You will learn how to make toys from pom-poms for Santa Claus's birthday, for the New Year. See how to decorate a hat, make pom-poms in the form of berries and fruits. November 18 is the birthday of Santa Claus, and the New Year is not far off. In order to have time to prepare for the holiday, familiarize yourself with the ideas presented in advance, from which you will learn how to make a toy, a snowman, a Christmas tree, a Snow Maiden from a pompom.
Pompom tree made of threads
The thread pom-pom can be created in a variety of ways. Having made several such blanks, you can make a Christmas tree that will not break, will become a soft toy pleasant to the touch.

- synthetic winterizer;
- yarn;
- leg-split;
- large fork;
- scissors;
- hook.

First you need to tie the twine net. We do it in a circle. To make the workpiece tapered, add air loops.

Give the synthetic winterizer also the shape of a cone, put a net of twine on it.

From these notes, tie a circle, connect the resulting bottom with a Christmas tree blank from twine. See how to make a pom-pom from threads, I use a very interesting way. Wind the yarn around the fork, Tie the resulting turns in the middle with a thread.

Remove this blank from the warp, check the yarn with scissors from the top and bottom side.

Just as you made the first pom-pom from threads, the craftswoman is the rest.
For the tree, you can use green yarn and its shades, or white, blue and light blue. Toy threads should be in a contrasting color to make them stand out.
Tie the made pom-poms to the net.

Now you need to make toys for the Christmas tree. For this, red threads were used. Make pom-poms also with a fork, Bring them to the tree in the form of toys. Here is such a wonderful forest beauty. If you are a craftswoman with young children, play at the same time, help the development of their speech. Show them an example of how to talk about pom-poms when you create them. Various adjectives can be used: soft; big; round; fluffy; shaggy; fairy; light.

To make such a cute snowman, take: white, red, blue yarn; toothpicks; buttons; cardboard; scissors; felt or other dense fabric; adhesive for ceiling tiles; ribbon; if there is, is it with sequins.
See how to make a thread pompom using cardboard. Cut a strip of cardboard from this material. It should be as wide as you want to make the finished pompom.
Cut a piece of thread 15 cm long and lay it horizontally on the cardboard. Wind the yarn vertically on top.

Pull the horizontal thread, tie it in a couple of knots, check the pom-pom at the top and bottom. Remove it from the workpiece, straighten it.

Here's how to make a yarn pompom using brown threads as an example, but for the snowman we'll use white ones. This method will come in handy when you create various toys in what technique. In the meantime, see how to make small pom poms for our hero.
To do this, take a regular fork and white yarn. Wind the threads tightly around it.

Cut the turns of yarn on one side, Tie them with loose thread in the middle, straighten the resulting pompom.

Here's how to make a snowman from threads further.
It consists of two. The top of the head is slightly smaller than the one that became the torso. We connect these two blanks using toothpicks greased with glue. In the same way, you need to attach two small pom-poms to the body, which will become handles.
To make his hat, sew a cap out of red felt, insert a cone made of cardboard inside so that the hat has a shape.
Glue buttons, beads on the face to make the eyes and mouth. Make a carrot nose from a piece of toothpick with some orange yarn wrapped around it.

Our snowman is clean, give him a whisk. To do this, fold the yarn several times to get even turns. Fold over in the center, fold over there to fold in half.
Insert a toothpick that has been previously dyed in the same color as the yarn here. For fixing with a lot of glue, this piece of wood. Move with thread, cut off excess yarn at the bottom. Rewind with shiny ribbon, after which you can attach the bottom of the snowman's arm.

A bow and buttons made of red fabric, glitter glue will complete his festive look.

How to make Santa Claus, Snow Maiden from pompons?
November 18 is the birthday of Santa Claus. A great reason to make it, Snow Maiden, and to complete the picture, also a Christmas tree in a new original way.

Speaking about how to make Santa Claus, it should be noted that first you need to take:
- white and red yarn;
- scissors;
- beads or buttons for the nose and eyes;
- felt;
- cardboard;
- a needle;
- glue;
- synthetic winterizer;
- toothpicks.
- You already know how to make a pom-pom from threads. For our character's fur coat, red yarn is used. Make two pom-poms out of it. Connect them together with toothpicks. Make the head from white yarn. Attach this pompom to the fur coat in the same way.
- We make the sleeves from small red pom-poms, for each you need 3 pieces. Connect them with toothpicks and proceed to making a hat. To do this, fold the cut out cardboard triangle with a cone, gluing the edges. Coat this blank with glue on top, wind a red thread across it. Glue a small white pompom on top of the cap.
- Attach the hat itself with ceiling tile glue, like pom-pom mittens. Tie up Santa Claus with a golden belt. Sew on beads or buttons to add to his face.
- The edging of the sleeves, the bottom of the fur coat has become a synthetic winterizer. It needs to be glued here, as well as in the center of the fur coat. Make a beard from threads, a mustache from white foam rubber.
Here's how to make Santa Claus out of pompons. From the same blanks, only of a different color, we make the Snow Maiden.

- As you can see, the fur coat consists of two blue pom-poms, and the head is made of white. Also make the sleeves out of six small pom-poms - 3 on each side. The elements are interconnected with toothpicks.
- Cut the mittens out of cardboard, coat them with glue, attach pieces of blue yarn, chopped with scissors.
- Attach strips of padding polyester to decorate the hem of the fur coat, sleeves, and the hem of the cap.
- Tie the Snow Maiden with a belt, make the facial features. Then this work is completed.
For Santa Claus's birthday, make his prototype out of yarn. See how interesting a character turns out to be if you make him out of a lot of pom-poms.

They need to be sewn together or secured with wooden skewers. The beard and mustache are made of thread, and the eyes and eyebrows are made of cardboard. A small red pompom will become the nose.
Pom-pom bear rug

Pom-poms will also help create one. You know how to make pom poms and create a simple rectangular rug. Now we will make it look like a funny bear.
For manufacturing, take:
- 700 g of fluffy brown or sandy yarn;
- 50 g of pink thread;
- 100 g of light brown and beige yarn;
- mesh;
- cardboard;
- hook.
The finished size of the rug is 60x75 cm. For the base, you can take a building mesh or buy a similar one in a fabric store.
The following diagrams show in detail how to crochet an ear, upper and lower paw.

To create a head, you need to knit a circle with a diameter of 20 cm from light yarn. For the muzzle, we knit a small circle of dark threads, sew it on.
Cut out an oval from the mesh, you need to tie pom-poms to it, passing the threads through the cells. Tie their ends on the reverse side, cut off the excess.
If you do not have a mesh for the base, then use a thick fabric: denim, drape or felt. Cut an oval out of it, sew pom-poms.
How to decorate a hat with a pompom?
Nowadays, hats decorated in this way are very fashionable.

To make a fur pom-pom, you will need:
- fur;
- scissors;
- synthetic winterizer;
- ribbon;
- cardboard;
- needle with thread;
- pencil.

Draw a circle on cardboard, cut out. Attach it to the flesh, outline it, cut it out. Sew with a basting along the edge of the fur circle.
Take a piece of padding polyester, tie it in the middle with a ribbon. This is for those who make the pom-pom detachable to tie it on. If you will sew to the cap when the tape is not needed. Put a synthetic winterizer inside the circle, connect the thread, and sew the remaining hole with it.
To avoid damaging the fur when cutting, use a razor blade or sharp knife. Then you will cut only the flesh, and the fur will remain intact. That's it, you can sew on or tie a pom-pom to a hat and put on a beautiful headdress.

If you want to be original, then sew pom-poms on the hat around the perimeter. In front, they can be placed in two rows, on the back of the head, sew several in a circle next to each other.

If you want to make pom-poms in the form of berries and fruits, then see how to make them.

For such, you should have at hand:
- threads of different colors;
- cardboard;
- scissors;
- hook;
- gypsy needle.

- Let's start with strawberries. Draw a horseshoe on cardboard, you will need two such blanks. Align these two elements, place the green thread between them.
- Wrap a red thread tightly in the middle, and make turns of white on the right and left. We fasten the ends of the yarn with a hook, making a couple of turns.
- Then again close the top of the blank with red yarn, then white. Make this layer one more time.
- You have shaped the white-pitched strawberry pulp. If you want them to look natural, use black thread.
- Wind green yarn on the left, which will become a strawberry tail.
- Using a sharp pair of scissors, cut the threads along the upper outside of the horseshoe. Gently pull the green thread, while removing the blank from the cardboard, tie it in a knot.
- Now with scissors we need to give our berry its characteristic shape.

A berry as large as a watermelon can also be made in the form of pompons.

- Between two parts of the same cardboard blank, you need to stretch a green thread. Now we wind the bright pink yarn from above in the middle. It will be the flesh of a watermelon. Several turns of black thread will become his seeds.
- To make a green crust, wrap a thread of this color over it. Make a layer between it and the pulp using white yarn.
- Wrap the hot pink thread over the top again. Just as in the first case, pull on the green thread. While holding, cut all layers of yarn at the top. Tighten the base thread, giving the workpiece a round shape. If necessary, cut off excess with scissors.

Here's what happens.

In the same technique, you can make kiwi from threads.

Place the brown thread between the two skeins. Wrap white across the top. For dark stripes, create them with black yarn. Then there are light green threads, brown ones complete the layer. After cutting the threads on top of the horseshoe, pull on the previously laid one, tie it. You just need to remove the pom-pom from the workpiece, give it the desired shape with scissors.

Wrap a white thread on the same blank. Then, on both sides of the center, yellow. Cover it all with white thread, wind yellow in the middle. Next comes a layer of white yarn, on which you need to wind the yellow one.

It remains to cut through the turns from above, remove the cardboard template, give the workpiece the shape of an orange with scissors.

Here are some wonderful thread pom-poms you can make with your own hands. If you are not entirely clear on how to make it in the form of a strawberry, then watch the video for completeness.

The second plot will teach you how to make an eye out of thread.