How to make a doll and toys from socks

How to make a doll and toys from socks
How to make a doll and toys from socks

Surprise your guests by taking alcohol from the original mini-bar, which will become a doll made of nylon tights. And from socks, seals, you can sew soft toys for children. The content of the article:

  • Sock toys
  • Crafts from old gloves
  • Pantyhose dolls
  • Toy face
  • Final stage

It turns out that you can sew a lot of useful things from old tights, gloves, socks. It's good if mom makes toys together with the child for whom they are intended.

Toys made of socks and children's tights

DIY sock caterpillar
DIY sock caterpillar

Even a very young child can make such a funny caterpillar.

To create such a thing, you can use old tights, from which the baby has already grown. Cut off one leg, turn it inside out, sew on one side, pulling it off with a thread.

Sewing the legs of the tights for the caterpillar
Sewing the legs of the tights for the caterpillar

Turn the blank over the face, fill with padding polyester and drag in several places with thread to create rounded fragments of the caterpillar's body.

Finish this sock toy by tucking the edges inward around the tail and stitching them together. Instead of eyes, we attach two beads, make a mouth out of threads, after which the work is over. Here's how to make a DIY stuffed toy out of almost nothing.

Making the eyes and mouth of the caterpillar
Making the eyes and mouth of the caterpillar

You can also make amazing things out of socks, for example, such a funny bunny.

Diy sock bunny
Diy sock bunny

To create it you will need:

  • two socks;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • synthetic winterizer.

If you want to sew a soft toy for a very small child, then for safety reasons, do not use small items for decoration. Do not make eyes out of beads, but embroider them with threads.

Place the first sock vertically in front of you, cut it as shown in the photo. You will have a blank head with ears.

Blank head with ears
Blank head with ears

On the wrong side, sew this blank, leaving the bottom edge free. Stuff your head with padding polyester through it.

We stuff our heads with padding polyester
We stuff our heads with padding polyester

For such a toy made of socks, a second part is also required, which will simultaneously become the body and hind legs. To get it, cut out the second sock as shown in the photo below.

Cut out the torso of the bunny
Cut out the torso of the bunny

Sew this blank on the wrong side, leaving the part around the elastic untouched. Fill it with padding polyester through this hole. Insert the head element into this part and join the parts of the soft toy with a seam.

We sew all the details together
We sew all the details together

From the socks, you have 2 parts that you will quickly turn into the front legs of the hare. Also sew them into place.

From one more small piece that remained from cutting out the details, make a ponytail. Sew it on, shape the eyes, mouth, nose and admire what a wonderful toy you made out of socks with your own hands.

DIY sock toy
DIY sock toy

We turn old gloves into a useful thing

Glove cat
Glove cat

To make such a cat, you only need one glove.

Sometimes one glove is lost, do not throw away the second, but use it to create a soft toy. Cut the glove as shown in the photo. In the place of the little finger, put the ring finger and sew it, it became the second front leg of the soft toy.

Making a blank toy
Making a blank toy

Fill the glove with a padding polyester, upward, in the area of the elastic, arrange in the form of ears, give them texture with a thread and a needle.

We fill the toy with padding polyester
We fill the toy with padding polyester

Drag the thread under the cat's head to show the animal's neck. Fill the cut-off little finger with a padding polyester and sew it instead of the tail.

We embroider the eyes and nose of the cat
We embroider the eyes and nose of the cat

Embroider the cat's eyes and nose, tie a beautiful bow around the neck, and another soft toy from unnecessary things is ready.

How dolls are made from nylon tights

We start to make a doll out of tights
We start to make a doll out of tights

Seeing this dashing Ukrainian with a forelock, not everyone will guess that this is a mini-bar. A bottle is cleverly hiding inside.

It can be presented to a man on February 23rd or surprise guests. When you put such a doll out of nylon pantyhose, remove its head, there will be a bottle of alcohol inside.

For a do-it-yourself craft, you need the following:

  • plastic bottle or canister;
  • scissors;
  • flesh-colored nylon tights with a density of 40 den;
  • needle with thread;
  • scraps of tissue;
  • thick wire;
  • yarn;
  • 2 toy eyes;
  • foam rubber;
  • braid;
  • rope;
  • foam rubber 1-1.5 cm thick;
  • synthetic winterizer.

Depending on what volume the glass bottle will be hidden inside, a plastic container of 2-5 liters is used. The larger the container with alcohol, the larger you will take the container for the doll's body from tights.

Cut off the top of the canister, place the bottle inside to see if it will fit inside so that the neck looks out. If the height is insufficient, place a piece of foam rubber on the bottom of the canister.

Now take a rectangle of foam rubber, wrap a bottle with it, cut off the excess. Sew it end-to-end at the top and bottom of the plastic bottle, trim off any excess.

