Dry fasting

Dry fasting
Dry fasting

You will learn how the process of complete refusal of food goes and its main types. We will also tell you in what cases a dry diet is contraindicated and can be dangerous. Dry fasting is a modern method of treatment for the body, which requires a lot of willpower and health.

Despite the high health risks, dry fasting is considered an effective method for improving the body's health. It gained great popularity in the 20th century, when American scientists, after many studies, proved its incredible effect. They found that due to the complete rejection of food, the body receives enormous stress, as a result of which it works in an enhanced mode. Dry fasting protects all organs and systems from the access of harmful substances that can penetrate with food. A large number of antibodies are produced, which are responsible for the destruction of infections and viruses. We can say that the immune system, thanks to its internal savings, is able to defend the body two times better.

The essence of the dry fasting technique

Its essence lies in the fact that a person completely refuses food and water. The duration of such fasting can be from 3 to 5 days. Longer periods of this "diet" can be hazardous to health. For those who want to experience this method of recovery for the first time, it is not recommended to give up food for more than 3 days. It is very important to prepare properly before dry fasting.

To do this, 30 days before fasting, you must strictly eat non-high-calorie food, its portions need to be reduced every day, and only one water should be drunk a few days before the start. It is also important to get out of the dry diet properly. To do this, after its end on the first day, you should drink one water in small sips. On the next day, you can drink juices. And so gradually, in small portions, introduce regular food into the diet.

In addition to the fact that dry fasting has a beneficial effect on human health, it is used as a 100% method for losing weight. After all, the body, having received such stress, will now spend maximum energy on the breakdown of fats, and therefore actively cope with this process.

Dry fasting results in three days

- loss of 3-6 kg. As a rule, people lost about 4.5 kg.

Types of dry fasting

Dry fasting
Dry fasting

There are several types of dry fasting that should be followed depending on your health:

  • complete;
  • partial.

At the first, a person should not only completely stop eating, but also exclude any contact with water and food. For example, it is forbidden to wash and brush your teeth. In no case should you even try food - this will mean a violation of the regime, which means no result. The result of such a diet helps to cleanse the body of toxins, and also has a positive effect on the work of all internal organs.

Partial dry fasting is much easier for the body to tolerate

After all, its essence is that a complete refusal to eat should alternate with a raw food diet. For example, one day you eat nothing at all, and on the second you eat only any raw foods (it is very useful to eat green buckwheat, read how to sprout green buckwheat). In general, such a diet lasts about 30 days. If the condition worsens, it is not recommended to continue fasting for more than 14 days. By adhering to all the recommendations after fasting, you can not only feel an internal improvement, but also see external changes.

For example, this technique effectively removes wrinkles, the skin becomes more elastic and fresh. With the loss of extra pounds, the skin does not sag, the body will become beautiful and flexible.

In both cases, before using this technique, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a doctor to exclude disturbances in the functioning of the body. Indeed, in some diseases, dry fasting may be contraindicated:

  • with diabetes mellitus;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy and during breastfeeding;
  • in case of violation of the cardiovascular system;
  • endocrine diseases, etc.

You can find out more about the indications and contraindications of the dry diet from your doctor. After all, before you start starving, you must make sure that your body is healthy and not in danger. For safety, you can go through the entire course of the procedure under his strict supervision.

Dry fasting is often used as a fasting diet, which also helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. But in order to improve bowel function, such a diet should not be followed for more than 3 days. During this time, the body will be able to rest, and you will feel extraordinary lightness.

Experts who know well the dry fasting procedure and have adhered to it more than once are convinced that a lot depends on a person's emotional mood. Therefore, in order to get the most out of this technique, you must sincerely believe in it. We can say that the golden rule of dry hunger is an ancient psychological thesis “our thoughts are material”.

When deciding to heal your body with the help of a short-term refusal of food, it is very important to weigh the pros and cons. Indeed, despite the fact that such a diet helps to get rid of many chronic diseases, it can cause irreparable harm to your health. Therefore, you should carefully prepare for such a serious decision. As stated, the best advice you can get from your doctor is to help you cope with your temporary diet safely and effectively.

Fasting video - dry or on water (reviews and results):

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