Types of fat burners in sports

Types of fat burners in sports
Types of fat burners in sports

Decided to get rid of excess subcutaneous fat? Find out which fat burners to use to maximize fat breakdown effects. The problem of excess weight in our time is relevant for a large number of people. Sports nutrition manufacturers could not help but notice this, and today you can find a lot of drugs, the main task of which is to reduce subcutaneous fat.

It should be noted that the mechanism of operation of these additives is aimed at accelerating metabolic processes, and they cannot fight fat on their own. Therefore, fat burners can only be effective when using physical activity. If you want to get rid of fat while sitting on the couch, then you will not see success in this difficult task. In addition to speeding up metabolism, supplements help speed up the process of removing excess fluid from the body and reduce appetite. But this happens only during their intake and after the completion of the course, all these effects disappear.

Already from the name it is clear that all types of fat burners in sports can be used not only by athletes, but also by people who want to lose weight. It is also important for athletes to maintain a certain body weight and to make it easier for themselves, they have to use special supplements.

Types of fat burners used in sports

Athlete after training with a can of fat burner
Athlete after training with a can of fat burner

In total, there are several types of fat burners in sports, depending on their mechanism of work. Let's take a closer look at them:

  • Thermogenics. These supplements help raise your body temperature, thereby boosting your metabolism. This is due to the fact that at a high body temperature, the body needs more energy and has to start using fat reserves. Also, supplements of this type can reduce appetite and stimulate the nervous system.
  • Nutrient blockers. These drugs have the ability to block the work of enzymes that break down fats and carbohydrates. As a result, they cannot be processed in the digestive system and are simply excreted from the body. Nutrient blockers can work well with carnitine and thermogenics.
  • Stimulants of thyroid hormone production. Thyroid hormones are powerful natural fat burners. They speed up the metabolism, which leads to the acceleration of lipolysis processes. It should be noted that there are substances that do not affect the thyroid gland, but independently act as its hormones. Their use can be quite dangerous, since they can cause disruption of the endocrine system, which are irreversible.
  • Appetite suppressants. Already by the name of this group, one can understand the mechanism of their effect on the body. This is a fairly numerous group of substances, the action of which is aimed at stimulating the saturation center. If a person is not hungry, then he will not take food. As a result, the energy value of the diet can be reduced, and this is one of the most important conditions for losing weight. Note that almost every thermogenics has the ability to reduce appetite at the same time.
  • Cortisol blockers. Every athlete knows about this hormone and is well aware of the danger that this substance poses to muscle tissue. With every stressful situation, be it psychological stress or a training session, the body begins to actively produce cortisol. The action of drugs in this group is precisely aimed at reducing the rate of cortisol synthesis in any situation. This type of fat burner in sports is very often used during the drying period, after the completion of the steroid cycle and when working on the relief of the muscles.
  • Carnitine. This substance belongs to the vitamin-like group, since its molecular structure is very similar to the B vitamins, but at the same time it is not a full-fledged vitamin. Scientists are actively studying carnitine and now we can say that the substance can be useful during weight loss. Carnitine is able to normalize cholesterol balance, increase physical activity, and accelerate the delivery of fats to mitochondria.
  • Fatty acids (omega-3 and CLA). Omega-3 is an important group of fatty acids for all people, not just athletes. These substances can enter the body only from the outside, and the fact that they are contained in a limited amount of food makes it necessary to use special additives. Omega-3s have a wide range of positive effects on the body, and the acceleration of the lipolysis process is one of them. Linoleic acid (CLA) alone is not able to fight body fat. Scientists have found that this substance helps to accelerate the oxidation of fat cells. However, note that there are research results that refute this theory.

These are the main types of fat burners used in sports. It is important to understand that they can only be effective if appropriate nutritional programs and regular training are followed.

Review of exclusive fat burners from Ivan Vodianov in this video:
