How to find a working weight in bodybuilding?

How to find a working weight in bodybuilding?
How to find a working weight in bodybuilding?

The working weight must be selected correctly so that mass is gained and there is no state of overtraining. Find out how to find a working weight in bodybuilding. Working weight in bodybuilding is the weight of a sports equipment with which an athlete performs an exercise. The intensity of the training depends on this indicator, and it is selected in accordance with the tasks set for the athlete. There is also another concept closely related to working weight - the repetitive maximum (RM). For example, the designation 6RM indicates that the weight of the apparatus is chosen at which the athlete is able to perform a maximum of 6 repetitions.

In accordance with the working weight, it is customary to distinguish three degrees of training intensity:

  • Low intensity - from 10 to 40% PM;
  • Medium intensity - from 40 to 80% PM;
  • High intensity - from 80 to 100% PM.

The above percentages from one repeated maximum conditionally distinguish light weight - 10-40% PM, medium - 40-80% PM, heavy - 80-100% PM.

How to correctly calculate the working weight of the projectile?

Sportswoman training with a barbell
Sportswoman training with a barbell

Most often, bodybuilders use 6 to 8 reps in a single set. This number is optimal for mass gain. You need to select such a weight of the sports equipment at which you can perform 8 repetitions before muscle failure occurs. Before performing the main set, a warm-up approach is required, in which the weight will be half of the possible worker. It should also be remembered that for every 20% of extra repetitions performed, the weight of the projectile should be increased by 10%.

But it is important to remember that when the weight is picked up over several attempts, the final result will be lower than the real one, since the muscles will already be tired. You can also suggest another method for calculating the working weight:

  • For example, in a test set, the barbell was lifted by you 10 times, and its weight was 80 kilograms.
  • Do a warm-up set of 7 reps with an apparatus weighing 40 kilograms.
  • Lift the weights as many times as possible, let's say you got it 12 times.
  • As a result, you performed 20% more reps than required, therefore, the working weight should be increased by 10%.
  • In the next session, use a weight of 88 kilograms and make adjustments if necessary.

Technique for determining the optimal working weight

An athlete performs a dumbbell press
An athlete performs a dumbbell press

At first, you should use light weights so that you can feel the work of all muscle groups. It will also allow more attention to be paid to the technical side of the exercise, which is also very important for continuous progress.

After two weeks, increase the weight, while using small weights in the first approach. Experienced first set athletes typically perform 15 to 20 reps with low weight, and sometimes no weight at all. This allows the muscles and connective tissues to be warmed up and the muscles filled with blood. In the second set, perform 10 to 12 reps, slightly increasing the weight of the equipment. If you do this easily enough and in full accordance with the technique, then you can increase the weight. When the 12 reps are technically correct again, add the weight again. This weight gain strategy is called the pyramid and is the safest.

Increase the weight until 8 to 12 repetitions are difficult for you and the muscles refuse to work further. This weight will be optimal for you. You should increase it again only when the strength indicators increase, and you can perform more repetitions of the exercise. You should not increase the weight by more than 10%. If you cannot perform 12 repetitions with the new weight of the projectile, then continue to work and soon you will succeed. This scheme is called the "overload principle".

The essence of this technique is to regularly load the muscles with a weight slightly exceeding their usual weight. As a response of the body, protein will begin to accumulate in the muscle tissues, which will lead to their growth and increase in strength. Constant loading is not an effective means of gaining mass.

Beginner athletes often make the mistake of wanting to use the maximum weight, and during the exercise they begin to help lift weights with their whole body. This cannot be done, because your main task is not to raise maximum weights, but to create a harmoniously developed body.

It is more efficient to use less weight of the projectile and perform the exercises technically correctly. Continuing to work with heavy weights and disrupt the technique will not only slow down development but can lead to injury.

In bodybuilding, the number of repetitions is very important. The weight of the projectile depends on this. If you are doing more than 15 reps, then a low load is needed, with 8-10 reps use medium, and with 1-3 reps, a high load can be used. Weight should be selected individually in accordance with the number of repetitions in one set and its ratio with the maximum result. This is done experimentally. Start with a comfortable weight and then make the necessary adjustments to increase or decrease the weight.

A large number of repetitions can be performed in the following cases:

  1. If you need to quickly gain weight (applies to novice athletes), get rid of excess body fat, improving your fitness.
  2. To give the muscles a relief (only experienced athletes) and the number of repetitions in this situation can go up to 30.
  3. If it is not possible to use more weight.

It should be remembered that the optimal load for a bodybuilder is 6 to 10 repetitions in one set. In this case, the weight of the working projectile should be from 60 to 70 percent of the maximum. Such a load contributes to the growth of muscles and an increase in strength and endurance indicators. Experienced athletes can work with maximum weight, but in this case, the number of repetitions should be 6-10 in one set.

For more information on how to choose the right working weight in bodybuilding, see this video: