Diet of Nadezhda Babkina - recipes for weight loss

Diet of Nadezhda Babkina - recipes for weight loss
Diet of Nadezhda Babkina - recipes for weight loss

How could Nadezhda Babkina lose weight? The singer reveals all her recipes for youth and offers to use a unique diet. Rules, menus, results and how to maintain weight. Nadezhda Babkina assures that any woman is able to lose weight, it is enough just to adhere to simple rules: to get up from the table not with a full stomach, but a feeling of satiety. However, the singer herself was not always thin and curvy forms never spoiled her. Now she weighs 67 kg and is 165 cm tall. A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition are the basis of her boundless energy and good mood! In her search for the truth, she realized that the main thing is self-respect and good relations with others.

Babkina reveals her secrets of losing weight: in 10 days you can completely lose 4-5 extra pounds.

The rules of the diet of Nadezhda Babkina and the menu:

Nadezhda Babkina's diet menu
Nadezhda Babkina's diet menu

On breakfast

(at 8:00) you should eat oatmeal cooked in water (no more than 200 g). Drink with apple or orange juice (1 glass). Read about the 7-day oatmeal diet.

For lunch

(at 10:00) drink apple or orange juice without sugar.

For lunch

(at 13:00) the singer prepares boiled chicken, veal or lamb, as well as vegetable stew. Plus, fat-free cottage cheese (100 g), bran bread (100 g). Stew can be replaced with grated carrots with soy sprouts and stewed zucchini, and veal and chicken with fish or turkey.

Nadezhda often makes celery soup, which can be eaten 3 times a day. The recipe is simple: take a head of Chinese cabbage, celery stalks (4 pcs.) And its root, green pepper (3 pcs.), 3 medium tomatoes, ginger, onions (3 pcs.) (Read about the beneficial properties and calorie content of onions). Grate pods and celery root and cook with cabbage, tomatoes and peppers. Finally add ginger or spices of your choice. Afternoon snack (at 17:00): 2 medium apples or 2 kiwis.

For dinner

(at 20:00) lean fish baked in foil is ideal. The singer adds to it a vegetable salad without salt and oil, she also uses low-fat cottage cheese or sugar-free yogurt (100 g). At night - a glass of kefir.

For the duration of the diet, sweets, flour, salt, sugar, smoked meats, pickles and marinades remain strictly prohibited.

How to maintain the result of losing weight

After the end of the diet, many break down, starting to abuse high-calorie foods. And then all efforts are reduced to zero. So Babkina says that in order to maintain good shape, you should adhere to proper nutrition, engage in vigorous exercise and go for a massage. Despite all the idleness of her touring life, when she has to visit cafes and restaurants, Nadezhda always chooses only light and healthy dishes. As the singer reasons, if she is hungry, then she orders herself low-fat fish, fruits, vegetables and water - everything from which you will definitely not get better. If she cooks something tasty, it is exclusively for her guests. On her free day, Babkina prefers to go to the supermarket or the market herself to choose the freshest products: be it low-fat dairy products, herbs, vegetables or fish.

The main advantage of this diet is its balance - so, the body will not experience a lack of vitamins and minerals, and in 10 days you can not only lose weight, but also get rid of harmful toxins and toxins.

Lose weight for health!
