Corn oil

Corn oil
Corn oil

Not everyone knows that corn oil is much healthier than olive and sunflower oil. It is a valuable product that prolongs youth and beauty, is ideal for frying and dressing dishes, and is widely used in folk medicine. Corn oil is made from the seeds of corn, which began to be grown in the territory of modern Mexico 7-12 thousand years ago. And edible oil was first obtained in Indiana in 1898. No wonder in many countries it is called so - "gold". After all, corn can rightfully be called the best vegetable oil. In appearance, it resembles sunflower: it has a pleasant smell and color from amber to pale yellow. During production, press and extraction methods are used.

There are the following types of corn oil

  • Refined deodorized (grade D) - used in the manufacture of dietary and baby food; (grade P) - supplied to catering establishments;
  • Refined, not deodorized, retaining a specific odor, but having been purified;
  • Unrefined, having a dark color, pronounced odor and slight turbidity over the sediment, unrefined from impurities, retaining a maximum of useful substances.

It is clear that unrefined oil is the most useful, since it does not undergo refining, after which the product brightens and loses its natural smell and color. Refining is designed to remove residual pesticides and harmful impurities. But along with them, part of the vitamins and useful microelements is also excreted. Of the advantages of refined oil, it is worth noting its property not to burn when frying (this is how harmful carcinogenic substances are formed) and not to smoke in a pan. As for storage, it lasts much longer than unrefined. It is used to make mayonnaise, various sauces, and is added to the dough. Still, it is better to use unrefined for salads and snacks.

Chemical composition of corn oil

This fat is easily assimilated by our body due to its unique composition: it contains linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic acids, in the amount of which only soybean oil can be compared with it. There is a large amount of tocopherol (vitamin E), niacin, lecithin, vitamins A, B1, B2, F, PP, minerals (magnesium, iron, potassium).

Calorie content of corn oil
Calorie content of corn oil

Calorie content of corn oil

per 100 g - 899 kcal:

  • Proteins - 0, 0 g
  • Fats - 99, 9
  • Carbohydrates - 0, 0 g

Benefits of corn oil

As a dietary product, the oil has found application in the production of baby food. It is ideal to use it, like olive, for dressing vegetable salads in various diets.

This fat is used in the preparation of margarine, bakery products - so, the dough will turn out to be more elastic and elastic, which means that the baked goods will turn out to be lush and aromatic.

There are benefits in industrial sectors, where the product is used in the manufacture of ointments, soaps, in the textile industry - for the production of insecticides and nitroglycerin, as well as in pharmaceuticals.

How does corn oil affect the body?

This vegetable fat has a beneficial effect on the secretion of bile, increasing the contraction of the gallbladder. Already after 1-1, 5 hours after administration, its tone decreases and it is again filled with fresh bile. Reception: twice a day, thirty minutes before meals, a tablespoon.

The contained lecithin prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the vessels, which reduces the risk of thrombus formation and atherosclerosis. The product is recommended for oral use in case of diabetes mellitus, intestinal disorders, severe obesity, metabolic disorders, for the treatment of burns and cracked lips (externally).

For the treatment of psoriasis and eczema in folk medicine, the following recipe is often used: for 1 month, twice a day, take 1 tbsp. spoon of oil during meals, washing it down with 200 ml of warm boiled water, adding apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp. l) and natural honey (1 tsp. l).

Harm of corn oil

Corn oil is practically harmless. Only in rare cases is his individual intolerance found. In all other respects, this ideal product is very beneficial for our health! Well, of course, everything is in moderation, you should not drink glasses.

Video about corn oil - its beneficial properties: