A firebox for a bath can be both a stationary compact structure and a portable structure that is used to transport firewood and as a stand. By choosing the right material and following the instructions, you can build it yourself. Content:
- Types of wood burning stoves for a bath
Construction of a stationary firebox
- Preparatory work
- Erection of the foundation
- Frame installation
- Roof construction
Making a mobile woodpile
- Metal portable firebox
- Wicker woodpile for a bath
- How to make a wooden firebox
- Construction of a wall woodpile
If the steam room is heated by a traditional stone oven, then special attention should be paid to the preparation and storage of firewood. In this case, it is necessary to build a firebox. It contains wood for kindling. Therefore, it should not get wet or rot in adverse weather conditions.
Types of wood burning stoves for a bath

By the type of construction, the following types of woodpiles are distinguished:
- Portable … It usually has a compact size and holds firewood for one firebox. Can be carried manually.
- Street autonomous … It is a structure that stands on a separate base not far from the steam room.
- Street firebox attached to the bath … This structure is attached to one wall of the bathhouse and is usually done in the same style as the main building.
If we talk about the materials of manufacture, then the fireboxes are:
- Wooden … Both portable and outdoor products can be made from this material. It is important to treat raw materials with protective compounds before manufacturing. The design flaw is a relatively short service life.
- Metallic … External devices are made of metal, which must be treated with an anti-corrosion solution. Often forged wood boxes for a bath are placed as decorative stands for firewood in the dressing room.
- Wicker … With this structure, you can carry firewood. It can also be used as a stand. You need to use it carefully.
- Combined … Some products are made from metal, wood and even textiles.
A fire box for a bath can be purchased for a production or built by hand.
Construction of a stationary firebox for a bath
The outdoor storage facility for firewood can be free-standing or attached. Most often, it is equipped with a bathhouse, so that it is convenient and efficient to carry firewood. Even a beginner can independently build such a structure on his site.
Preparatory work for the construction of a woodpile near the bath

A stationary firebox must meet the following requirements: protect the logs from atmospheric precipitation and be well ventilated to protect against decay. First you need to choose a place for it. Often, a firebox for a steam room is equipped immediately next to the bath. It is desirable that it is located near the door. It should be located on a slight slope, which will facilitate the smooth flow of water.
Traditionally, a firebox for a sauna is installed in a style corresponding to a steam room. It is important that all buildings on the site are harmonized with each other. For a frame-panel bath or a log house, it is better to build a wooden structure. For a brick bath, you can make a metal structure. Building a brick firebox is unreasonably expensive and does not make sense.
Erection of the foundation for a stationary firebox to the bath

The best option is a columnar foundation. For arranging a small woodpile with dimensions of 1.5 * 2 meters, six pillars will be enough.
We make the basis in the following sequence:
- We drive in four pegs in the corners and two in the middle of opposite sides.
- We check the evenness and identity of the diagonals with laces.
- We dig holes to the depth of soil freezing.
- Around each recess, we install a square formwork made of strips.
- Using a level, align the plane in which the formwork is placed. This is necessary so that all the pillars of the base are at the same height.
- We lower a sheet of roofing material into each hole to protect the solution from moisture.
- We make a solution of cement, sand and crushed stone in a ratio of 1: 4: 4 and pour it into each hole.
- We insert reinforcement with a 12 mm thread into each hole filled with concrete. The stud should protrude 9 cm above the concrete pillar.
Before proceeding with further work, you need to wait until the base is completely dry, after which the side walls can be pasted over with ceramic tiles to protect the base from moisture.
Installation of a frame for street woodpile near the bath

We will build the structure itself from wood. For these purposes, you can use raw materials of any breed. It is better to use galvanized parts as fasteners. They are highly resistant to corrosion.
We start work from the bottom strapping and carry out in this order:
- We cut a beam with a section of 10 * 10 cm along the length of the walls. There should be five of them in total: four along the perimeter and one in the middle.
- Drill holes along the edges of each element using a 13mm long nib drill.
- We put the longitudinal bars on the studs, set the transverse bars above them and mark the intersection points for the cutout.
- We strap half of the tree. We file the cuts along the edges and cut off the excess with a chisel.
- We lay a layer of roofing material, longitudinal elements and then transverse ones, having previously treated them with machine oil or rubber-bitumen mastic.
- We screw the nuts onto the studs, enlarging the hole from above using a router. This is necessary to secure each bar.
- We reinforce the floor with logs and fasten the 2 cm thick slats with self-tapping screws.
- We nail boards along the perimeter to the side to close the strapping bars.
- We cut a bar with a section of 5 * 5 cm. The length of the segments should correspond to the height of the front and rear struts.
- We are preparing two 15 cm boards 3 cm thick. Their length will be equal to the width of the structure.
- We grind all parts with an electric plane.
- Cut out recesses on both boards, one for each support.
- We fasten the racks to the boards with self-tapping screws and to the floor using mounting angles.
- We strengthen the supports with spacers and check the evenness and parallelism with a hydraulic level.
- We fill in a horizontal position two-centimeter slats with a gap of 2 cm, forming a kind of walls. The slots between the slats are required for ventilation.
It is important to paint or cover all wood with antiseptic compounds so that the building will stand longer.
Construction of a roof for a firebox near a bathhouse on the street

