Cleansing diets

Cleansing diets
Cleansing diets

In this article, you will learn how you can cleanse the internal organs, including the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, stomach and intestines. Not so many people adhere to proper nutrition, moreover, it is no longer possible to find completely natural products on store shelves, now products are presented to customers containing various chemical additives that do not have a beneficial effect on the human body. Also, stress, alcohol, nicotine and the environment, which is far from being at the best level, have a bad effect on health. To rid the body of harmful substances, toxins and toxins, they make cleansing diets.

Pros and cons of a cleansing diet

Cleansing diets boast the following benefits:

  • They help to effectively lose extra pounds.
  • Assists in the fight against the "orange peel".
  • Raise the general condition of the body and immunity.
  • Remove harmful substances from the body.
  • Favorably affect the condition of the skin, hair, nails.
  • They normalize the work of the digestive system.
  • Improves internal organs.
  • Significantly improve well-being.

At the same time, cleansing diets require a breakdown of the usual way of life, which for many may seem like a daunting task. Headaches and dizziness may occur during health improvement programs.

Cleansing diets can be of great benefit to both women and men, children under 15 years old, pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as people with chronic diseases fall into the framework of contraindications.

Rules for cleansing the body

Body cleaning process
Body cleaning process

If you decide to take on the cleansing of your body, start with the intestines. Such a diet will be useful not only for those who have problems with excess weight, but also for those who have not encountered the problem of excessive body fat. Harmful substances can accumulate completely in any organism.

Colon cleansing: menu

There are several methods of bowel cleansing. So, according to the Eliseeva diet, before making an enema, it is necessary to eat only porridge to achieve a less acidic environment in the stomach.

It is better to use various herbs as an enema liquid, from which an alkaline reaction occurs. In no case do not take chamomile infusion, it will only destroy the microflora, which will negatively affect the state of the body, also salt solutions are prohibited. Before the procedure, be sure to check with your doctor.

Colon cleansing is not always the use of enemas. The transition to proper nutrition will also help here. Diets can last a day, several days or weeks, but it is better to just switch to proper nutrition, and all the "slagging" will be removed from the body. You can also go on a monthly diet program, and then undergo a cleansing course once a month for three days.

For a one-day cleansing, the following menu is suitable:

  • Breakfast. Start your morning with about 250 ml green tea without added sugar. Close to eight, eat a green apple and drink bread tea, after an hour, drink a drink from bread tea and grape juice in a 1: 1 ratio and enjoy 100 g of grapes.
  • Lunch. For lunch, two glasses of unsweetened tea without sugar are put, then grapes (100 g) and a drink from bread tea with carrot juice.
  • Dinner. Drink a glass of grape juice and enjoy the taste of 100 g of grapes. After three hours, grab two glasses of green tea.
  • Afternoon snack. Prepare bread tea and combine it with carrot juice in equal proportions. After an hour, drink a glass of plain clean water.
  • Dinner. In the evening, eat two bell peppers, and at 19 o'clock, drink one glass of bread tea and apple juice.

How to make bread tea? It's that simple! It is enough to pour 200 g of black bread with boiling water. After 12 hours, strain the cooked product and place in a cool dark place.

Cleansing blood vessels

Vessels play an important role in the body, they supply oxygen to tissues and take part in metabolism. As a result of improper nutrition, the vessels become clogged and lead to a disease such as atherosclerosis, which manifests itself in the form of fatigue, headache, pressure surges, etc. Toxins do not allow blood to be transported normally through the vessels, slowing down its circulation rate. You can cleanse blood vessels with a diet of proper nutrition, as well as using:

  1. Flax seeds. Bring to a boil a third of a glass of seeds and a liter of water and soak in a water bath for 2 hours. This process is best done at night. In the morning, the resulting broth is filtered, receiving about 850 ml of liquid. For a good result, drink the broth in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before dinner for a third of a glass. The duration of the course is from 5 to 15 days. You can repeat the treatment after three months.
  2. Walnuts. Put a jar with 1.5 kg walnuts twisted through a meat grinder in the refrigerator, close the container with a lid. The prepared gruel must be taken in 1 tbsp. spoon half an hour before breakfast with water. The duration of the course is 2 months.
  3. Honey, lemon, parsley and celery roots. To prepare a vessel cleaner, you will need 1 kg of celery roots, the same amount of parsley roots, and two lemons. Pass the above products through a meat grinder and add a glass of honey to the mass, mix and refrigerate. The prepared product is consumed on an empty stomach in 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

Cleansing the liver and gallbladder

Liver and gallbladder
Liver and gallbladder

To understand how important it is to cleanse the liver, which has a filtering effect in the body, we can take the following example. A conventional water filter needs to be replaced every six months. But only one liver is given to a person, and imagine how much "garbage" in it can linger if you do not subject this organ to purification! True, here you need to take into account the fact that liver cells are able to recover, therefore, such cleansing procedures are best done under the guidance of a doctor.

We decided to take care of the liver and gallbladder - forget about alcohol and smoking! Also, these organs function poorly if there is a lack of vitamins, so do not forget about the mandatory use of fruits and fresh vegetables, especially those products that contain vitamin B12 and protein.

During treatment, it is recommended to eat small portions of an approximate weight of about 200 g. Try to add more protein foods to the menu, reduce the intake of light carbohydrates, which are found in sugar and sugar products, animal fats and, instead, increase the intake of complex carbohydrates, then have cereals. When developing your diet, try to pay attention to the following foods:

  • Vegetables. Both fresh and steamed are suitable, the only exception is fried in oil.
  • Butter and vegetable oil. It is allowed to use no more than 1 teaspoon of the product. Do not cook food in oil.
  • Lean part of pork, beef.
  • Skinless chicken meat.
  • Steamed cutlets and goulash.
  • A fish. For cleansing purposes, the fish should be boiled, stewed or baked in foil.
  • Chicken eggs. 2 eggs are laid per day.
  • Honey.
  • Premium pasta.
  • Dairy products and milk with a low percentage of fat.
  • Herbal decoctions, natural juices, teas.
  • Viscous milk porridge, whole grain side dishes. Added decoy to the exception.
  • Fruits and berries. Minimize your intake of sour fruits and berries.
  • Soup. Make soups from vegetables, add cereals, include vegetarian cabbage soup and borscht, milk soup in the menu.
  • Uncooked biscuits, dried black or white bread.

The most pronounced cleansing properties for the liver can boast: garlic, grapefruit, herbs, green tea, carrots, beets, cabbage, lemon, apple, avocado, turmeric and grain products.

For liver treatment, it is best to start with a liquid diet, which can last for several days. Abstain from food, and you will detoxify your body and allow your digestive tract to take a break from stress. During flushing, it is recommended to drink lemonade or juices without sugar.

Kidney cleansing: menu


Before starting any diet, be sure to check the state of your body, especially if something bothers you. So back pain, discoloration and odor of urine, a grayish complexion, or swelling can signal kidney problems. In this case, take rational treatment measures. You also need to go on special correct diets.

As for the cleansing procedure, it may be needed to get rid of the kidneys from toxins and toxins, which can subsequently form for a variety of reasons. You should significantly reduce the amount of baked goods, pastries and meat products you eat.

One of the most popular kidney diets is watermelon. Do not start it if you have been diagnosed with diabetes or have a medical condition associated with impaired urine flow. Also under contraindications are gastrointestinal diseases, ulcers, phosphaturia, chronic renal failure, the presence of coral stones.

After the examination and the doctor's verdict, if the result is positive, eat only watermelon and brown bread for a week. From 5 to 9 pm, you need to take a bath and eat as much watermelon as possible, it is at this time that pebbles are removed. Due to the large amount of eaten watermelon, increased urination will occur, and heat relieves spasms and pain. You need to urinate directly into the bath. The watermelon diet copes well with prolonged constipation, but is contraindicated for diarrhea.

Stomach cleansing: menu

Stomach cleansing diet
Stomach cleansing diet

To cleanse your stomach, consider the following three-day diet:

  • 1 day. Avoid eating animal protein, as well as fat, cereals and legumes. Entering the fasting program should start with freshly squeezed juice (carrot, carrot-apple, carrot-pumpkin, carrot-beetroot, cabbage) or tea made from herbs such as linden, chamomile, thyme, currant leaves, mint. You do not need to eat until noon, then fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, vegetables, herbs, seeds, nuts, vegetable oils are allowed. After 7 pm, drink sugar-free tea, juice, or water.
  • 2nd day. Drink a glass of clean water every half hour. It is forbidden to eat on this day. In the evening, enjoy lemonade made from a glass of warm water, 0.5 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • Day 3. For two days of fasting, the stomach has decreased in size, so withdrawal from the diet should be accompanied by a gradual increase in food intake. Drink herbal tea in the morning, juice after half an hour. As a food, put a salad of vegetables, without the addition of oil and herbs. You can make a mix of chopped cabbage and carrots in equal proportions, seasoning the dish with lemon juice. At seven o'clock in the evening, start drinking water, tea or juices again.

Cleansing Diet for the Whole Body

Rice to cleanse the body
Rice to cleanse the body

To cleanse the whole body, you can go on a special diet for a week, the daily diet of which is brown brown rice in the amount of 180 g, vegetable broth, herbal teas, still mineral water, 300-400 g of vegetables, 100 g of fruits and dried fruits, a little vinegar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive or nut oil.

To prepare the broth, take 300 g of any vegetables. Carrots, celery root, potatoes, cabbage, etc. are suitable here. Cut the vegetables into cubes, add only 1 teaspoon of oatmeal, which can be obtained by grinding Hercules flakes, and fill it all with one liter of water. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat and cook for another hour, then add a little greenery later. Strain the prepared dish.

Do not forget to drink a lot between meals, this procedure should be started every morning.

  • Monday. The first day of the cleansing diet begins with a 60g serving of brown rice with a couple of drops of lemon juice. Eat one apple. Lunch relies on broth, as well as a mix of celery, lettuce and green onions with 1 teaspoon of oil or vinegar. The salad should be served with rice seasoned with olive oil. In the evening, eat rice with steamed courgettes and carrots, as well as vegetable broth.
  • Tuesday. Breakfast of the second day of the diet is presented in the form of rice with sour cream and orange zest, as well as one orange. Lunch and dinner are vegetable broth and rice, only in the evening this cereal is complemented by boiled vegetables.
  • Wednesday. As on other days of the diet, rice is relied on in the morning, only on the third day sprinkle the cereal with a little cinnamon. Enjoy the flavor and nourish your body with pears. For lunch, warm up the previously prepared broth, make a salad of herbs, cucumber and a little lemon juice, to rice with mushrooms fried in olive oil in the amount of 150 g. In the evening, eat broth, as well as rice with broccoli.
  • Thursday. Start your morning with a fruit salad, two tablespoons of rice flakes, and rice with milk. Cook rice with carrots, dilute the menu with radishes and lettuce. Warm up a portion of the broth for lunch, which must also be eaten in the evening. For dinner, in addition to broth, rice with parsley and sunflower seeds is also relied.
  • Friday. Eat a serving of rice with raisins and almonds for breakfast, rice with steamed vegetables and herbs and broth for lunch, cooked rice with nuts, green onions and two tablespoons of ground celery root, steamed spinach, and vegetable broth - for dinner.
  • Saturday. Eat 60 g of boiled rice for breakfast. Cheer up with two dates, two figs, a pear, and a few walnuts. For lunch, you can serve rice with fresh cucumber, bell pepper and a little olive oil, as well as broth, which must also be eaten for dinner. In the evening, cook rice with apple cubes and 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream and 0.5 teaspoon of honey.
  • Sunday. Breakfast on the seventh day of the cleansing diet may look like this - rice with apple and pear pieces with a spoonful of honey and lemon juice, yogurt in the amount of 100 g. For lunch, cook rice with tomatoes and beans, vegetable salad, and broth. In the evening, rice should be combined with zucchini, and the dinner itself should be diluted with vegetable broth with olive oil and five olives.

Video experiments with cleansing diets:

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