Pomegranate jam: cooking, recipes, benefits and harms

Pomegranate jam: cooking, recipes, benefits and harms
Pomegranate jam: cooking, recipes, benefits and harms

Description of pomegranate jam, variety of recipes, calorie content. Benefits and harms when consumed, use in cooking. The history of the dessert.

Pomegranate jam is a dessert made by boiling grains with or without added sugar. It can be thick, like jam, or runny, like syrup. Taste - tart-astringent with sourness, like the fruit from which it was made, the sweetness depends on the amount of sugar; color - burgundy; the smell is sweetish, fruity. The longer the heat treatment, the less nutrients are retained in the final product.

How to make pomegranate jam?

Making pomegranate jam
Making pomegranate jam

There are many ways to make dessert. Pitted and pitted, with long heat treatment and "five minutes", with the addition of various ingredients that match or set off to taste.

To make pomegranate jam, large fruits with a ribbed elastic peel are chosen, when pressed, moisture is released. If there are dents or brown spots on the crust, rotting has begun, the crust cracks and feels like parchment to the touch - the fruit loses moisture. Ripe fruits are heavy, with a maroon or bluish-pink skin. It is better to put on gloves on your hands, otherwise dark spots will remain on the skin for a long time. It will be especially difficult to get rid of the dirt under the nails.

There should be 2 times more fruits than indicated in the instructions explaining how to make pomegranate jam. This is necessary to squeeze out the juice and boil the syrup.

If the fruits are ripe, large, without flaws, they are first carefully rolled on the table to soften, and then the peel is pierced with a knife edge and the juice is drained.

A simpler method can be used, but it takes much longer. You will have to remove the crust, remove the white films, and pour the grains into a juicer with a press or manually transfer them through cheesecloth.

Pomegranate Seed Jam Recipes:

  1. "Royal" … The syrup is brought to a boil and sugar is added to it, stirring until completely dissolved. If in the future the dessert is served with meat instead of sauce, the proportions of juice and sugar are 1: 0, 5, if used as a sweetness - 1: 1. Allow the syrup to cool, pour the grains so that the surface is covered, bring to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes, remove from heat. Cool, boil again. This process is repeated 3-4 times. You need to be careful: if overcooked, the jam will become very thick and darken. The viscosity increases with cooling. Using this recipe allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of the fruit from the subtropics. When the grains are bitten through, a sourish tart juice is released from them, which tastes like raw.
  2. Seedless Jam … 1 kg of ripe grains, the same amount of sugar and the juice of 2 lemons, a glass of juice made by yourself or purchased in a store are placed in a container at the same time. Cook for 15 minutes, constantly, with force, stirring, until the sugar dissolves and the pulp surrounding the grains begins to burst. Rub everything through a sieve, removing the bones, and put on fire again. If you used self-squeezed juice, add 1 more glass of sugar and boil for 10 minutes, if store-bought juice is not added, but boiled until thickened. Poured hot into clean sterilized jars, cooled at room temperature and put into the refrigerator. Eat chilled until melted.
  3. Healing recipe with raspberries … Squeeze juice from 2 pomegranate fruits, dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 0, 5. Bring to a boil, dissolving 500 g of sugar. Mix the grains of 2 pomegranates and 1, 5 cups of raspberries, pour over the syrup, bring to a boil and simmer for 25-30 minutes. Just before turning off, pour in the juice of 1 lemon, put in a sprig of thyme, which is removed before being laid out on sterilized dishes. Cool down under the covers. For chronic diseases of the digestive tract, it is advisable to grind the jam through a sieve.
  4. With rowan … The syrup is boiled as described in the previous recipe. Grains of a subtropical fruit are mixed with mountain ash. Cook for 5 minutes, allow to cool, boil again for the same time. Then pour in lemon juice, bring to a boil and cool.
  5. With walnuts … You should not cook a lot - with long-term storage, the dessert begins to taste bitter. 3 large fruits are cleaned, 1 / 4-1 / 5 of the grains are laid, and the rest are squeezed into juice. The syrup is boiled, dissolving 750 g of sugar, 15-20 minutes, allowing it to thicken. Juicy grains and 250 g of crushed, but not powdered, walnuts are spread in the syrup. Further, any method of cooking is used - 3 times for 5 or 1 time for 20 minutes. Just before turning off, add vanilla sugar on the tip of a teaspoon.

Pomegranate seeds are often boiled with pieces of apples, feijoa, quince, and poured with apple or orange juice. It is not necessary to use the above recipes, you can experiment with the compositions endlessly. Preference should be given to short-term heat treatment.

Note! The dishes in which the pomegranate jam is made are not covered. Thickening is possible only with stable evaporation of the liquid.

Composition and calorie content of pomegranate jam

Pomegranate jam in a wooden spoon
Pomegranate jam in a wooden spoon

The energy value of a dessert depends on the amount of sugar added to it and additional ingredients. This must be taken into account when introducing the product into the daily menu, especially when it is necessary to monitor the weight.

The calorie content of pomegranate jam is 143 kcal per 100 g, of which

  • Proteins - 0.1 g;
  • Fat - 0 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 35 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 1, 4 g.

The vitamin composition of pomegranate jam is rich, although the amount of nutrients is less than in the pulp of the fruit without heat treatment. Retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic, folic and pantothenic acid, niacin, beta-carotene, vitamin PP prevail. Among the minerals, most of all are potassium, sulfur, iron and zinc. The composition of pomegranate jam contains antioxidants, pectin, organic acids, essential oils, tannins.

The content of nutrients and nutrients depends on the cooking technology. With prolonged digestion, ascorbic acid and B vitamins practically disintegrate. However, organic acids and pectin are retained, although they are reduced by about 1/3. The bones, which are also included in the dessert, contain tannins, ash substances, iodine and starch. These substances are not lost when heated. Essential oils, on the other hand, evaporate almost completely during the cooking process.

Amino acids are also partially transformed. Among the irreplaceable ones, prevail: lysine, serine, cystine, histidine and valine, among the non-replaceable ones - glutamic and aspartic acids.

Calorie content of pomegranate and raspberry jam - 232 kcal per 100 g, of which

  • Proteins - 0.5 g;
  • Fat - 0.8 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 56 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 2.1 g.

These ingredients are perfectly combined, increase the amount of substances necessary for the normal functioning of the human body, due to which the product acquires pronounced healing properties.

The benefits of pomegranate jam

Pomegranate and raspberry jam
Pomegranate and raspberry jam

The peel of the fruit is astringent. If the delicacy is cooked with crusts, then this quality is preserved. But there is a small amount of tannins in the bones, therefore, despite the high amount of dietary fiber, peristalsis is normalized, but there is no pronounced acceleration.

The benefits of pomegranate jam

  1. Antimicrobial bactericidal action. The less sugar, the more it appears. For example, if you smear herpes bubbles with a five-minute jam at the very beginning of formation, they will dry out.
  2. Strengthening the immune system, increasing the activity of the beneficial flora that colonizes the small intestine.
  3. Restoration of strength, replenishment of energy and vitamin-mineral reserves.
  4. Arrhythmia prevention, heart rate stabilization.
  5. Increased blood clotting.
  6. Fight against chronic fatigue, return to emotional balance.
  7. Eliminate bad breath. Helps to cure stomatitis.

Pomegranate seed jam contains a high amount of dietary fiber, it helps to cope with constipation, reduces the rate of age-related changes at the cellular level, and prevents the formation of cancerous tumors in the colon area.

The substances in the grains normalize the hormonal system, lower blood pressure and reduce the severity of pain during migraine attacks.

Pomegranate jam with raspberries has a diaphoretic effect and increases immunity, the addition of lemon juice increases anti-inflammatory properties, with mountain ash it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and normalizes blood clotting, with walnuts it stimulates the production of red blood cells. "Royal" jam is a strong aphrodisiac.

The pleasant taste of the delicacy stimulates the release of serotonin, the hormone of joy, which improves mood, improves emotional background, reduces the effect of stress and has an anesthetic effect. The acid contained in the product irritates the kidneys, which has a diuretic effect.
