Pixiebob: Breeding History, Appearance, Care Tips

Pixiebob: Breeding History, Appearance, Care Tips
Pixiebob: Breeding History, Appearance, Care Tips

The history of the breed's origin, a description of the Pixie Bob's appearance standard, the peculiarities of the kitten's temperament, the health and possible diseases of the animal, the rules for keeping a pet, the price of a kitten. Piksibob (English Pixi-bob), if we talk about these truly amazing representatives of the feline world, it seems that in some extraordinary way you can plunge into a separate, fabulous plane for a certain period of time. These cats fascinate, at first with their very original external data, and only then, when you get to know them more closely, it becomes clear that these are extremely unusual creatures. These are representatives of the world of cats, whom nature has awarded with a special mind and consideration, good nature and the ability to be faithful.

Many people say that pixiebob is a dog in a cat's guise, it certainly sounds strange, but there is a grain of truth in this. And all because it is difficult to find a smarter, educated and devoted cat who would not wander around the house with a narcissist. expression of a face and intently demanded attention or something tasty. So, if you are looking for an unusual pet, you should definitely pay attention to these animals, perhaps this is the one you have been looking for for so long.

The history of the origin of pixiebob cats

Pixiebob on a walk
Pixiebob on a walk

Since these cats differ from many members of their family in some external features, it is not at all surprising that people began to invent a variety of versions of their origin. Why not just say, but all because such an original cat cannot have the most ordinary life story. According to one of these versions, it is believed that the first representative of modern Pixi-bob came to our world as a result of crossing a wild lynx and a hybrid of the most common yard cat. But this assumption remains in the category of "legends and myths", since, firstly, scientists have not been able to find genomic material in the pixiebob genotype from potential relatives from the wild. And secondly, it is almost impossible for natural reasons, since usually animals choose a pair of their own kind. How someone's domestic Murka could meet a wild beast.

The following story of these animals is considered more realistic. Their native land is the United States, it was there, around the mid-80s of the last century, that the famous felinologist Carol Ann Brever was busy looking for a pet. Then she caught sight of a kitten that was significantly different from all the others, starting with the fact that it had more toes and a rather short tail. According to the owners, this baby from birth has such a tail process, he did not have any mechanical injuries. Such a fluffy "specimen" could not leave a professional felinologist indifferent and, of course, she bought it.

After some time, by chance, Carol Ann Brever picked up a stray cat on the street, it would seem, what's the big deal. But the fact is that this representative of the feline world, despite prolonged starvation and a noticeable depletion of the body, weighed a little more than 8 kg and he also had a short tail.

When this union of exclusive cats brought the first offspring to the breeder, the breeder kept one kitten for herself, who was given the nickname Pixie, which means "elf" in English. The Pixi was a miniature version of the lynx and it was impossible not to notice it. Then the breeder made a firm decision to start a program for breeding a new variety.

Due to the similarity to the predator, many organizations do not recognize the Pixi-bob to this day, but fortunately not everyone thinks so. Such global associations as TICA, UFO, CCA, ACFA, and many others have nevertheless ranked these purrs in the ranks of purebred.

Pixiebob: breed standard description

Pixie Bob's appearance
Pixie Bob's appearance

Representatives of this species are rather large animals, the average body weight of an adult cat is 4, 5–5, 5 kg, while the average weight of a representative of the stronger sex often reaches 10 kg.