We cover the bottle with foam rubber
We cover the bottle with foam rubber

Now drag the rope around the waist of the toy.

Next, pull the tights on the container, put a piece of padding polyester on the places where the Khokhl's belly and butt will be. Sew nylon with foam rubber at the top.

Making doll hands
Making doll hands

Twist the hand blanks from the wire. Wrap them with foam rubber and padding polyester.

Next, cut out the doll's palms from the tights. Using a strip of the same material, sew its 2 wide edges together. Pull this piece over the hands of Khokhlu.

Attaching hands to the doll's torso
Attaching hands to the doll's torso

Sew your arms into place, as shown in the photo.

Cut out 2 identical blanks from white fabric (they will be sleeves) and one, which will become a cloth for the body. The last part should be long so that one part of it fits freely inside the plastic bottle.

Making clothes for a doll
Making clothes for a doll

Now cut out a rectangle from the blue fabric. Its width should be such that you can gather the canvas and put it on the bottom of the bottle. These are the doll's wide pants.

Sew them into place, and at the waist tie a strip of red ribbon that will become a belt.

We knit a belt for a doll
We knit a belt for a doll

How to decorate the face of a toy with your own hands

We start to make the face of the toy
We start to make the face of the toy

To make the head, cut the neck of a 1.5 liter plastic bottle below the shoulders. Wrap it with foam rubber, sew it.

Wrap your head with padding polyester, sew it. Cut a cloth from the tights, pull it over the doll's head, chipping the top with a pin.

We wrap the head with padding polyester
We wrap the head with padding polyester

In order for the nose to be wide, the face to be realistic, it is necessary to make the doll's tightenings from nylon tights. In the photo, the places of the ties are marked with numbers so that you can understand where to put the stitches. You don't need to draw them on the face blank itself, pin the pins here.

We do the first face tightening
We do the first face tightening

Sew several stitches from point 1 to 2. Take the needle out of 2 and pierce it in 3. Sew a few times, tightening the thread, from 3 to 4.

Also, without cutting the threads, pierce with a needle from point 4 to point number 5, make several stitches along this path.

We take out the needle from point 4, stick it into point 3, and then from it into the area indicated by the number 6. We make a few stitches here.

Take out the needle from point 3. We need to make the wings of the nose. To do this, taking out the needle from point 3, stick it in 5, passing the thread through the top, tighten it. Thus, we have designed the wing of one half of the nose. To perform the second, we make the same punctures, from 3 to point 4. And then from here we return through 6 to 4, passing the thread through the top and tightening it.

Second face tightening
Second face tightening

We turn to the design of the doll's nostrils from nylon tights. To do this, pin 2 pins as shown in the photo. To create a tightening, pierce point 3 with a needle, then - 5. Pulling the thread over the top, return to point 3. From there you need to go to 4, and then to point number 6.

Finishing the doll's nose
Finishing the doll's nose

When tightening, do not cut the thread. If it ends, you must first fix it by making a knot, and then use a new thread.

We continue to shape the face of a doll from tights, which we make with our own hands. Apply a padding polyester through the bottom of the stocking, making the chin, cheeks, and lips more voluminous. Use pins to mark the locations of the tie-downs (no. 7, 8, 9, 10).

Start at point 7, pierce it with a needle, then # 8, go back to # 7 and sew a few stitches along this path. Passing the thread over the top, from 8 to 10, pierce point 9 with the needle. Sew several times from point 9 to 10 and vice versa.

Make an inner fold to separate the upper lip from the lower lip. Sew a few stitches between the center of the upper lip and the middle of the lower lip.

Shaping the upper and lower lip
Shaping the upper and lower lip

Then make the cheeks more pronounced, also with a tightening.

Place 2 pieces of padding polyester under the nylon, make the left and right ear with the tightener.

Shaping the ears of the doll
Shaping the ears of the doll

Use the same technique for the brow ridges, eye sockets, and chin.

Finished toy face
Finished toy face

Final stage of work

Making doll hair
Making doll hair

Tie a stocking at the top, cut off the excess, sew a forelock of hair or yarn here.

Make a mustache using the same technique. Sew the eyes into place.

Making a mustache doll
Making a mustache doll

Decorate the doll's shirt from nylon tights with braid.

Doll shirt
Doll shirt

To make shoes, cut out 4 identical semicircular pieces. Sew them in pairs from the inside out, turn them over the face, stuff the capes with syndeton. Cut out a large, rounded piece. Sew her and shoes to the bottom of the figurine.

We sew clothes for a doll
We sew clothes for a doll

Here is such an interesting doll made of tights.

If you still have questions regarding how dolls are made from tights, in particular, a face is created, watch the following 2 videos:

What other stuffed toys can be made from socks is shown in the following video:

For beginners, such work will not be difficult, since step-by-step photos, descriptions will help you do everything right.
