What to do if your hair is highly electrified?

What to do if your hair is highly electrified?
What to do if your hair is highly electrified?

Every girl dreams of having well-groomed hair, but what if it becomes electrified? Learn how to care for your hair to restore its attractive appearance. Probably, at least once in her life, every girl faced such a problem as electrifying hair. This unpleasant phenomenon brings a lot of inconvenience and discomfort, because the hair not only sticks strongly to the hands or clothes, but also looks very unkempt and untidy outwardly. Hair can become electrified both in the cold season, when the hat is worn, and in hot weather. But with proper and regular care, you can easily fix this problem.

Why does hair get electrified?

Electrified hair
Electrified hair

To get rid of this problem, you first need to accurately establish the cause that triggered its occurrence. Each case is individual, therefore it is necessary to analyze what kind of care I receive for my hair and its general condition. Then begin to gradually eliminate all factors that can provoke the onset of electrification.

The most common reasons for the onset of hair electrification are the following:

  • lack of vitamins and other nutrients in the body;
  • frequent stay in a room where the air is very dry;
  • hair is very weak, brittle, dry;
  • wearing synthetic hats, as a result of contact with which the hair is "charged" with electricity;
  • exposure to cold wind, frost, hot sun;
  • improperly selected hair care cosmetics - shampoo, masks, balms, conditioners, etc.;
  • exposure to very dry wind;
  • frequent use of a hair dryer and other stylers for styling;
  • washing hair with very hot water;
  • high air humidity.

These are the main factors that provoke the appearance of hair electrification. Provided that you remove one by one from the list of all the reasons, it is possible to accurately determine the one that caused this unpleasant phenomenon. It is enough to start properly and regularly caring for your hair and in the very near future this problem will disappear on its own.

Hair becomes electrified - what to do at home?

Girl combing with a wooden comb
Girl combing with a wooden comb

To immediately remove static electricity from your hair, you need to know a few simple secrets. At the same time, it does not matter at all what exactly the reason provoked the appearance of this problem.

If you need to quickly tidy up your hair, we recommend using the following tips:

  • The best remedy for solving the problem is an antistatic agent, which is enough to treat the curls and they quickly become obedient and smooth.
  • As a substitute for an antistatic agent, you can use mineral or plain water - a small amount of liquid is sprayed on the strands and combed.
  • A simple kvass or beer will help to eliminate the problem of hair electrification. These agents are used in the same way as water, but since they contain sugar, they have a more lasting effect.
  • A small amount of varnish is applied to the comb, after which it needs to evenly process the strands along the entire length.
  • A little of any cream (for hands, body, legs) is applied to the hands, then the curls are evenly processed along the entire length.

These are emergency methods that will help you tidy up your hair in a few minutes, but you won't be able to completely solve the problem.

How to solve the problem of electrifying hair?

Girl splashes an antistatic agent on her hair
Girl splashes an antistatic agent on her hair

After the cause of the strong electrification of the hair has been precisely determined, you can resort to methods of solving the problem, thanks to which the condition of the strands is normalized and they become obedient again.

If you have a tendency to electrify hair, it is recommended to use the following tips:

  1. You cannot use very hot water to wash your hair, since it is from this that the hair begins to become highly electrified. For washing, it is best to take warm water and rinse the strands with cool.
  2. In the cold season, you have to wear a hat, which causes your hair to become highly electrified. Therefore, before putting on the hat, you need to apply a couple of drops of rose oil to the comb and comb your hair well. You can also use lavender oil for this purpose. These products are natural antiseptics and can be used continuously.
  3. It is important to choose your hair care products carefully. As a rule, brittle, dry and thin strands with split ends begin to suffer from the problem of electrification. If an incorrectly selected shampoo is used for all this, it will be possible to get rid of this problem only if moisturizing and caring agents are used for care.
  4. It is necessary to minimize the use of a hair dryer, it is best to allow the hair to dry naturally. If there is a need for frequent styling, then you need to purchase a high-quality hair dryer that will have the function of air ionization. Due to the use of this device, the condition of the hair is not deteriorated and the problem of electrification does not appear.
  5. Throughout the day, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of plain water.
  6. It is recommended to avoid using combs made of plastic and plastic, as these materials have the ability to increase electrification. The ideal option would be to purchase a comb made of natural wood (for example, cedar, oak or birch) or ebonite.
  7. In rooms with dry air, it is recommended to use special air humidifiers.
  8. You need to choose only those hats that are made from completely natural fabrics; synthetic materials are strictly prohibited.
  9. In autumn and spring, it is useful to drink a course of multivitamins, because they will help not only to return the spent energy, but also have a positive effect on the condition of the hair.
  10. If foam or wax is used during styling, you need to stop choosing exactly those products that include antistatic components.