  • Head short-tailed pixiebobs are relatively large, but harmonize very well with the overall proportions of the cat's body. Its configuration is often compared to an upside-down pear. The muzzle of these exotics is very wide, even slightly plump, all the outlines of the skull are smooth. Of the protruding parts, only a wide, strong and well-developed chin and nose can be noted. The olfactory organ is also wide and slightly protrudes above the general level; a slight hump is visible on it, which only gives some zest to the animal's muzzle.
  • Auricles The "elf cats" are rather wide, but the medium size is one of the sights of this breed. The ears are set deep, tassels always flaunt on beautiful, slightly rounded tips, and a light ornament can be discerned on the outside of the auricle.
  • Eyes The Pixi-bob cat cannot be called large, their larger sizes are rather average, they resemble medium-sized buttons, with smooth lines and noticeably protruding eyelids. The eyes of the purr are set quite deep, at a short distance. If we talk about the color of the iris of the visual organ of a cat, then most often in newborn babies it is presented in a bright blue color scheme, but you will not find adult blue-eyed pixiebob cats "in the daytime with fire". According to the official standard of the breed, purebred individuals are the owners of brown, red with golden tint and deep green eyes.
  • Torso representatives of this species are quite dimensional. Due to their large body mass and the development of muscle tissue, these animals have a very powerful and strong bone skeleton. The Pixi-bob's chest is especially prominent, it is wide and strong. In addition, if you look at a cat in motion, you will notice that his shoulder blades are extremely well visualized, which gives this cat a peculiar predatory look. The projection of the hips is located slightly above the shoulder area.
  • Limbs these "elf cats" have long, even and well-developed muscles, very strong and stable. Paw pads are round in shape, rather large in size. A characteristic feature of these animals is polydactyly (multiple fingers - that is, the presence of extra fingers), which is also spelled out in the breed standard. The maximum number of toes on one foot is 6–7.
  • Tail process the pixiebob is also remarkable. It is very short, but it is always available, unlike many bobtails. The standard allows for a minimum tail length of about 5 cm, while the maximum balance organ can grow in length equal to the length of the line to the hock joint.
  • Wool "American elves" are very unusual, in all parts of the body it is quite thick and very soft, pleasant to the touch, although the texture of the hair is quite strong. The Pixi-bob coat can be formed with either short or medium length coats. In the abdomen, the hairs are always slightly longer and there are more of them, but in structure they are softer and thinner.
  • Color These purrs can be different, most often you can find cats with a spotted tabby color of brown shades, a dark gray color scheme, with the opposite ticking (the tips of the hairs are painted in light colors). It should be noted that, depending on the environmental conditions, the shades of the basic color tone may vary slightly.

There are some features of the color of a purebred pixiebob cat:

  • paw pads can only be charcoal black or dark chocolate;
  • the color of the tip of the tail process should be the same as the pads of the paws;
  • dark lines should run from the outer corner of the eye towards the cheeks, and a beige or pure white border should be drawn around the eyes;
  • on the forehead there is a dark-colored pattern reminiscent of the letter "M";
  • vibrissae are most often dark with light tips;
  • specks of different sizes are randomly drawn along the body of the animal, the abdomen is also spotted.

The nature of pets pixiebob, photo of a cat

Pixiebob lies
Pixiebob lies

Despite the outward resemblance to a predator, these representatives of the feline kingdom are “pets” and are distinguished by a particularly friendly disposition. They find a common language quite well with all household members, without exception, including small children, and even other pets. They all have the same attitude, but some individual individuals can single out one person, and it is this person that the cat will love and wait more than anyone else.

Pixi-bob loves to frolic, despite his rather impressive dimensions, this comrade is still that energizer, he will gladly chase around the apartment for a toy or even for the most ordinary lace.

Such a pet will never bother you and beg for attention, not because he is too proud, but because he is very well-mannered, and somewhere on the genetic level. Also, you should be prepared for how this furry purrs, this sound is more like a tractor engine, just cute and melodic. These cats are not too loud, they give their quiet voice only in really extreme cases.

Pixiebob: animal health and possible diseases

Pixiebob on a tree
Pixiebob on a tree

By and large, the appearance of Pixi-bob does not deceive - this is a really strong, healthy cat, which by nature is endowed with good health and excellent immunity. But, like all pets, this animal needs proper care and attention, which consists not only in feeding, but also in taking care of the health of the cat as a whole.

Pixiebob, despite his good natural immunity, needs vaccinations, but there is one "but", this sturdy man can react with an allergic reaction to some individual vaccines. In this regard, it is categorically impossible to vaccinate an animal at home, it is better to sacrifice your time and seek help from specialists than to lose the health of your furry, devoted friend.

Unfortunately, these short-tailed purrs have a tendency to develop hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, therefore it is recommended to undergo periodic ultrasound examination of the heart and a general examination by a veterinarian.

Also, do not forget about such seemingly common sores as helminthiases, which, as a result, can lead to very serious and sometimes disastrous consequences. Therefore, never neglect the courses of anthelmintic therapy, because any pathology is easier to prevent than to cure later.

Since all individuals are quite large, it is not always possible to notice that fine line between "moderately well-fed" and "overweight", which is not needed by anyone, especially the pixie-bob with his sensitive heart. Because of this, you need to carefully monitor the amount of food that your four-legged friend eats, as well as its quality.

Care and maintenance of a Pixi-bob cat at home

Pixie Bob photo
Pixie Bob photo
  1. Hair care. Since these pets are dressed in a rather thick fur coat, more thorough care is needed accordingly. In order for your pet to always look well-groomed and tidy, as well as to prevent hair from collecting in its digestive tract, it needs to be combed frequently. How often - it's up to you, cats usually love this procedure, so if you have the opportunity to carry it out every day - please, both pleasant and useful. A massage brush of medium hardness and with an average frequency of teeth arrangement is perfect as a tool, you can also use a special rubber glove, animals are more favorable to it. But during the shedding period, the glove will not be as effective. When it comes to bathing, pixiebobs are very fond of water, but they are often not allowed to bathe. Experts recommend washing these pets no more than once a month using a professional shampoo and conditioner. It is best to opt for combination skin care products.
  2. Hygiene. These short-tailed Pixi-bobs are very neat and clean, but they don't do everything on their own. They can wash their plump face, but it will be difficult for them to brush their teeth, and this should be done regularly, at least once a week. Cleaning the teeth and mouth is essential as cats often have a tendency to form tartar, which can lead to tooth loss. It is also not uncommon for animals to develop gingivitis. At the same time, it is recommended to periodically feed the pet with specialized food, which is intended for cleaning teeth. But such feeding should be combined with mechanical cleaning, and not replace it in any way. Pixiebob also needs to regularly clean his ears from the accumulation of earwax and accumulated particles of dirt and dead epidermis. This should be done with the help of children's cotton buds with a limiter and a special lotion, which is sold in any veterinary pharmacy. If other cats can clean their ears with folk remedies, then they can harm the representatives of this breed, due to the possibility of allergies. The eyes of the animal should be wiped once a week with cotton pads, previously soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, boric acid, in a decoction of herbs (chamomile, calendula) or in ordinary tea leaves.
  3. Claws. It is recommended to purchase a scratching post with the kitten, due to its well-developed intellect, the pixiebob quickly understands what it is and “what it is eaten with”, but it is not always enough. If you want to keep your furniture upholstery and wallpaper intact, it is best for your pet to periodically trim its nails. This "cat manicure" must be done very carefully, with the help of very sharp tools, since blunt tweezers can easily damage the part of the claw where the nerve endings pass. This will lead to severe pain, and painful shock often happens. Remember that you can only trim the transparent tip of the nail plate.
  4. Leisure. Since these pets are very active, and besides, they are also very curious, it will be good to provide the purr with some kind of entertainment. Anything can serve as toys, from toys with clockwork mechanisms, various tunnels and trees, ending with an ordinary crumpled piece of paper, a plastic bag or a cardboard box. Also, individuals of the Pixi-bob breed are very fond of spending time in the fresh air. If you live in a private house, you can safely let the animal go for a walk, but in the city it is better to use a harness leash. Since in the city noise, a pet can get scared of something and simply run away.
  5. What to feed? Both veterinarians and cat breeders alike agree that there is no better food option for the pixiebob than premium or super premium ready-made dry food. The optimal frequency of feeding is twice a day.

Also, do not forget about periodic courses with additional vitamin and mineral complexes.

The price of a pixiebob kitten

Pixiebob kitten
Pixiebob kitten

The price of a kitten of such an unusual breed varies from 20,000 to 110,000 rubles, depending on the pedigree, compliance with the breed standard, and on the status of the cattery. There is a cattery where you can find a purebred pixiebob kitten in Moscow, its name is "Wild cat of Moscow".

Pixie Bob video:
