What is a fasting day, rules of conduct. One day fasting options depending on the main product. Results and reviews of losing weight.
A fasting day is a one-day fast, which involves the use of a minimum amount of food per day or its complete absence for weight loss and cleansing the body. As a dietary food, liquids or one type of product are used.
What is a fasting day?

Modern man is accustomed to the abundance of food on the table. But our ancestors did not even have a speech about the regularity of food. If you were lucky on the hunt, there was a harvest, there was food, if not, they starved. Nutritionists concluded that proper nutrition is not only a balanced food intake, but also periodic one-day hunger strikes.
Scientific support for the conclusion was found in the theory of intermittent fasting, which was used to lose weight and gain muscle mass. Observations of the subjects allowed us to conclude: an effective fasting day speeds up metabolism, forces the body to burn subcutaneous fat and rationally use internal resources.
Plus the right fasting days - rest for the gastrointestinal tract. Excessive food intake negatively affects the digestive organs. The absence or the minimum amount of food within 24 hours allows the body to remove toxins, cleanse itself of toxins. In the absence of heavy food, the body quickly adjusts to restrictions, then the person eats less, it is easier to tolerate hunger.
But fasting days for weight loss also have disadvantages:
- It is difficult to get used to the new regime at first. The person experiences headaches, problems with concentration.
- Fasting days adversely affect the condition of the stomach if there is an ulcer or gastritis. Juices, fruits increase acidity and provoke exacerbation of diseases.
Important! To prevent negative effects, prepare for fasting in half a day, eating foods that are easy to digest. During the fasting period, give up heavy physical exertion, avoid stress.
Basic rules of the fasting day

So that the diet does not harm your health, it is important to know how to spend a fasting day. Nutritionists advise to follow a number of rules that protect a person from the negative effects of fasting.
How to spend a fasting day:
- Prepare in advance. Do not eat heavy foods in the evening. Drink a glass of kefir or eat a vegetable dish: it's easier to start a diet in the morning.
- The calorie content of food per day does not exceed 500 kcal. Spread prepared foods over 5-7 meals to help fight hunger.
- If you are starving on juices or fermented milk products, divide the liquids into several parts.
- In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water with honey and lemon to speed up your metabolism.
- As the main product for the fasting day, choose food rich in protein or fiber: vegetables, fruits, eggs, fish, kefir or cottage cheese.
- Drink 2 liters of clean water per day to help the body remove toxins.
- If you feel weak, dizzy, drink water or tea with honey.
- Walk more outdoors.
- Come out of your hunger strike slowly. The next day, do not pounce on "heavy" foods. Start with a light breakfast, gradually move to your regular diet.
Knowing how to arrange a fasting day, you will not feel discomfort. But if the condition worsens sharply, stop the diet and slowly return to the usual menu.
Important! Have a fast 2 times a week. Choose days when there is less work or you can be at home. Stress and heavy loads are incompatible with diet.
Fasting days options
Depending on the main product, there are options for fasting days for weight loss. For a mono diet, kefir, vegetables or fruits, eggs or fish are suitable. The choice of product is determined by individual tolerance and the desired result of the fasting days.
Fasting day on kefir

For a fasting day on kefir, you will need a fermented milk product with a fat content of no higher than 2.5%. Do not buy low-fat kefir: there are few useful substances in it. The average percentage of fat allows you to feel full throughout the day. For the drink to be useful, its shelf life should not exceed 2 weeks.
Important! During the kefir diet, it is allowed to consume a fermented milk drink without added sugar or salt and water. Drink 1-1.5 liters of kefir per day.
If the diet seems scarce, add 1 kg of unsweetened fruit or 400 g of fat-free cottage cheese to the menu. Eat these foods in small portions until 6-7 pm. Drink a glass of kefir at night.
The advantage of a kefir fasting day is that the drink normalizes the intestinal microflora, relieves constipation, and cleanses toxins. During the day, diets lose up to 2 kg of excess weight.
Fasting day on cottage cheese

Low-fat cottage cheese is a dietary product containing minerals, amino acids, vitamins. It is necessary to strengthen teeth, bones, hair. In 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese - only 105 kcal.
To spend a fasting day on cottage cheese, 0.5 kg of product is required. This amount is divided into 4-5 receptions. The use of herbal tea, water, kefir is allowed. The rest of the food is removed from the diet. The next day, it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir for breakfast.
Fasting day on eggs

Chicken or quail eggs are a protein dietary product that is great for unloading. In addition to eggs, they eat salads and fruits. Such a diet is considered gentle and does not cause hunger.
To spend a fasting day on eggs, you need 6 eggs, a tomato, grapefruit, vegetable salads. It is permissible to eat a couple of slices of rye bread a day. These products are distributed over 3-4 meals.
Unloading on eggs helps to lose up to 1.5 kg of excess weight in 1 day. But fasting can be done once a week. Eating a lot of eggs has a negative effect on kidney function.
Fasting day on vegetables

The easiest and safest way to lose 1-1.5 kg per day. It is recommended to eat up to 1.5 kg of fresh or boiled vegetables per day. The portion is divided into 5-6 receptions.
For a fasting day on vegetables, products are suitable:
- salted cucumbers or with vegetable oil;
- beet;
- tomatoes;
- boiled or baked potatoes in their skins;
- carrot;
- white cabbage, cauliflower, or broccoli;
- pumpkin.
For unloading, vegetables cannot be fried, seasoned with mayonnaise and high-calorie sauces. If the diet is tolerated normally, extend it for a couple of days.
Of all the vegetables allowed for the fasting day menu, cucumbers are worth highlighting. The product has a diuretic effect, expels toxins from the body, speeds up metabolism and supplies iodine to the thyroid gland.
Arrange fasting days on cucumbers in the summer, when the vegetable is generally available. Since not everyone who is losing weight can withstand the whole day, eating only this vegetable, it is allowed to add other dietary products to the menu.
There are options for fasting days with cucumbers:
- eating a green vegetable throughout the day without salt;
- with vegetable oil or kefir;
- with dietary meat (chicken, turkey, beef);
- with apples;
- with buckwheat;
- with tomatoes.
The combination with other foods makes it easier to transfer the diet.
Fasting day on fruits and berries

A fruit fasting day is one of the most popular options. It allows you to diversify the menu, you can add juices to it, make smoothies and desserts. The benefits of fruits for the body lie in the large amount of vitamins and minerals they contain and the cleansing effect that occurs after fasting.
For unloading the digestive tract, unsweetened fruits and berries are chosen. If you're looking to lose weight, opt for low-calorie foods.
Suitable for a fasting day:
- kiwi;
- apples;
- a pineapple;
- citrus;
- plums;
- apricots.
Pears, grapes, bananas are recognized as high-calorie fruits and are not suitable for weight loss. They can dilute a fasting day if you feel severe hunger. Any berries are suitable, choose your taste.
The selection of products can be carried out according to the principle of the "color diet". It is believed that fruits of different shades have a certain effect on the body:
- Red, yellow, orange … Such fruits give vigor, energy, increase tone, improve blood composition, and have a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system.
- Green, white or yellowish … They soothe, stimulate the brain, remove excess fluid.
- Brown or purple … They have a powerful detox effect, stimulate the functioning of the organs of sight and hearing, the thyroid gland, and help to overcome the depressive state.
Important! During the day, drink herbal decoctions of currant leaves, raspberries, mint, blackberries, black chokeberries, cherries.
On the eve of the fasting day, do not eat carbohydrate foods. Eliminate tea, coffee, milk, sugar. A small amount of honey is allowed. Drink water, juices, smoothies.
Apple fruits are an ideal product for losing weight and cleansing the body. Fructose and pectin, contained in fruits, contribute to the active breakdown of fat and its conversion into energy.
Apples have a laxative effect, improve the digestive tract, stimulate metabolism, cleanse the intestines. They eliminate constipation, relieve atherosclerosis, reduce pressure, dissolve stones in the gallbladder.
But the fasting day on apples has a minus: the fruits increase the acidity of the stomach, which leads to an exacerbation of ulcers or gastritis. To avoid negative consequences, combine the consumption of fruits with kefir, cottage cheese or vegetables. The process of baking the fruit will help neutralize the acid.
During the day, you can eat 1-2 kg of unsweetened apples and drink about 2 liters of water. If you feel hungry, eat a slice of whole grain bread, yogurt, vegetable salad, and baked vegetables. Divide foods into meals by combining them with the apple diet.
A dietary berry that is optimal for weight loss and cleansing is watermelon. It contains a lot of vitamins, fiber, fructose, which makes unloading tasty and enjoyable. The fruit is known for its diuretic effect, promotes the elimination of toxins.
A fasting day on a watermelon is carried out using the pulp of a red berry. Add herbal teas or juices, other fruits or vegetables to the menu. It is unacceptable to mix watermelon with eggs, meat, dairy products.
Eat 1 kg of pulp per 10 kg of a person's weight per day. You can not adhere to a mono-diet for more than 3 days: the urinary system suffers. Alternate between melon and watermelon for a strict fast as needed to reduce the stress on the kidneys.