How to repaint from black?

How to repaint from black?
How to repaint from black?

How to dye your hair black and not harm your hair? Features of the repainting procedure and important stages.

From time to time, every woman has a strong desire for change. And in most cases, they begin with a radical change in hair color. It is much easier for a blonde to dye a brown-haired woman or a brunette. But if a brunette decides to become blond or blonde, it will take a long time. Exit from black is a rather difficult task. First of all, you need to take care of the integrity of the structure and health of the hair.

What color to repaint from black - the choice of shade

Popular actresses recolored from brunettes
Popular actresses recolored from brunettes

If black hair is the result of previous dyeing, there is no particular problem with the choice of color. Each girl knows her own light type, so she knows which shades suit her best. Natural brunettes need to be more careful when choosing a new hair color, while taking into account skin tone and eye color. You can also recolor black eyebrows, but the rest of the natural data cannot be changed.

Brunettes can choose the following shades:

  1. Graphite - this shade is very beautiful, interesting and original, while it never goes out of fashion. However, this color is very cunning and not suitable for all girls. The fact is that it makes the girl older, differs from black by only one tone. But it gives the hair lightness, and the image becomes softer. It's not a good idea to repaint yourself in this shade. In most cases, it turns out to be a dirty gray, so it is better to trust an experienced craftsman.
  2. Brown and its different shades is the best option. Coloring for brunettes will be safe and will not cause serious harm to hair health. The difference from black can be one, three or four tones. Owners of black, gray or blue eyes and fair skin, it is better to opt for mocha, dark brown or coffee. For brown-eyed and green-eyed girls, various shades with a slight reddishness are ideal - for example, cinnamon, chestnut, milk chocolate.
  3. Ginger the color is very easy to obtain by lightening natural black hair. The shade depends on the amount of natural pigment and its composition - from yellowish to saturated red. For brunettes with blue, brown and green eyes, this color is just perfect. In addition, it looks very interesting in modern coloring styles - shatuzh, balayazh or ombre. But in this case, you need to lighten the base black shade in order not to create a very sharp contrast.
  4. Light brown. Natural brunettes simply will not be able to achieve its cold shades, which is explained by the peculiarity of the hair. Even if severe discoloration is performed, not the most attractive yellow shade remains. Using a tonic will help neutralize it, but only for a while. After about 3-4 shampoos, it will be completely washed off and the yellow tone will reappear. To mask the ugly yellowness, it is best to opt for a wheat, caramel or golden hue.
  5. Blond is an extreme option for brunettes. Experienced craftsmen are not advised to resort to such drastic changes. First of all, there is a risk of being left completely without hair, because you need to lighten the strands by 7-8 tones. In addition, after a while, brunettes begin to feel very insecure with blond hair and are dyed dark again. But the damaged hair simply cannot be restored to its previous health, while the paint will not last too long.

The dyeing technology directly depends on the initial hair color and the shade that should be obtained as a result.

How to recolor from black - methods of recoloring from a brunette

Girl lightens dark hair
Girl lightens dark hair

It is worth preparing for the fact that you simply will not be able to quickly get the desired result, especially if the dark hair color is not natural and was obtained as a result of dyeing. In this case, hair lightening is required, the degree of which is determined taking into account the desired shade. To achieve a chestnut or chocolate color, black is lightened by 2–3 tones, to obtain red - by 4–5 tones, for light brown - by 6–7 tones, and for blond - by 8–9 tones. Only a professional hairdresser should choose a repainting method.

Wash off

Removal of dark hair
Removal of dark hair

Decapitation or rinsing is considered one of the gentle methods of lightening hair. In this case, a not highly concentrated oxidizing agent with a minimum acid percentage is used. As a result, the scales of the hair shafts are slightly opened, the pigment is partially neutralized. If the pigment is natural, it will not be possible to completely neutralize it - the hair structure becomes very thin and too susceptible to coloring, therefore, the tone of the hair changes.

The wash-off method is recommended if the black hair color is not natural. This procedure should only be carried out by an experienced master, despite the fact that you can find products on sale for home pickling.

