Sewerage makes the use of sanitary facilities as convenient as possible, although it has a far from poetic name. How to install it in a bath building without unnecessary pathos, you will learn from our today's material. Content:
- Organization of drainage
- Drainage well device
- Bath pit installation
- Bath septic tank
- Sewerage pipes
- Placement of receiving ramps
The sewage system in the bathhouse is a well-functioning system for the removal of wastewater and human waste products. The work on its installation is not particularly difficult, but requires attention, a certain sequence and adherence to the rules. With a lack of experience or knowledge on the arrangement of the sewage system in the bath, it is better to entrust the matter to specialists.
Organization of drainage from the bath

Baths can use various designs to remove waste liquids and solid waste. To select a suitable and most reliable system, it is necessary to take into account the following factors: the type of soil on the land plot, the depth of freezing of the land in the region, the size of the building and the intensity of its use, the presence of a house sewage system on the site, the ability to connect to a central waste collection system.
The collection of contaminated wastewater is carried out from plumbing fixtures and drainage ladders located in semi-bath rooms. Once in the pipeline system, sewage is discharged outside the building into drainage wells, septic tanks, cesspools or into a centralized sewage system.
In sandy soils, which differ from other types of soil in their penetrating ability to absorb water, drainage wells are arranged. In dense clayey soils, it will be more appropriate to make pits with periodic removal of sewage from them manually or using sewage equipment.
The choice of a sewerage system depends on its throughput and the constant number of visitors to the bath. For a large bath, it is recommended to use a sewerage system, consisting of a pit, a pipeline and a drainage well. Its structure is as follows:
- Under the floor of the bath, half a meter away from the foundation, a pit is dug up to 1.5 m deep.
- From it, with an exit to the outside, a trench is laid to a drainage well, located at a distance of more than three meters from the bath and having a bottom area of 2.5 m2.
- The well and the trench are coated with clay.
- The bottom of the trench is shaped like a tray and sloped towards the well.
- Upon completion of the installation of the sewerage system, the pit, trench and well are covered with gravel, sand and soil as an outer layer.
When building a solid large bath and an intensive visit, it will be logical to connect its sewage system to the house or to the central system, which will allow you to forget forever about the periodic removal of wastewater and save the family budget. In addition, it will eliminate the problems associated with violations of sanitary standards and the relevant authorities. In the case of a large length of the sewer system, special wells are additionally included in it. They are intended for inspection and cleaning of pipelines. The inspection well is a concrete or brick tank with a double lid that protects the pipeline located in it from freezing. The inner cover of the well is covered with a heat-insulating material, and the outer one can be covered with soil.
The device of a drainage well for a bath

A drainage well is a well-equipped excavation in the ground. It is dug out at a short distance from the bath with a depth sufficient to protect the effluent from freezing. The construction of such a well will require a significant amount of earthwork. Before making a sewage system in a bath, you must:
- Choose a location and dig a well of the desired depth. For example, with a soil freezing level of 0.7 m, the bottom of the well will be located 0.8 m below it, taking into account the location of the drain pipe and bedding. The total depth of excavation will be 1.5 m. In terms of the dimensions of the recess are usually 1x1 m or more, depending on the number of regular guests visiting the institution.
- Dig a trench for laying the pipeline from the bathhouse to the drainage well. The bottom of the excavation, the trench, as well as the surface adjacent to the outside of the bath's foundation, are covered with a clay lock with a layer thickness of 10 cm. The bottom of the trench is shaped like a tray with a slope corresponding to the direction of movement of sewage from the bath to the drainage.
- Fill the well with a layer of drainage material to a height of 0.5 m. For this operation, you can use crushed stone, gravel with sand, expanded clay, small fragments of broken brick and other bulk materials. The gravel-sand backfill of the well needs periodic cleaning or replacement. When filtering waste water from a bath, these drainage elements can become clogged with soapy inclusions.
- Soil is poured over the drainage layer, followed by its compaction.
- The sewer pipe must be protected with insulation from the low temperatures of the winter season.
It is very important to perform well drainage of the receiving well. In case of deviations from the technology of work, frozen water can accumulate in the pipes, lead to their destruction, creating dampness in the underground space and rotting of the boardwalk. In addition, the ice plugs of the pipeline can exclude the possibility of using the bath sewerage.
With sandy soil, a horizontal pillow is dug out on the site instead of a well. The result of the work should be a trench up to 1 m deep and 100x30 cm in size. It is covered with drainage material with a layer thickness of 20 cm and soil on top of it. The drain pipe of the sewerage is led out onto the pillow.
Bath pit installation

Sewer systems with a pit device are arranged on dense soils. It is designed for the collection and disposal of contaminated wastewater outside the building.
The pit is made of impermeable materials, it is installed under the flooring and is connected to the sewage receiver by an inclined pipe that provides an arbitrary drainage of the liquid.
Unlike a drainage well located in the open air, a sewer sump can smell foul. To limit the penetration of foreign unpleasant odors into the bath, a water seal is provided in the pit design.
It runs like this:
- The inlet of the drain pipe into the pit is located at a distance of 9-12 cm from its bottom.
- A plate is installed under the pipe without fixing it from below.
- A distance of 4-6 cm is left between the bottom of the pit and the plate to form the cavity of the water seal.
Bath septic tank

Hygienic standards for bath buildings require septic tanks when planning bathrooms. For the manufacture of such a structure, it is necessary:
- Dig a small pit and concreted its walls. The bottom of the excavation should contain sand or gravel.
- Install two containers in the resulting pit, the walls of one of which are made with perforations (holes). For this purpose, you can use plastic containers.
- Connect the vessels with a PVC pipe.
- Lead a sewage drain pipe from the bath to a non-perforated container.
- Install a ceiling on the septic tank and provide it with a cover.
- The lid is supplied with a pipe connecting the interior of the septic tank to the atmosphere. It serves to supply oxygen, ensuring the viability of bacteria that process sewage.
The septic tank works like this: under the influence of anaerobic bacteria, human waste decomposes in the first tank, and from the second vessel it enters the ground, being cleaned in the drainage layers of the septic tank base. With a sufficient volume of it, suction trucks will not be needed. Despite the fact that the device of a septic tank requires a lot of time and material investments, the resulting system will be optimal in terms of its price and quality.
Pipes for arranging sewerage in a bath

It is not recommended to use wooden boxes or metal pipes for the sewerage device. The material of their manufacture is subject to rapid decay and corrosion in humid conditions. It would be advisable to use pipes made of plastic or cast iron. Strong polyethylene pipes are well suited for transporting waste water when installing a sewage system for a bath. Their fasteners will allow connecting to the system not only a steam room and a washing section of a bath, but also a bathroom.
The delivery of effluents to the receiving devices is carried out through pipes with a diameter of 100 mm, and the internal wiring of the sewage system in the bath is made from a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm. Traps serving as water traps are made of stainless steel. They are installed in the steam room and the washing section of the bath. In addition to pipes, for the installation of the system, you will need fittings - connecting elements that are selected individually in accordance with the project or the sewage scheme in the bath. A set of such parts includes: tees, elbows, couplings, adapters, seals, expansion joints and siphons. All of them are used for joining pipes, performing their wiring and connecting devices. Additional strength of the fasteners is provided by the use of plumbing moisture-resistant sealants.
The laying of pipelines should take into account the operation of the system in the winter. Otherwise, the freezing of waste water can damage the sewage system in the bath.
Placement of reception ladders in the bath

Ladders for collecting dirty water are arranged in the floor of the steam room and the washing room of the bath. To remove drains from the rest room during wet cleaning, a hole is left in the threshold. Through it, the water moves to the washing compartment, equipped with a receiving ladder. To realize this possibility, the floors in the bath are made with a slight slope in the direction of the location of the water collectors.
The drains can be located in the floor of the room or in the receiving tray. In the first case, the slope is carried out in the "envelope" method. The slope to the tray is common for all coverage points. The ladders are protected from large debris in the form of chips and leaves from brooms with fine-mesh gratings.
Remember to periodically clean the sewer system in order to avoid siltation and loss of functionality. How to make a sewer for a bath - watch the video:

We hope that you have received a general idea of waste disposal and you can now equip a sewage system for a bath with your own hands. The work will take a lot of time and dexterity, but the result deserves it.