When to send letters to Santa Claus, at what address does the wizard live? How to write a letter to Santa Claus, examples of letters from a girl, boy, adults. Recommendations and advice.
A letter to Santa Claus is a real magic in the modern world. Children believe in miracles, waiting for the desired gift, and adults, who describe their dreams on a piece of paper, turn them into goals. In one way or another, the wishes expressed in the letter come true. And this makes you even more believe in New Year's magic and winter fairy tale. And although a kind grandfather will understand any of your fantasies, it is important to know how to write a letter to Santa Claus correctly, because according to legend, his mail is received by assistants who are not always easy to sort out the correspondence.
History and traditions of sending a letter to Santa Claus

Many children and adults think that the tradition of writing to Santa Claus, the templates of such messages and the wizard's mail itself have appeared quite recently. Some cynics have argued that this is an adult ploy to facilitate the selection of gifts in crowded shopping malls. In fact, our ancestors have long written short notes with wishes and burned them on the night before Christmas. The smoke from the fire was a kind of mail from a person to a wizard. Over time, short notes expanded into a long text, and the action itself was transformed into writing and sending a real letter to Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug.
There is another version of this tradition, according to which the first parcels were received by the American wizard Santa Claus. It was his residence in Alaska that began to closely communicate with children through correspondence. When the opening took place, and who was the first to propose to create Santa's mail, it is not known thoroughly, but already at the end of the 19th century, children of the whole country were actively writing letters to American Santa Claus, some of them are stored in the Santa Museum.
No matter how ancient the tradition is, psychologists agree that a letter to Santa Claus, text and sending are incredibly important for the formation of a healthy psyche of a baby. This is an opportunity to evaluate yourself and your achievements, the ability to ask and hope. Such letters make kids believe in miracles and await the holiday with trepidation. And this thrill is transmitted to many adults, forcing them to see the magic around.
There is no established traditional date when to write a letter to Santa Claus. According to the calculations of the wizard's assistants, by November of this year, almost 3 million letters from children had been collected in the mail. Regular state mail helps in the delivery of such magical desires. But specialized departments open annually on December 4. Here, employees organize direct communication with the wizard's residence and fast delivery of letters and replies to them.
When sending a letter to Santa Claus from a girl, boyfriend or adult, you must choose the date yourself. And here, as a rule, difficulties await, because if you give the envelope too early, then before January 1, you may well change your mind with the gift, and if it is too late, then the letter may simply not be in time. The Magic Chancery is open all year round, and in the pre-holiday period even the whole day, but it is still not recommended to send letters too late so that grandfather has time to get acquainted with it.
What address should I send a letter to Santa Claus?

The main magician of the New Year holidays has built his residences in different parts of the world. And if you put a mark on the envelope "Mail of Santa Claus", then for sure the letter will be sent to the address, but it is better to write the exact details. For Russia it is 162390, Vologda Oblast, Veliky Ustyug. My grandfather settled here since 1998. With the advent of a personal address for letters, Santa Claus began to answer them, so children from Russia are eagerly awaiting an answer with the personal signature of the wizard. Parents should understand that this service is paid, so when sending a letter, discuss all the details in advance.
The gray-bearded wizard is actively keeping up with the times and is even ready to accept emails from children. With the help of the parents, the child can go to the official website of the residence, fill out a special letter template for Santa Claus, attach the child's drawing and send it to the e-mail box.
And if you really believe in miracles and really want your wish to come true, then you can send a letter to Santa Claus to an address in another country. So, the Finnish magician Joulupukki lives in the town of Rovaniemi and understands almost all the languages of the world, he can write in Russian, and if he comes, you will also receive an answer in Russian. But do not be upset if the return letter does not reach the wizard, because millions of children from all over the world write to the wizard.
In Russian, you can also write to the Karelian magician Pakkaine and the Tatar Kysh Babai. Pakkaine lives in the Russian city of Olonets at 8, 30th Anniversary of Victory Street, and Kysh Babai lives in Tatarstan, the village of Yana Kyrlay. Both Pakkaine and Kysh Babay actively use social networks, so you can write a letter to Santa Claus from a boy or girl through the official page of the wizard.
But if you want to write to Per-Noel in France or Weinachtsman in Germany, the Canadian Santa Claus, whose mailing addresses are also easy to find on the web, then it is better to use the wizard's native language or English. It is better to print the address of sending a letter to Santa Claus, especially if an international shipment is to be made. The cost of international shipping services is higher, and it is not a fact that you will receive a return answer, but the child's faith in miracles is worth a try.
Note! A few years ago, grandfather did not have a permanent address, so the children sent envelopes to the North Pole, left them on frosty windowsills or even in refrigerators, hoping that the wizard would take them himself. In many families, this tradition of connection with grandfather still remains.
The structure of the letter to Santa Claus

