Features and basic rules of openwork crochet. The best ideas for crafts using the fillet knitting technique: napkins for the house, curtains, clothes.
Fillet knitting is a very interesting type of needlework, popular several centuries ago. Interest in technology began to revive due to its simplicity and aesthetic appeal of the finished work. Openwork crafts look very beautiful, despite the fact that they do not take much time to create. Even schoolchildren can do most of the knitting patterns for sirloin knitting, but before you get creative, familiarize yourself with the basics of technology.
Features of fillet knitting

The history of sirloin crochet, unlike other types of needlework, has been little studied. It is assumed that the first techniques of net knitting were worked out by fishermen during the weaving of fishing tackle, and for a long time their skill remained outside the close attention of needlewomen. But with the development of the textile industry and the fashion for guipure lace, the question arose about possible ways to imitate expensive openwork production.
Fillet knitting for fashionistas has become an excellent opportunity to get an equally spectacular mesh with a complex pattern instead of expensive lace. If for guipure embroidery, a mesh was first knitted, and then embroidery stitches were laid over the cage, then when knitting, the pattern is formed as we are weaving. It is thanks to such a simplified but accelerated technique that knitting has become incredibly popular among needlewomen of the past.
The development of this applied art in a modern interpretation was influenced by fashion and the textile industry. If in the beginning knitted items of clothing were especially popular, for example, a collar or cuffs, today the fillet knitting technique is used to create napkins, decorative borders, curtains and even whole sets of clothing. Although knitting, unlike openwork embroidery on a finished mesh, does not require such efforts and time, and the consumption of materials is much lower, the quality of the crafts is at a height.
In the fillet knitting technique, you can create beautiful and useful things:
- Napkins … To save materials, only borders, small strips were previously knitted, which were then sewn to the fabric base. Now napkins are becoming an original decoration of the table. Both border and fully knitted models remain popular. Fillet knitting patterns are drawn independently or printed from handicraft books.
- Curtains … Openwork knitting looks very light and airy, and with the right pattern, it will also perfectly protect the house from light. In addition, these curtains look incredibly original.
- Clothing or its elements … Crocheting sirloin patterns is a great alternative to expensive lace. And if earlier only collars and sleeves were decorated with such lace, then today's fashion allows the creation of whole openwork sweaters and skirts. On the principle of a knitted napkin, you can create a cape, but unlike a decorative element for a wardrobe cape, you need to select soft threads.

In the photo there is a tablecloth in the technique of fillet knitting
In addition to the decorative and applied role, the importance of which in this case is difficult to overestimate, the benefits of knitting are the same as from other types of needlework. Handcrafted craftsmanship has a highly relaxing effect. Working on a craft for at least 15 minutes a day has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person, reduces stress levels, and helps to switch from one task to another.
Loin crochet pattern helps train memory. Well, the hand movements themselves are the best way to massage the fingers and, accordingly, develop fine motor skills. At a young age, such massage improves speech skills, and in adulthood helps to avoid age-related dementia, improves memory and brain activity in general.
Basic rules for sirloin knitting

The scheme of napkins in the technique of fillet knitting
The principle of creating crafts using the fillet knitting technique is very simple: in a product created using a crochet, crocheted loops and air loops (to form a mesh) are knitted, as well as loops that fit tightly to each other. The alternation of air loops and tight knit helps to create the notorious openwork effect. Uncomplicated technique makes fillet knitting for beginners an ideal type of needlework.
All you need to create basic patterns is yarn and a crochet hook. The thickness and density of knitting will depend on the selection of these materials, so it will not be superfluous to check before starting work how the materials behave on a small test knitting.
There is an unspoken rule among needlewomen - to prepare all the necessary materials before starting work. Carefully read the description of sirloin knitting to get the right amount of yarn. This rule is especially important for knitting large items - tablecloths, bedspreads and curtains. In the unfolded state, areas connected with a thread of a different shade are very prominent.
If your goal is an eclectic craft, matching threads are not necessary. However, the rule of preparing the same materials greatly facilitates the tasks of a beginner in needlework. The ability to work with shades of thread comes with your experience, so it is better to do the first crafts in monochrome.
In order for crafts to delight you with their beauty, it is important to follow a number of rules in the work:
- Be sure to use mating patterns. You can find them online or draw yourself. It is better to draw a drawing on a sheet of a notebook in a cage, so that when knitting, you can see which cell to make airy, and which one to fill tightly with viscous.
- The first crochet loin patterns are best chosen symmetrical to minimize the risk of miscalculation, but you can also try abstract patterns.
- Simple crafts can be made not only round, but also square in shape. If the mesh begins to expand or contract during knitting, align the sides of the craft by changing the number of air loops.
- It is quite difficult for beginners to determine the number of air loops in the first row, especially if the work is carried out according to the scheme without decoding. In order not to tighten or, conversely, not to tighten the edge of the craft, you can make the first row from another thread. As the main product weaves, such a row can be dissolved or knitted into a beautiful edging.
The best crafts in the technique of fillet knitting
Knitting patterns for sirloin patterns are a pattern of cells and sticks. To make a beautiful craft, it is important to carefully study the diagram and the decryption for it. Make sure that all the designations for it are clear to you, and if not, work out a complex element on a separate piece. It is recommended to start fillet knitting for beginners with napkins: simple but neat products that look original in the interior. The technique for creating curtains is the same as for napkins, but it takes more time. On large crafts, it is very important to ensure that all loops are the same size. An even thread tension is also important when creating garments. Openwork knitting has remained a constant trend of summer fashion for several years in a row.
Fillet knitting napkin

It is best to master the knitting technique on small jobs. A napkin in the technique of fillet knitting as the first craft will allow you to learn all the necessary techniques and master the skill of "reading" patterns. Traditionally, it is customary to create napkins in white, and then starch the finished product, but today this rule is not required to be observed. Choose the tone of the threads so that the finished craft fits your interior.
Necessary materials:
- iris threads - 1 skein (220 m);
- crochet hook - 1, 75 mm.
We knit a napkin using the fillet knitting technique:
- Weaving is carried out from the center to the edges. The first row is made with air loops and closed in a ring.
- We knit the subsequent rows strictly in a circle, observing the pattern indicated on the pattern you have chosen.
- The finished napkin is obtained with an even edge. To decorate the product, you can add additional edging. Scalloped edging patterns are selected separately depending on the size of your napkin.
By the same principle, tablecloths are created using the technique of sirloin knitting and table paths. To work with large products, it is better to choose the appropriate schemes. And once you've figured out how to create fully knitted pieces, you can try flying around fabric patches. The combination of openwork knit and plain canvas looks very impressive.
Curtains in the technique of fillet knitting

Fillet knitting patterns for beginners do not always offer the creation of handmade miniatures. Curtains for windows, although they are quite large in size, products, depending on the complexity of the pattern, can also be performed by beginners. The finished craft will look like tulle, so it will harmoniously fit into any interior.
Necessary materials:
- natural fiber yarn - light shades look best on the windows, but the color you choose should first of all be in harmony with the interior;
- crochet hook - its thickness should be 2 times the thickness of the thread.
We knit curtains using sirloin knitting technique:
- We collect a chain of air loops in such a way that its length is equal to the width of the window.
- According to the previously selected pattern, we knit row by row, starting from the top and ending with the bottom.
- We process the edges of the curtain with sirloin knitting. Edging patterns can be selected separately from the basic pattern.
The advantages of such crafts are their absolute uniqueness and the ability to create individual shapes and parameters. If you have windows of non-standard sizes, then this decor option may be the only right solution. At the same time, it is not necessary to carry out a curtain on the floor; in some cases, an openwork border that repeats the shape of a lambrequin is enough.
Fillet knitting clothes

One of the most fun ways to put fillet crochet into practice is to add an openwork row to your garment. Since the knitting is very light, translucent, such products are great for summer models.
You don't need to know how to sew to decorate your wardrobe. If you have a blouse with a plunging neckline, you can drape it using openwork knit. The new look will be intriguing. For drapery on the chest, open back, it is recommended to select patterns of flowers in sirloin knitting. The combination of the pattern on the fabric and knit will look incredibly stylish.
If you are new to sewing, but want to try your hand at this needlework, choose easy-to-sew models of sundresses and blouses with straps. Crochet the straps with sirloin knitting. By the way, you can also modify the straps of sundresses that are already in your wardrobe.
Well, knitting of openwork clothes can be considered the pinnacle of fillet skill. Even if you already have napkins, borders and curtains in your arsenal, it will not hurt to study a master class for the first sweater with sirloin knitting. The complexity of such products lies in the fact that you will need to follow both the main pattern of the product and the contour so that the knitting fits neatly over the figure. The knitted parts of the sweater are crocheted or sewn by hand.
Important! Threads tend to shrink after washing. Therefore, if you decide to crochet clothes using the fillet knitting technique, regardless of the chosen patterns, there is a risk that the finished product will shrink. To prevent this, it is recommended to soak the threads in cold water and dry well before starting knitting. It is imperative to soak dyed threads, which may shed during operation.
What is sirloin knitting - watch the video:

Fillet knitting is a fairly simple type of needlework that can be mastered even at a young age. In addition to the developmental factor (it helps to increase perseverance, attention, memory), almost all crafts in the technique of sirloin knitting can be used in everyday life, not to mention stylish do-it-yourself outfits. As your skill grows, the compositions and knitting will become more difficult.