Withdrawal syndrome after stopping steroid use

Withdrawal syndrome after stopping steroid use
Withdrawal syndrome after stopping steroid use

This article focuses on the so-called "withdrawal syndrome", which often occurs after the completion of the anabolic cycle. The content of the article:

  • Endocrine changes
  • Psychological changes

It's no secret that when the cycle of steroid intake ends, the athlete experiences a significant decline in performance. During this period, part of the gained mass is lost, strength indicators decrease. This often causes disappointment and dissatisfaction, and a state of depression appears. Many athletes see a way out of this situation in a repetitive cycle. It is clear that after this everything is repeated again.

Endocrine changes after a course of steroids

Steroids in injections and tablets
Steroids in injections and tablets

To understand the reasons for what is happening, you should thoroughly understand the changes that are observed in the body after the end of the cycle.

The main change is associated with the cessation of the synthesis of natural testosterone and other anabolic hormones. Since their level is high during the use of steroid drugs, it makes no sense for the body to synthesize hormones on its own. The longer this continues, the more the hormone production system atrophies. External signs of this process can be observed by a decrease in the size of the testicles.

As a result, endocrine impotence may even begin. If you do not pay due attention to this, then the athlete will no longer be able to recover and will remain sterile. At the same time, he will have to take androgens all the time, and physical dependence may appear, similar to drug addiction.

The next change concerns an increase in the content of female hormones in the athlete's body. This boost can be of two types: relative and absolute. With a relative increase, the content of estrogens does not increase significantly, but exceeds the level of androgens. An absolute increase implies an excess of the amount of estrogen in comparison with the established norm. For this reason, female hormones begin to show increased activity, which leads to the appearance of signs of gynecomastia.

Also, a malfunction of the pancreas, which synthesizes less insulin, also affects the "withdrawal syndrome" after the end of the steroid intake. It is worth recalling that this hormone is a very important anabolic that stimulates cells to use more glucose, which causes them to grow.

The level of synthesis of growth hormone, which is synthesized in response to a decrease in sugar levels caused by insulin, also directly depends on insulin. Growth hormone is a powerful anabolic hormone, and is synthesized in the liver together with insulin-like growth factor. They have a stimulating effect on the growth of bone tissue and muscles. Also, it is these hormones that stimulate the appearance of new fibers in muscle tissue, which steroids cannot do, which can only accelerate the growth of existing ones.

And, of course, an increase in cortisol levels. During normal body functioning, cortisol is involved in the metabolic processes of carbohydrates and fats. It breaks down liver proteins into carbohydrates, which it then converts into energy. Simply put, cortisol simply burns protein compounds to provide the body with energy. The hormone is always synthesized when the body is under stress, which can be caused by overtraining or severe injury.

Psychological changes after using steroids

Steroid injection
Steroid injection

No less serious changes are taking place in the psychology of the athlete, which is also the reason why "withdrawal syndrome" can occur after the end of the steroid intake. On a steroid cycle, athletes experience a fairly strong rise and even become more aggressive. After the end of the cycle, this state is replaced by a decline in strength and a decrease in motivation. All this as a result leads to the onset of depression.

Unlike endocrine changes, psychological ones largely depend on the athlete himself, or more precisely, his psyche. However, general patterns can be traced quite easily. Problems often arise at work or school, and personal relationships also suffer.

It is quite difficult for a person to come to terms with the fact that until recently his body had a beautiful athletic appearance, and now it is changing for the worse. Perhaps social problems associated with the ridicule of others will begin. In this case, the psychological preparation of the athlete for such changes decides a lot.

If during the cycle the training brought a visible effect, then after the completion of the steroid intake, the effectiveness dropped sharply. And the training sessions themselves become a burden, and the desire to visit the gym disappears. However, this effect is no less natural than endocrine changes, and you need to prepare yourself for this in advance.

Very often, after the end of the anabolic cycle, a "plateau" effect occurs, and the athlete has a strong desire to start a new course. This in turn can form a psychological dependence on steroids. This is even worse than the "withdrawal syndrome" after you stop taking steroids, for which you can and should prepare yourself in advance.

The desire of companies producing sports pharmacology to capitalize on this condition is quite understandable. However, when comparing the effectiveness of dietary supplements and steroids, the former cannot be compared. They can be called practically ineffective in creating or at least maintaining muscle mass. Although now more and more companies are starting to produce supplements, which, according to manufacturers, are used in the body to synthesize testosterone.

All of the above creates an opinion among athletes that they themselves practically cannot influence the growth of muscle tissue mass in any way, and only with the help of steroids it becomes possible. Gradually, this is fixed on a subconscious level, and the athlete actually stops progressing. Such a phenomenon is quite dangerous in that it can cause a decrease in immunity and cause the development of psychosomatic diseases.

Watch a video on the use of steroids:

[media = https://www.youtube.com/watch? v = fJbRqVb6_8E & list = PL3e1NSPa_iVGWp2tU2sqKAAnKYQN21s6] That is why it is important for athletes to form a positive way of thinking, to convince them that progress is possible without the use of steroid drugs, and after the end of the steroid intake is only a temporary phenomenon, and you need to be prepared for the changes that will occur after the end of the cycle.