With the exception of all of the above recommendations, it is useful to regularly make special moisturizing masks. Such cosmetic procedures will help remove static electricity from the hair and return it to its natural smoothness and beauty.

What to do at home?

Burdock oil, wooden comb and bath accessories
Burdock oil, wooden comb and bath accessories

If your hair is highly electrified and styling becomes almost impossible, you need to take care of proper care. First of all, you need to pay attention to the use of special moisturizing masks, which will be enough to do twice a week. With regular and proper care, you can get rid of the problem of electrifying hair very quickly. After the positive changes are noticeable, you can reduce the number of masks - for example, carry out one cosmetic procedure per week.

The masks themselves are also important, they need to be changed periodically, since the hair tends to get used to it and the means used will be of less benefit.

After applying the mask, to enhance its effect, it is recommended to wrap your hair with plastic wrap (you can use a food or a simple bag), and put on a warm towel or scarf on top.

You can use a mild shampoo and water to rinse the mask out of your hair. But non-standard means will also be beneficial - for example, water diluted with vinegar or lemon juice, non-carbonated mineral water, beer, etc. It is important to choose the right rinse for your hair type.

An amazing effect is provided by the regular use of easy-to-prepare homemade masks, thanks to which static electricity is quickly removed from the hair and the prevention of this problem in the future is carried out.

Mango mask

To prepare this mask, you will need to take mashed potatoes from the pulp of ripe mango (2 tablespoons), add kefir of maximum fat content (50 g), add one raw egg yolk. Sour milk can be used instead of kefir.

All components are well mixed, and the resulting composition is applied to the strands, evenly distributed along the entire length. After 20 minutes, wash your hair thoroughly with plenty of warm water and baby shampoo.

Mask with honey

You need to take liquid honey (2 tablespoons) and olive oil (2 tablespoons). You can also use candied honey, but you need to melt it in a water bath in advance. All components are mixed and raw yolk is introduced. The finished mask is applied to the strands and left for 30 minutes, then washed off with warm water and baby shampoo.

Cognac mask

You need to take castor oil (1 tablespoon) and mix with raw yolk, at the end cognac (2 tablespoons) is introduced. All components are thoroughly mixed, and the composition is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair. The mask is washed off after 30 minutes.

Vitamin A mask

To prepare the mask, you need to take grape oil (2 tbsp. L.), Liquid honey (2 tbsp. L.), Egg yolks (2 pcs.). Instead of grape oil, you can use burdock or castor oil. All components are mixed and heated in a water bath. At the very end, 1 ampoule of vitamin A is injected. The composition is applied to the hair, evenly distributed over the entire length and left for about half an hour. After the specified time, you need to thoroughly wash your hair with warm water and baby shampoo.

Milk mask

Raw chicken yolk is mixed with milk (1 tbsp. L.) And liquid honey (1 tsp. L.). All components are thoroughly mixed, and the finished composition is applied to the hair, distributed along the entire length. After 10 minutes, you need to wash your hair with warm water and baby shampoo. At the end, the curls are rinsed with cool water with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice. Thanks to this caring procedure, the hair not only stops electrifying, but also gains a healthy shine.


There is not always an antistatic agent on hand, and there is no desire or time to go to the store. In this case, a home remedy that is easy to prepare yourself will help. You need to mix mineral water (500 g) and lavender or rose essential oil (a couple of drops). The composition is poured into a spray bottle and applied to the hair.

You don't have to look for ways to combat the problem of hair electrification if you choose the right shampoo and balm. It is important that these products are fully tailored to your hair type. To care for dry and brittle strands, it is imperative to use moisturizers and nourishing products.

Plastic combs are the main source of electrifying hair. Therefore, in some cases, it is enough to change the comb and the problem disappears by itself.

If you adhere to all the recommendations described above and do not forget to regularly, and most importantly, take proper care of your hair, you can quickly get rid of the problem of electrification. Curls will always look well-groomed and healthy, and styling will not take much time and effort.

For more information on how to solve the problem of electrifying hair, see this video:
