Consequences of diets

Consequences of diets
Consequences of diets

Many overweight people are dieting. Here you will find out what a proper diet means, what are the consequences of mono-diets and whether you can eat after six. Content:

  1. Correct diet

    • General recommendations
    • The norm of nutrients
    • Correct diet
  2. Consequences of mono diets

    • Than mono-diet threatens
    • The right approach to the mono diet
  3. To eat or not to eat after 6

Almost all nutritionists say that the slower the extra pounds go, the more chances that the result will last for a long time. But many women and men ignore the rules of the right diet and choose the one that quickly brings the desired results. With the wrong approach, after a short time, a person regains the lost weight and even more.

The right diet for successful weight loss

The correct diet is a diet that saturates the body with all the nutrients. If you do not pay attention to whether the chosen diet brings the elements necessary for health, and take as the main thing how much excess weight can be thrown off in a short period of time, this can lead to bad consequences, including hair loss, poor skin condition, nails and general appearance, as well as the emergence and development of acute diseases.

General tips for losing weight

Nutritionists advise you to pay attention to a liquid diet and drink at least two liters of liquid every day. Pure drinking water plays a special role here; natural juices made at home, herbal teas and various teas are also a priority, instead of carbonated and sugary drinks. Drink a glass of water half an hour before eating and 1-2 hours after a meal.

As for the winter season, when there is no great opportunity to enjoy fresh vegetables and fruits, use vitamin and mineral preparations. Vitamin complexes should be selected taking into account age and health problems. It is better to consult your doctor before purchasing the drug.

The norm of the required elements

slimming products
slimming products

To find out the optimal calorie intake, many resort to Brock's simple formula, where 100 (if you are over 40) or 110 (under 40) must be subtracted from height. If you are an asthenic, then you should subtract 10% from the result obtained, if you have a hypersthenic physique, add 10% to the result. Keep in mind that women and men get better with age, and this is a normal physiological process.

For weight loss, it is necessary to reduce the amount of food consumed, but so that the energy value of the received diet is reduced by no more than 30%.

The optimal proportion of protein foods, where 70–80% are proteins of animal origin, is 18–20%. If a person not only went on a diet, but also actively attends the gym, the protein norm should be from 30 to 35%. As for carbohydrates, their share should be approximately 50%, fat - 30%.

Do not forget about dietary fiber (at least 25 g per day), which are necessary for the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. There is a lot of fiber in whole-grain cereals, wholemeal grain bread, fresh fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, berries and mushrooms, legumes. Keep in mind that during a long boil, the fiber contained in vegetables is lost by 50%, so you can better resort to stewing or light frying.

It is recommended to eat 4-6 times a day, ideally at the same time, which is very necessary if there are problems with the functioning of the digestive system. Every day, no more than 300 mg of cholesterol should be received, otherwise there may be a deterioration in blood circulation and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Competent diet

Most people believe that if you eat less often, then the result will not be long in coming. To test these guesses, a number of studies were done, as a result of which it turned out that people who eat only once a day not only do not lose weight, but even gain kilograms. If you eat right and eat 4-6 times a day, you will not lose weight. In this case, the interval between meals should be no more than four hours. A quarter of the total daily amount of calories should be taken by breakfast, 15% - afternoon tea, 35% - lunch, 25% - dinner.

If you want to lose weight and not worsen your health, start your morning with a hearty breakfast. It is on this half of the day that you can delight yourself with pastries and chocolate. If you have a large amount of fat for breakfast, then for lunch, give preference to protein foods with a small amount of complex carbohydrates, and fiber. Give up the habit of eating the first and second courses, and choose something between soup and rice with vegetable salad, for example.

At an afternoon snack, you can saturate the body with fruits or dried fruits, and for dinner, eat boiled fish or cottage cheese. If you want to achieve better results, give up sweets in the evening, and instead of a hearty meal, drink a glass of kefir.

The end result of mono diets

Walking through the vastness of the World Wide Web, you can find a considerable amount of information that in a very short time without physical exercise you can lose weight by several kilograms by using just one product. Despite the fact that mono-diets really work, they can also bring very negative consequences with them, because if you eat the same product all the time, the body not only does not get enough of the necessary elements, but it also stops absorbing even that one product well.

