The division of the interior space of the sauna building is carried out using partitions. We will tell you about their types, features and structure in this article. Content:
- Design of partitions in a bath
Features of a brick partition
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Brick partition device
Features of a wooden partition
- Advantages and disadvantages
- The device of a wooden partition
Features of the glass partition
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Glass partition device
A partition is a special structure that divides a common room into its individual parts, such as rooms or compartments. In this case, the materials for the manufacture of the main frame and its walls can differ significantly from each other. Competent manufacturing of bulkheads provides for the preservation of the basic style of the structure.
Design of partitions in a bath

Before making partitions in the bath, you need to determine the area of the planned premises. Their values depend on the size of the building and the number of regular visitors. Based on these data, on the plan, the bulkheads are attached to the existing walls of the bath, indicating the axial dimensions. Then the location of the doorways and the amount of material required are determined.
The following can be used as partitions in the bath:
- Transformable structures - sliding, soft folding, rigid sash, sliding and screens.
- Stationary structures - brick, wood and glass partitions.
The type of the planned partition depends on the requirements for it. If the bath space is divided for a long time, ensuring reliable thermal and sound insulation of the premises, a solid, stationary partition wall structure is used. In other cases, you can do with its mobile or collapsible options, for example, to separate the locker room from the bath rest room combined with it.
Each of the types of stationary bath partitions has a number of advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account when choosing the type and material of manufacture of a particular design. Since the bulk of the bath bulkheads are stationary, it becomes necessary to talk about them in more detail.
Features of a brick partition in a bath
Brick partitions are made not only in stone baths, but also in wooden log cabins. This is especially true in cases where the door of the furnace furnace is taken out of the steam room into the dressing room or the rest room, and the dividing wall is combined with the heating device.
Advantages and disadvantages of brick partitions for a bath

Their advantages are due to their excellent physical characteristics:
- Brick partitions have good sound insulating properties. The structures of bulkheads in half-brick have a "noise" insulation index equal to 47 dB.
- Brick is a moisture resistant material. With a high-quality bath ventilation device, the appearance of fungus and mold on such a partition is unlikely.
- Brick bulkheads are fire resistant and inedible for insects and rodents.
The disadvantages include:
- Significant weight of the partition: with its thickness of half a brick, the mass is 1 m2 masonry is approximately 280 kg.
- Long production time of partitions from piece material.
- The need to plaster the structure before finishing it.
Cost of 1 m2 brickwork is from $ 10 and more, the cost of work is from $ 7 per 1 m2.
Installation of a brick partition in a bath

For the construction of such a partition, masonry is used in half a brick or in brick. Before starting work, you should stock up on: a sand sieve, a container for preparing a solution, a shovel, a hammer, a plumb line, a level and a trowel.
The installation process is carried out in the following sequence:
- The place of work is freed from unnecessary items, supplied with lighting and the necessary materials.
- The contours of the planned partition are outlined on the walls, floor and ceiling of the bath.
- A dry mixture is prepared from sand and cement sifted with a sieve in a ratio of 3: 1, for example, 2 buckets of cement are taken for 6 buckets of sand. In a container, the resulting mixture is mixed with water to a uniform state and plastic consistency.
- Before starting work, the wooden covering must be removed from the floor, and cladding from the walls at the junction of structures. The surfaces are cleaned with a wet broom.
- For even laying of the first row of masonry, a cord is pulled along its edges, which serves as a guide for the location of the bricks. The solution of the first row is applied to the base of the partition, and the second and subsequent rows are applied to the surface of the previous row and the end part of the brick. The verticality of the masonry is controlled using a plumb line and a building level.
- The door frame in the partition opening is set in advance and fixed in it with the help of spacers, the brick is laid close to it.
- The laying of the partition is carried out with the bandaging of the seams in the vertical direction. To achieve this effect, the second row of bricks must be started by laying half of the product.
- For the strength of the masonry, every five rows of the mortar bed is reinforced with steel strips or rods.
- Above the door frame as a lintel, you can install a piece of channel 30-40 cm longer than the width of the opening.
- The ceiling gap on the last row of masonry is eliminated by laying waste bricks soaked in a solution, small cracks are sealed with tow.
- For laying communications in a brick partition, it is necessary to provide for the installation of embedded sleeves. The material for them can be pieces of plastic pipes with a length corresponding to the thickness of the partition. The voids between the sleeves and the masonry are filled with polyurethane foam.
If the brick partition located in the bath is subject to plastering, you can not pay attention to the seams of the masonry. But if it serves as a natural element of the design of the room, it is required to join the masonry with special care with a special tool.
On the side of the washing compartment, the partitions are usually covered with tiles, which protect the brick from moisture. In the steam room, such a partition is insulated, sheathed with foil heat-reflecting and waterproof material with its subsequent facing with natural wood.
Features of a wooden partition in a bath
Bulkheads made of wood can be single, double or frame sheathing. For baths, due to their "extreme" operating conditions, frame-sheathing structures are more suitable.
Pros and cons of wooden partitions for a bath

The advantages of such partitions are very significant:
- The material of their manufacture is environmentally friendly.
- The possibility of making a frame partition in the bath with increased strength, withstanding more than 150 kg of load.
- Light weight of a wooden partition. With its thickness of 150 mm, weight is 1 m2 construction is 90-92 kg.
- Good sound insulation, its index reaches 41dB.
There are also disadvantages:
- Wood structures are afraid of water, so they need waterproofing.
- The material of the partitions is edible for rodents and insects, impregnation of wood with antiseptics can get rid of this problem.
- Wooden partitions are flammable, their fire resistance is 0.2 hours. The impregnation of the partition elements with a fire retardant serves as a partial protection against fire.
Cost of 1 m2 a wooden partition is from $ 20 and more, it depends on the material of the sheathing.
The device of a wooden partition in the bath

Consider the device of a wooden partition between the steam room and the sink in the bath. The step-by-step process looks like this:
- Assembly and fastening of the frame. This is the most time consuming stage of the work. For the frame, a beam of 50x50 mm or 50x100 mm is used, it is assembled on site. Two bars for the ceiling and floor, each with a length corresponding to the width of the partition, are fixed to the corresponding structures using dowels. The same should be done with the bars for the walls. They are cut to the height of the room and fixed between the floor and ceiling bars in increments of 600-120 mm. With the help of transverse bars, a doorway is formed. For rigidity, it is additionally supplied with intermediate struts on both sides.
- Insulation of the partition. Insulation is placed between the frame posts. The material for it can be basalt wool with a slab thickness of 50 mm and a width of 600 mm.
- From the side of the steam room, along the insulation, the frame is sheathed with foil, the heat-reflecting side of which must face the interior of the room. The material is attached with a stapler to the frame posts. The seams between the panels are glued with metal tape.
- From the side of the washing compartment of the bath, the insulation is covered with a waterproofing membrane of the Izospan type. Its fastening and sealing of seams is carried out in the same way as in the previous version.
- Partition facing. To obtain a ventilation gap between the back of the future cladding and the waterproofing layer, thin strips 15 mm wide are stuffed across the racks. A lining is attached to them. The same operation is performed from the side of the steam room on foil-clad material. All wooden frame elements must be treated with an antiseptic.
Such a wooden partition in a bath can be installed in one day.
Features of the glass partition in the bath
Unlike Soviet times, today's glass partitions are a fashionable design element with a variety of decorative solutions.
Advantages and disadvantages of glass partitions

Modern glass partitions in a bath can be made of glass blocks - a kind of transparent "bricks" made of glass with a thickness of 6-10 mm. Their surface can be corrugated, smooth, matte, transparent and colored.
The production of glass partitions has certain advantages:
- Partitions look spectacular, durable, strong enough, fire-resistant.
- They have good heat and sound insulation characteristics.
- They transmit light, for transparent blocks this value is up to 80%, for matte and colored products - up to 50%. The patterns of the grooved blocks give a whimsical play of light and shade.
- The material of glass partitions can withstand temperature drops from -40 to + 50 degrees. In the event of a fire, the structure of transparent blocks is able to restrain the spread of smoke and flames for two hours.
- Glass partitions are easy to clean and do not absorb odors, they are not afraid of rodents and insects.
Despite the outstanding advantages, the disadvantages of glass bulkheads also have a place to be:
- The inner surface of the partitions excludes the laying of any communications - electrical wiring, water supply, etc.
- Shelves or paintings cannot be hung on a glass wall.
- A separate block is not cut when installing the partition.
The cost of glass blocks depends on their type. Industrial products are the cheapest, their price is 40-60 rubles / piece. Colored blocks are more expensive - 160 rubles / piece. The most expensive are blocks with a pattern obtained by sintering glass of different colors. Their price is more than 1,500 rubles / piece. The cost of work on the installation of the partition - more than $ 20 per 1 m2.
The device of a glass partition in a bath

Installing a glass partition for a beginner is not an easy task. For laying glass blocks, cement-sand mortars with a fine filler fraction or "liquid" nails are used. There are two methods of installation: on adhesive cement mortar and in modular cells.
The first method is similar to the maintenance of brickwork, it is quite laborious and time-consuming:
- The base is cleaned of dust, debris and dirt, and then leveled.
- The first row of blocks is level-adjusted. Between them there are plastic crosses for making seams of the same thickness.
- The masonry is reinforced horizontally and vertically with iron rods 6 mm in diameter through two blocks. It is recommended to lay no more than 3 rows per day due to the weight of the products - the damp bottom seams of the masonry can shift from the weight.
The work in the second way is faster. Mesh grilles made of plastic, MDF or wood are attached to walls, ceilings and floors. Then they are filled with blocks using a sealant or rubber gaskets.
How to make a partition in a bath - watch the video:

The question of bath partitions is quite extensive. We hope that the information provided in the article will help you choose the material and even make a partition in the bath with your own hands.