We are completing the construction of a firebox for a bath with our own hands by installing a roof. The best option for this design is a pitched roof.
We equip it in this order:
- We install 10-cm boards with a thickness of 3 cm over the building with an overlap on both sides, they will serve as rafters. We use metal corners as fasteners.
- We fasten the slats to the boards with a thickness of 2 cm in increments of 0.5 meters. This is a lathing for the installation of roofing material.
- We fasten the metal profile sheet with construction screws.
- We fix a wind bar at the ends of the roof to protect the structure from slanting rain.
The door does not have to be installed. Bamboo blinds can be used as a kind of shutter.
Manufacturing technology of a mobile woodpile for a bath
With your own hand, you can build a metal, wood, and wicker structure. The main thing is to first decide on the dimensions. It should be roomy enough so that it is convenient to transport the amount of firewood per firebox from the main storage to the stove. However, it is also important that it is comfortable.
Metal portable wood stove in the bath

To make it, we need four metal rods about 35 cm long and two about 1.7 meters long.
We carry out work in the following sequence:
- Weld four identical twigs into a square.
- We bend two rods in the shape of the letter Y. The distance between the "legs" should be equal to the length of the sides.
- We weld the sidewalls to the resulting frame. As a result, the arcs will become upward, and the tips will protrude from the base, forming a kind of support.
- We weld metal plates to the legs. This will give the structure stability.
- We weld a few more rods at the base and walls. This will prevent firewood from falling out.
To make the structure last longer, it is advisable to paint it.
Do-it-yourself wicker woodpile for a bath

To make such a firebox, you need to stock up on wooden slats, willow rods and metal wire.
We work in this order:
- We knock off a square base from four wooden slats.
- Every three centimeters, we drill holes on two opposite slats.
- We insert willow twigs into the holes made. In the middle, instead of rods, insert a wire, the ends of which we bend with pliers.
- We bend the racks at the desired angle and weave them with thin rods.
- At the end of weaving, we bend all the racks, put them behind the adjacent ones and weave them from the inside.
- We wrap the handles with several rods and cover the ends.
It is advisable to soak the vine in water before use. This will make her more malleable. In addition, it is recommended to pre-treat it with an antiseptic composition to increase its service life.
How to make a wooden log for a bath

For these purposes, you can use wood of any species. For manufacturing, we need slats and a board 1-1.5 cm thick.
We adhere to the following instructions in the work:
- We cut out two trapezoidal elements 20 cm high from the board. The width of one side is 25 cm, the other is 30 cm.
- At a distance of 5 cm from the edge of the wide side, in the middle, cut a hole 9 cm wide and 3 cm high.
- Round and grind the walls of the hole with fine-grained paper.
- We connect the lower parts of the two parts with each other with 45 cm long slats, which we nail close to each other. We use nails as fasteners.
- We nail in two slats on the sides, forming a kind of walls. We leave a gap of 1-1.5 cm between them.
- Rounding the backs over the handles. This can be done before assembling the entire structure.
- We carefully grind all surfaces, first with coarse and then fine-grained paper. This is necessary to protect against splinters during operation.
In order for such a woodpile to last longer, it is advisable to treat it with an antiseptic composition.
Construction of a wall-mounted firebox in a bathhouse

This building can hold firewood for just a few fireboxes. Fuel is stored in it so as not to go to a remote storage facility several times. Before starting work on the construction of a firebox, it is important to equip a slope for the drainage of precipitation. The back wall of such a firebox will be the wall of the steam room.
Further work is performed in this order:
- In the corners of the future structure, we make holes with a depth of 0.5-0.7 meters and install metal or wooden poles in them. The front ones should be lower in level than the rear ones by a few centimeters.
- We connect the pillars around the perimeter with four bars with a cross section of 5 * 5 cm.
- From the same timber we make the front and rear racks. The latter should be 10-15 cm higher.
- We fill the flooring with 2 cm thick slats.
- We connect the racks on the sides with jibs, and on top with longitudinal boards.
- We fill the crate on top and install the roofing material.
- Walls can be covered with fine metal mesh.
The extension must be painted to protect the wood from the effects of precipitation, insects and rodents. Watch a video about wood stoves for a metal bath:

You can make a wood-burning stove with your own hands even without special building and carpentry skills. It remains only to decide on the type of structure. And you can immediately equip both a stationary storage and a convenient portable model, which will additionally serve as a decorative stand for firewood.