Possible disadvantages of mono diets

  1. The most popular mono-diet is kefir. It seems that this dairy product can bring harm to the body, but in fact, kefir alone cannot saturate the body with the necessary amount of carbohydrate, which can lead to a state of fatigue, but an excess of protein has a detrimental effect on the kidneys. Stool and skin also suffer, it is these problems that cause an excess of lactic acid bacteria. The body will not be able to cope with a large amount of protein and with a curd diet.
  2. If with a kefir diet there is an excess of protein and a shortage of carbohydrates, then the apple diet acts exactly the opposite, which is fraught with the muscles of the body and the nervous system. If you regularly go to the gym or do physical exercises at home, you absolutely should not give up protein foods.
  3. The rice diet also leads to a decrease in muscle mass. Eating only this product, there may be an accumulation of bile in the gallbladder, which should not be. As a result of weight loss by this method, it is quite possible that stones will form in the gallbladder.
  4. A banana diet can cause stool retention, as well as severe hyperglycemia, an increased amount of glucose in the blood. A mono-diet with the use of any raw vegetables is bad for the liver and pancreas.
  5. If you decide to lose weight thanks to juices, be aware that such a drink only increases the feeling of hunger. Moreover, due to the lack of fiber, the intestines suffer, and due to the acid content in the juices, the gastric mucosa is irritated.
  6. Eating only one carrot will make your skin yellowish, causing "carrot hepatitis". With a pomegranate, you run the risk of getting stones in the kidneys, urinary and gall bladders, in a watermelon, the renewal of body cells is disrupted.
  7. Does not lead to anything good and dry eating. As a result of restricting the access of fluid to the body, blood thickens and vascular thrombi are formed.

A competent approach to diet

mono diet with fruits
mono diet with fruits

If you decide to eat only a certain product for one day, this is not a mono-diet. A fasting day. If you want to "sit" on kefir, bananas or other products for more than a week, observe moderation in the amount of food intake, so that later you do not have to go to a qualified doctor to correct bad changes in your body. Keep in mind that kefir is recommended to drink no more than 2 liters per day, the restriction on the use of cereals is 3-4 servings, fruits - 1-1, 5 kg.

A sharp change in diet can serve as stress for the body, therefore, a few days before switching to a mono-diet, you should reduce the amount of food consumed. It is not recommended to overeat before a mono-diet, it is better to refuse dinner, so that later the course of weight loss, and it should last no more than a week, will pass without any bad health consequences. After the mono-diet, gradually switch to the previously familiar diet, daily adding one or another low-calorie and easy-to-learn product to the menu (boiled lean meat, vegetables, low-calorie dairy products, etc.). Do not recommend oatmeal on the water on the first day after the diet.

Correct preparation for the mono-diet, the diet itself and the exit from it takes about 2-3 weeks. During this period of time, you can lose more than 5 kilograms of weight.

Is it worth eating after six

Not eating after six is the rule of many women who decide to lose weight. But is it really, if you don't eat in the evening, you can return harmony, or is it a myth? It is worth mentioning here that when a person falls asleep, food that has not had time to digest simply "hangs" in the stomach, where it starts to rot. As a result, in the morning you can wake up with headaches, swelling and bad mood, and not overcooked food is deposited in the body in the form of fatty deposits. To prevent this from happening, it is advised to eat four hours before bedtime.

Four o'clock before bed does not mean six o'clock in the evening. Moreover, you need to take into account your biorhythm, because someone falls asleep at 22 o'clock, and someone - at 2 am. If you go to bed after midnight, you can safely eat food at 20-21 hours. The main thing is not to go to bed on a full stomach. The struggle for a slender body can become the meaning of life, sometimes in such cases, doctors diagnose anorexia. At the same time, the patients themselves not only cannot cope with their illness, but do not even admit that it is time to “get off” from diets.

The fear of gaining weight takes its toll before every meal. Moreover, it can appear even at the sight of ordinary drinking water. It is not easy to convince someone with anorexia that they are too thin. With this disease, hair falls out, there is a sharp change in mood and deterioration in health. In such cases, it is imperative to consult a specialist. Often, after stabilizing the work of the body, the patient is referred to a psychotherapist and nutritionist.

Video advice, which is better - kefir or buckwheat diet:
