How to predict muscle growth in bodybuilding?

How to predict muscle growth in bodybuilding?
How to predict muscle growth in bodybuilding?

Almost every athlete wants to learn how to predict the approximate growth of muscle mass. Find out how you can do it in bodybuilding. Each person has a certain potential for muscle growth, which is determined at the genetic level. As you know, there are three body types that have a strong impact on the rate of mass gain. Today we will try to figure out how to predict muscle growth in bodybuilding.

Influence of body type on muscle mass growth

The athlete trains with an expander
The athlete trains with an expander

In professional bodybuilding, pharmacology has a great influence on the figure, and in this case, the importance of body types on mass gain is much more pronounced than in amateur sports. Professionals can significantly accelerate muscle mass gain through the use of pharmacological drugs, the use of certain nutrition programs.

An example is Ronnie Coleman, who won the Olympia. According to his constitution, he is a mesomorph with a slight tendency to endomorphism. This ratio can be represented as the following figures - 90:10. This fact has become one of the fundamental factors in its success. Of course, in this case, one should not forget about other components that also played a role in his victory.

If you look closely at his figure, you can clearly distinguish the presence of endomorphism. Coleman has a thick shoulder girdle, but at the same time not very wide. The body does not have a pronounced pear-shaped shape, although the buttocks are very massive. It should also be noted that Coleman's waist was never thin, and the abs were heavily traced. This is what proves its endomorphic affiliation.

The exact opposite is the case with Dexter Jackson. This athlete is a typical 60:40 meso-ectomorph. In this regard, one should recall Iron Arnie, who is a meso-endomorph (70:30), and Frank Zane, in turn, is an example of an ectomorph endowed with the properties of a mesomorph (70:30).

Most athletes wonder which body type is ideal for bodybuilding. Perhaps it will be a mesomorph with certain properties of an ectomorph. Thanks to the latter features, the athlete's body will acquire a more aesthetic appearance and it will be easier for him to get rid of subcutaneous fat deposits. At the same time, a high percentage of ectomorphism can cause serious problems with muscle mass gain. An example is Lee Haney, who is a meso-ectomorph (80:20). Its bone structure and body weight fully correspond to the mesomorph, and small joints, narrow waist and very wide shoulders speak of an admixture of ectomorphism.

It is certainly impossible to say with certainty that Haney would have been able to beat Ronnie on stage, but it is safe to say that he has an excellent structure. It should also be said that from a theoretical point of view, the ideal option is meso-ectomorph (90:10). But this is a rather rare combination and you can immediately recall Flex Wheeler. You can independently determine your body type, although their combinations are almost always present in nature. Here are the main body types and their characteristics:

  • Ectomorph - easily burns fat, but gaining muscle mass is difficult. Has small joints, bone structure is quite thin, and the figure looks lean.
  • Mesomorph is a naturally muscular. The mass gain is fast enough, and the body looks dense. Fat reserves are not large.
  • Endomorph - has a wide waist. Gains mass quickly, but subcutaneous fat deposits also increase.

Is it possible to predict the growth of muscle mass in advance?

Bodybuilder posing
Bodybuilder posing

If you regularly work out in the gym and follow all the principles of bodybuilding, then for sure you have a desire to predict in advance the possible rate of muscle growth. The question of how to predict muscle growth in bodybuilding is of interest to many athletes, but it is almost impossible to answer it with 100% accuracy. To a certain extent, body type is a fairly good indicator of the genetic level of weight growth throughout the year, but other factors also have a great influence on this process.

Not everyone can afford to lead a typical bodybuilding lifestyle in which you can only train and relax. Most people work out and this can have an effect on muscle mass gain. It is enough to stay at work a couple of times for a long time and a certain part of your work in the hall will simply be destroyed.

Often you have to skip meals or eat unhealthy foods. It is also not compatible with training. But there may also be injury or illness, which will make you miss a week of training sessions or even more.

Scientists have created special tables, according to which it is possible to very approximately determine the possible increase in mass during the year. They were based on physique, age, and training history. There are a few basic rules to help you achieve your expected growth:

  • Training should be intense and constant;
  • You can not miss a single lesson in the hall;
  • Avoid illness and injury;
  • Do not overtrain the body;
  • It is necessary to maintain a low percentage of body fat;
  • Follow the correct nutrition program;
  • Do not use drugs;
  • Avoid stressful situations.

However, even if you try to follow these rules, this does not guarantee you the planned mass growth. Many situations in life are simply impossible to control. Of course, you should strive for perfection, but you should also understand that there are no ideal conditions in life.

For ten basic rules for muscle growth, see this video:
