How to make dumplings dough at home? TOP 5 recipes with photos. Cooking rules and advice from cooks. Video recipes.

Who doesn't love dumplings? Everyone loves them! And the most delicious dumplings are cooked with your own hands in your own kitchen. To make them you need minced meat and dumplings. In this article, we will talk specifically about the dumplings dough, the preparation methods of which are many. We offer TOP-5 dough recipes for homemade dumplings, as well as all culinary tips and secrets of its preparation. After all, the correct dumpling dough is the key to delicious dumplings.
Cooking tips and subtleties

- The classic and most popular version of dumplings dough consists of flour, water, eggs and salt. However, the dough for homemade dumplings is made with mineral water, milk, kefir. Choux dumplings are also prepared.
- For a tight dough, take a cold liquid, for a tender one - warm.
- Always sift flour. This will make the dough softer and the dumplings tastier.
- The amount of flour depends on the quality, stickiness and fineness of flour grinding for a suitable dough consistency. Therefore, always stock up on more flour than indicated in the recipe.
- Do not put a large number of eggs in the dough. If one egg is replaced with two egg yolks, the dough will turn out to be more tender, dense and elastic, if with two egg whites, the rigidity of the finished product will increase.
- There are recipes for dumplings without eggs. Then add a little vegetable or melted butter.
- Unusual dumplings from colored dough will be. For example, added spinach juice will give a green hue, beetroot juice will give a pink hue, etc.
- You can knead the dough both with your hands and in a bread maker. It is convenient to prepare dumplings in a bread maker because, thanks to a warm bread machine, it is better suited.
- If the dough is kneaded by hand, then usually the sifted flour is poured into a slide on the table. In the middle of the slide, a small depression is made, where mixed water with salt and eggs are poured in a thin stream. After that, the products are mixed, gradually taking the flour from the edges to the middle.
- The dough will become denser and more elastic if you allow it to rest for a while before rolling to allow it to rest for about 30 minutes. During this time, the gluten will swell and the dough will become more elastic and pliable. The dumplings will keep their shape well and will not boil in water.
- If there is dumpling dough left, you can make pasties, dumplings, steamed or baked roll from it. It is also thinly rolled and cut like noodles that are added to soup or broth. Pelmeni dough is quite versatile, therefore it is suitable for many products.
- Dumplings can be safely sent to the freezer and frozen for future use for several months.
Choux dumplings dough

It is very convenient and easy to work with choux pastry for dumplings. It turns out it is too tender and soft, sometimes it seems even slightly viscous and more "wet".
- Caloric content per 100 g - 259 kcal.
- Servings - 550-600 g
- Cooking time - 15 minutes
- Flour - 2 tbsp.
- Boiling water - 1 tbsp.
- Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
- Salt - 0.5 tsp
Cooking choux dumplings:
- Mix salt with pre-sifted flour.
- Pour flour into a bowl and make a funnel in the middle.
- Pour oil into this funnel and gradually add boiling water.
- Knead the dough first with a fork, gradually picking up the flour from the edges. Then continue kneading it with your hands.
- Move the dough ball onto a countertop and knead it well so that it doesn't stick to the surface and to your hands.
Dough for dumplings with milk

The dumplings dough in milk according to the classic recipe turns out to be very tender. It is softer, more elastic and easier to serve. If desired, using the same technology, you can make dough for dumplings without milk, replacing it with water or whey.
- Eggs - 1 pc.
- Milk - 200 ml.
- Flour - 560 g
- Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
- Salt - 1 tsp
Preparation of dumplings dough with milk:
- Beat eggs into a bowl, pour in vegetable oil and warm milk, add salt and mix everything well.
- Sift flour and add to the resulting liquid.
- Knead the dough first with a spoon, then put it on the table, and knead with your hands to make it tight.
- Wrap the finished dough with cling film and leave at room temperature for half an hour to rest.
Dumplings dough without eggs

Ideal dough for egg-free dumplings on boiling water. From this dough, dumplings are very tasty, they do not fall apart during cooking, and the dough itself rolls out very thinly, without tearing.
- Flour - 400 g
- Vegetable oil - 50 ml
- Salt - 0.5 tsp
- Boiling water - 250 ml
Cooking dough for dumplings without eggs in boiling water:
- Pour vegetable oil into boiling water, add salt and half the sifted flour.
- Mix the food with a dough hook mixer. It will be lumpy at first, but then it will become smooth and smooth.
- Then gradually add flour, and continue to knead with your hands a steep but soft dough for dumplings in boiling water.
Dough for soda dumplings

The simplest and most classic recipe for dumplings in water. But if you replace the water with soda, then homemade dumplings will turn out to be much tastier and more unusual.
- Wheat flour - 600 g
- Carbonated water - 250-300 ml
- Eggs - 1 pc.
- Salt - 0.5 tsp
- Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
Making soda dumplings dough:
- Pour flour into a bowl with a slide, make a hole on top and add salt.
- Drive an egg into the same hole and mix the food with a spoon.
- Gradually pour in cold soda water along with vegetable oil.
- Continue kneading the dough, grabbing flour from all sides.
- In the middle of kneading, continue to work with your hands and knead an elastic dough.
- Leave it to stand for 20 minutes to soften its consistency.
Dough for dumplings on kefir

The dough for dumplings on kefir without eggs is soft, tender and pliable. It is important to use a fermented milk product at room temperature. If you just got it out of the refrigerator, then slightly warm it up in the microwave to room temperature. Also, instead of kefir, natural yogurt or whey is suitable.
- Kefir - 1, 5 tbsp.
- Flour - 3, 5 tbsp.
- Salt - 1 tsp
- Soda - 1 tsp
Cooking dumplings dough on kefir:
- Whisk kefir with salt and soda. Soda will add fluffiness and lightness to the dough.
- Then add the sifted flour in portions and first with a spoon, and then knead a homogeneous elastic dough with your hands.
- Form it into a lump, cover with cling film and leave for 30 minutes. Since kefir dough needs rest after kneading.