Not everyone knows how to write a letter to Santa Claus, but meanwhile, it depends on the correct presentation of the desire whether it will come true. Online application forms have greatly simplified the task: a child only needs to fill in the blank fields to get a ready-made text. But a self-made letter to Santa Claus will undoubtedly please the wizard much more.
The approximate structure of the text is as follows:
- Polite greeting … It is better to say “Hello” or “Hello” here, the usual “Hello” sounds too familiar for a respectable old man and is only appropriate if a letter to Santa Claus is from an adult.
- Performance … Tell us about yourself, your hobbies and achievements, be sure to write how you liked the gifts last year, find out how the wizard and his granddaughter feel.
- Close acquaintance … In front of a friend, who is undoubtedly a wizard, you can confess your secrets and dreams, but also boast of victories in the passing year, after which you can safely ask for a well-deserved gift.
- A wish … It is not at all necessary to ask for a gift for yourself, you can make a wish for a loved one or ask for a gift for him.
- Congratulations … Do not forget to congratulate Moroz on the upcoming holiday, to wish him and his granddaughter all the most interesting and good things. It is better to end the text of the letter to Santa Claus with your own signature (you can just write the name below).
The whole message will take no more than 5 sentences, so you can still put a drawing or a small greeting card in the envelope being sent, the wizard is very pleased to receive such small souvenirs. It is better to write the text by hand, but if not legible handwriting, then the letter to Santa Claus can be printed.
Sample letter to Santa Claus

It is easy to find ready-made templates for sending to Santa Claus on the Internet. In the empty sectors, you need to enter only your name and the desired gift. Of course, grandfather will accept any appeal, but such a template is not very interesting, it is still better to write a beautiful personal text, slightly altering the ready-made letter samples to Santa Claus.
An example of a letter to Santa Claus from a girl:
Good afternoon, beloved Santa Claus! My name is Alina. I am already an adult - in September I turned 7 years old. I live in Rostov with my mother and grandmother, I study well in the second grade and really love going to school. I really liked the album and the paints under the last tree, thank you very much. I have already painted all the sheets, my mother says that I am good at it. Please bring a beautiful dress for mom this year. And when you are with us, we will treat you with delicious raspberry jam. Grandma closed it herself. See you, Santa Claus. Alina.
The letter to Santa Claus from the boy is no less sincere:
Hello, Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden! I am Andrey. I am a fifth grader, but I really want to finish school as soon as possible. In class, I sit quietly, and sometimes I run during recess. But I promise that I will try to behave in the future - not to run during recess and not to fight. Dear Grandpa, please bring me a soccer ball and candy. I will share the sweets with my mother, and I will only play the ball outside. Andrey.
It is interesting that every year thousands of letters come to the residence of Santa Claus not from children, but from adults who also sincerely believe in miracles.
An example of a letter from an adult:
Hello, Santa Claus, Beard from Cotton Wool. We believe in miracles. This year has been very eventful: we have a long-awaited baby. We want to wish him good health, let him grow to be a strong mom and dad for joy. This year we will have the most beautiful Christmas tree and homemade biscuits with tea. Come visit. Will wait. Ivan and Natalia.
Note! Not all letters to Santa Claus come to Veliky Ustyug written according to a strict template: in some there is no greeting, in others the authors forget to wish something for themselves. But Santa Claus in any case appreciates sincerity and diligence in such messages.
Tips from Santa Claus mail assistants

Not everyone knows that the letters to Santa Claus are helped by assistants in the Chancellery. In Russia, such helpers are snowmen, in America - elves, in Finland - gnomes, and ordinary people, willy-nilly, become accomplices of New Year's magic.
Over the years of working with letters, assistants have created a list of recommendations for writing texts:
- Grandfather Frost is a real polyglot, if you write to another country, you can apply in Russian, but the greeting is best written in the wizard's native language, for him it's nice. And, of course, if there is an opportunity, it is better for a foreign grandfather to write in English.
- Don't ask for too many gifts: Grandpa will gladly fulfill all your wishes, but long lists simply confuse him. In one letter, indicate 2-3 wishes, but the most cherished ones.
- Santa Claus really likes to receive pictures and postcards from you, but it is better not to put sweets and caramels in an envelope.
- In order for your grandfather to answer you, it is very important to indicate your address correctly, and it is best to print it and attach it to a letter to Santa Claus. The assistants will take out this printout and tape it onto the return envelope.
Father Frost's mail assistants recommend that parents write such letters with their children. Explain in advance that although the grandfather is a wizard, he does not bring magic gifts like a self-assembled tablecloth. If the kid wants a very expensive or unbearable gift, try to explain to him that Santa Claus will not have time to prepare for the celebration so quickly, find an alternative together.
It should also be explained that the wizard will see your letter, even if it is hidden under the pillow, but he is unlikely to be able to answer it personally due to being very busy. Together with your child, you can decorate the text beautifully - draw a picture or cut out snowflakes. Writing a letter to Santa Claus together with your own hands can become a wonderful family tradition.
How to write a letter to Santa Claus - watch the video:

A letter to Santa Claus is a nice pastime for children and their parents. Preparations for the holiday will begin long before December 31 and will create a truly fabulous mood until the very celebrations. Psychologists say that in addition to believing in magic, such letters strengthen children's self-esteem and develop courage. Well, for an adult, a letter to Santa Claus will be an excellent reminder of childhood dreams and, possibly, will push them to fulfill them. Adults and children should be taught how to write a letter to Santa Claus and how to ask correctly, but it is much more important not to stop believing in miracles and wait for all wishes to come true.