How to lose weight by eating intuitively

How to lose weight by eating intuitively
How to lose weight by eating intuitively

What is intuitive nutrition, its basic principles, pros and cons, weight loss rules according to the Stephen Hawks method.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Intuitive Eating

Menu creation for intuitive eating
Menu creation for intuitive eating

The technique of this food has many advantages that distinguish it favorably from traditional diets for weight loss:

  • Method safety … You choose what you have on your own. At the same time, you eat food in normal quantities, without overeating and harming the body. It has been proven by nutritionists that fractional frequent meals are optimal for a person.
  • Convenience of the way … The rules of intuitive eating are simple and straightforward, no painful diets and fasting. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is easy and not burdensome.
  • Efficiency … If you follow all of the above principles, then in a month you can see the first results. Of course, the effectiveness directly depends on the initial weight, lifestyle. It is also important to remember that the miracle will not happen in a week and without regular exercise.
  • Method availability … Absolutely anyone can use the method, including those who do not suffer from extra pounds. You keep eating your favorite foods just by controlling your meals.

Note that the downsides to intuitive eating are pretty minor. However, those who adhered to the technique sometimes note such disadvantages:

  1. Difficulty composing the menu … Some people have to start from scratch to learn the basics of healthy eating, since in fact the intuitive methodology is "consonant" with the traditional rules of a balanced diet. The author of the method does not offer any specific diet. A person must independently determine healthy and tasty products for himself, be able to stop in time.
  2. The need to always have “favorite dishes” on hand … A working and busy person does not always have the opportunity to cook their favorite food, because it takes time. It is much easier to buy ready-made fast food or products that can be prepared quickly. However, you can always get something tasty when you feel hungry.

How to start eating intuitively

Intuitive eating
Intuitive eating

In any business, the main difficulty is to start it. To effectively and without problems switch to intuitive eating, you can follow these recommendations:

  • When you sit down to eat, eliminate distractions like TV, books, internet, serious conversation. Your focus should be purely on food. Analyze each piece of food, pay attention to the taste, smell, color, your own feelings of the product.
  • Sit down to eat only when you feel hungry. Move the plate back when you feel the first signs of fullness. Trust your body to tell you when it needs food and when it doesn't.
  • Start keeping a food diary. Write down in a journal, notepad, what you ate, at what time, what events preceded the meal and happened after it. This will help you analyze the reasons why you eat. If these are negative emotions that you are trying to "seize", then reconsider your eating habits.
  • Stop counting calories. If you have been counting the calorie content of food for a long time and have been on diets, then it can be difficult to give up old habits. But this must be done in order to relieve internal stress.
  • Identify your taste preferences. Ask yourself mentally what you would like for lunch or dinner, for example, salty, sour, sweet, spicy, and so on. You can also rely on the structure of foods - soft, crunchy, hard.
  • Start moving more. For a start, it can be at least evening walks in the fresh air. Subsequently, the exercise program should become more difficult.
  • Make sleep the mainstay of relaxation. The results of intuitive eating will not keep you waiting if you not only eat and move correctly, but also rest. It is necessary to set aside 8 hours for a healthy sleep. Spend less time on social media or in front of the TV, better go to bed earlier.

How to switch to intuitive eating - watch the video:

[media = v = 71LfkMUTAxA] In recent years, many overweight people are interested in how to lose weight on intuitive eating, since this technique has become very popular. This is due to its simplicity, convenience and efficiency. There is no need to exhaust the body with painful starvation and diets, it is enough just to be attentive to your own body and not allow yourself to eat more than the stomach “requires”.