The flushing procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • hair is cleaned with a special shampoo, which not only removes impurities, but also reveals keratin scales;
  • the strands are slightly dried so that they are not wet, but remain wet;
  • a reducing agent and a catalyst are mixed in the required proportions;
  • the composition is applied to the strands and left for the time indicated in the instructions;
  • at the end of the procedure, the hair is thoroughly washed with water.


Bleaching result for dark hair
Bleaching result for dark hair

Only the bleaching procedure allows you to completely get rid of the black color. To date, a fairly large number of bleaching agents are presented. Professional masters, as a rule, use powders, as they not only quickly destroy the pigment, but also penetrate into the hair structure. The bleaching process takes approximately 20-30 minutes. It is quite difficult to use powders, since only an experienced master can get a beautiful and even tone.

You can use a cream mask at home. This remedy has a milder effect. Cream masks are very convenient to use on their own at home, as they can be easily and evenly distributed throughout the hair.

With the help of professional creams, you can lighten the strands by 6-8 tones, but this process is best broken down into several stages. There should be a break of at least two weeks between each hair lightening, so as not to completely ruin the strands.

Folk remedies

The girl lightens her hair with kefir
The girl lightens her hair with kefir

It is safe to lighten hair in several tones using folk remedies. In addition, after such masks, the hair becomes stronger and healthier, acquiring an interesting shade.

To lighten dark strands in several tones, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Kefir is mixed with sea salt and the composition is applied to the curls. After 30 minutes, you need to wash the strands with warm water. It is necessary to carry out such a procedure twice a day until the desired shade is obtained.
  2. Lemon juice is applied to hair and left on for 60 minutes. Also, lemon juice can be used while rinsing the strands after each shampooing. Such procedures should be performed every day.
  3. In 1 glass of warm water you need to dissolve 10 tbsp. l. baking soda. The resulting composition is applied to the hair and left for an hour. You need to use this tool regularly until the desired shade is obtained.


The girl's hair is divided into black and light areas
The girl's hair is divided into black and light areas

After the base has been created, you can proceed to the next stage - the staining procedure. When choosing a paint, you should definitely take into account the fact that on bleached hair the color will turn out to be more saturated and bright, since the natural pigment no longer drowns it out. That is why you need to choose a paint that is lighter than the color you would like to get.

For dyeing black hair in a chocolate tone, it will be enough to use ammonia-free paint or a high-quality tonic. These funds have a milder effect. When choosing a brown shade, it will be possible not to tint the growing roots too often and it will be possible to completely mask the gray hair.

For red and light brown shades, it is best to take persistent paints, otherwise the new color will wash out very quickly. Before proceeding directly to the staining procedure, you should heed the advice of professional masters:

  1. It is better to refuse monochrome staining, since overgrown dark roots will be noticeable in a few weeks. The ideal option would be coloring, highlighting, gradient techniques (balayage, ombre, etc.).
  2. The end result directly depends on how evenly the strands are painted over.
  3. It is very inconvenient to self-dye long and thick hair, so in this case it is best to seek help from an experienced master.
  4. When applying paint to dirty hair, they are much less damaged.
  5. There should be no styling products on the hair before dyeing.
  6. The exposure time of the paint cannot be exceeded longer than indicated in the instructions, since the color will not become brighter from this, but there is a risk of severely spoiling the strands.
  7. If the hair is lightened by more than 4 tones, it is recommended to add natural oil (no more than 0.5 tsp) to the mask - for example, castor, burdock, olive oil. This will help soften the effect of the dye on the strands.

After lightening and re-coloring dark hair, they need additional care. It is recommended to use high-quality professional shampoos and conditioners designed for colored strands. These products allow you to maintain the color intensity for a longer time and significantly improve the overall condition of the strands.

You need to be very careful when using home remedies. If the mask is oil-based, it perfectly moisturizes and softens the strands, but provokes a quick washout of the pigment. Once every 2-3 weeks, you can use a good tonic, thanks to which the hair color becomes more saturated and bright, the growing roots and gray hair are painted over. It is recommended to minimize the use of hot curls and irons to protect hair from the damaging effects of high temperatures.

How to lighten black hair:
