
- Drinking liquids … On the day of visiting the bath, drink at least 2-3 liters of liquid to avoid dehydration, which has a detrimental effect on the general condition of the body. It is also necessary to replenish water supplies during breaks between procedures.
- Personal hygiene … Before entering the steam room, remove cosmetics, cleanse the skin of the whole body so that no additional substances interfere with sweating. In this case, do not use products that dry the skin severely.
Bath rules
Regular procedures include 1-2 sessions per week, while the best time to visit the bath is from 8 to 11 o'clock in the afternoon and from 4 to 8 o'clock in the evening. This is due to the daily biological rhythms of the human body. At this time of day, the body is more resilient, metabolic processes are quite active, and any procedures are more effective.
General rules for visiting a bath

The rules for visiting any bathhouse are quite simple and few:
- It is generally accepted in baths of all cultures to prohibit smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. Visitors who violate this prohibition risk vasospasm, excessive increase in blood pressure and other undesirable consequences.
- On the day of visiting the bath, stop drinking alcoholic beverages and coffee, replacing them with mineral water, juices and unsweetened tea.
- Upon arrival at the bath, take off your clothes and jewelry, put on a kilt, bath slippers and a hat.
- You should not go to the steam room with wet hair. This can lead to excessive overheating of the head. Long hair is best done with an elastic band so that it does not touch the body.
- Before entering the steam room, warm up a little in a warm shower, then dry your skin with a towel.
- The safest position in the steam room is lying on the bottom bunk with your head towards the entrance.
- Temperature contrast is ensured by changing from being in the steam room to swimming in the pool or showering with cool water.
- Pay special attention to breathing procedures that involve deep, measured breathing, which promotes an intensive supply of oxygen to all tissues of the body.
- The total time spent in the sauna room is up to 3 hours per session. Depending on the type of bath, adjust the time of visiting the steam room.
Russian bath traditions

Baths in different countries and cultures have their own characteristics associated with the design of the room, the temperature and humidity of the air, as well as additional procedures aimed at relaxing, cleansing and nourishing the body. That is why the structure of the bath procedure and the visiting rules in each type of baths have some differences. There is a big difference between Turkish and Russian baths.
The Russian bath is distinguished by a high temperature regime and humidity. After the body warms up, the main stage begins, in which 2-3 visits to the steam room alternate with cooling in the pool, shower, and in winter - in the snow or ice-hole.
The rules for visiting a traditional Russian bath, in addition to the generally accepted ones, include the use of special brooms for bath procedures. Brooms are made from birch, oak, linden, nettle and other plants. Each of the options has its own indications and contraindications. The broom is applied from the second entry into the steam room. The main techniques are stroking, puffing, whipping.
Features of relaxation in a Turkish bath

The Turkish bath is considered to be the coldest one; the visiting rules have fewer restrictions due to the low temperature regime, which ranges from +35 to +55 degrees. The recommended time for visiting the Turkish bath is 1.5 hours.
When visiting a Turkish bath, try all the types of services offered, since it is considered incorrect to refuse them:
- There is a special room for preliminary warming up of the body in the Turkish bath.
- Much attention is paid to the massage of the whole body with foam using special gloves.
- Kelp wraps are popular in Turkish baths. Kelp - algae with cosmetic and medicinal properties. The sea scent complements the relaxing effect of all other treatments.
- Aromatherapy sessions are held in a separate room, and visitors are offered warm tea.
The Turkish bath, undoubtedly, is distinguished by chic not only in the procedures, but also in the design of the room. That is why visitors get great aesthetic pleasure after visiting the bathhouse.
Rules of conduct in a public bath

Since the bathhouse is often a public place, stick to basic rules of conduct so as not to interfere with the rest of other people.
The basic rules for visiting a public bath are as follows:
- Speak in a calm tone without attracting the attention of others.
- Follow good personal hygiene practices to protect yourself from getting infections.
- Use bath clothes. In the steam room, place rugs on the shelves.
- Do not use products with strong odors.
- Treat the work of the bathhouse employees with respect.
Watch a video about the rules for visiting the bath:

Compliance with the rules for visiting the bath and strict adherence to the recommendations of doctors will certainly bring only pleasure and health to every visitor of the steam room.