Characteristics of Svan salt. Its energy value and benefits for the body. Description of the main components. Potential negative consequences resulting from abuse. The best dishes with added product.
Useful properties of Svan salt

Georgian salt perfectly replaces many seasonings due to its high content of various spices. Nutritionists advise replacing traditional salt with Svan salt for disorders of the circulatory system, overweight and obesity, as well as for kidney disease.
The benefits of Svan salt:
- Powerful diuretic effect … The components of the product remove all excess water from the body, and with it all processed substances that only inhibit the body's work, clogging the renal canals. The moderate content of fluids in tissues and serous cavities makes them more elastic and prevents the development of a number of ailments.
- Strengthening bones, nail plates and hair … The fresh ingredients found in the Svan salt seasoning contain an impressive amount of calcium. This mineral has a positive effect on the structure of the horny tissues, reducing nail brittleness and protecting the hair ends from splitting.
- Strengthening immunity … Numerous vitamins suppress the activity of pathogenic microbes, which reduces the risk of developing acute respiratory diseases. In this case, there is no need to use antibiotics and other drugs.
- Restoration of vision … Regular use of Svan salt has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lens of the eye, improves the general condition of the visual system and prevents the development of cataracts.
- Increased activity and normalization of sleep … The accelerated work of the circulatory system contributes to the full and active work of the brain. Efficiency increases, fatigue decreases, sleep becomes calm, the feeling of anxiety and tension disappears.
- The body's resistance to sudden changes in temperature … Mountain dwellers use the spice to stabilize heat transfer. Eating hot dishes with Svan salt in the cold season will help to retain heat in the body for a long time and accelerate blood flow in the extremities.
- Slowing down the aging process … Selenium has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, wrinkles are smoothed out, the epidermis becomes shiny and smooth.
- Remedy for "women's" problems … The trace elements that make up the product reduce pain during menstruation, normalize the alkaline balance of intimate areas, and contribute to the recovery of the body in case of hormonal disruptions.
- Blood pressure normalization … Blood circulation improves, excess stress is removed from the walls of blood vessels, they become more elastic.
Harm and contraindications to Svan salt

You can eat only a limited amount of Svan salt. Its frequent inclusion in the menu can provoke malfunctions in the body and cause serious ailments.
There are the following contraindications to Svan salt:
- Allergic reactions … Without taking into account individual intolerance, you should not add the product to your diet, the components contained in the spice can cause a rash, swelling of the respiratory tract and general malaise.
- Pregnancy … Problems such as detachment of the placenta, premature birth and fetal abnormalities are possible.
- Disruption of kidney function … At the same time, the color of urine darkens, metabolic processes and ion-regulating function deteriorate, chemical homeostasis is not controlled.
- Ulcer … The components of Svan salt cause spasms of muscles and blood vessels of the gastrointestinal tract, at the same time, the blood supply to the stomach is disrupted.
- Cystitis … The strong diuretic effect of the seasoning can exacerbate the disease.
How to cook Svan salt at home

The product is obtained by mixing table salt with spices, which are preliminarily ground. The amount of spicy ingredients in the seasoning is about 50%. The classic composition of Svan salt:
- 1 kg of non-iodized coarse salt;
- 1 glass of utskho-suneli;
- 1/2 cup red pepper
- 1/2 cup cilantro seeds
- 1/2 cup dill seeds
- 1/2 cup saffron
- 1/2 cup cumin;
- 250 g of peeled garlic.
Garlic can be substituted with a little vinegar.
In the "winter" product, all components are added dried, and fresh herbs are used to prepare the summer version.
Svan salt recipes

The mix is a versatile product that can be used as an additive to a variety of foods. These are soups, sauces, meat, fish. The seasoning goes well with vegetable salads, and has also found application in the preparation of marinades.
Recipes with Svan salt:
- Georgian Miswadi … Cut the chicken fillet into equal cubes. Add 1 chopped onion, white wine vinegar (2 tablespoons), tomato paste (2 tablespoons), bay leaves (3-4), black pepper (1 teaspoon) and coarse salt. Stir. Cover the meat container with a lid or plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 4 hours. When the fillet is ready to roast, peel off excess marinade and divide 4-5 pieces on a skewer. Sprinkle the meat on all sides with Svan salt. Add 4 tablespoons of oil to a deep clay pot. Chop the onion and add it there. Remove the half-cooked chicken from the heat and add to the pot as well. Stir the ingredients. Cook for 10 minutes on medium to high heat, stirring frequently. Chop the tomatoes and add to the pot. Stir and continue cooking for 7-10 minutes at medium heat. Add dried peppers (amount to taste), 1 teaspoon dried coriander and a pinch of salt. Stir and remove from heat after 1 minute. Serve hot. Garnish with fresh parsley or cilantro leaves.
- Chakhokbili … Heat oil in a large skillet and saute chicken slices on all sides until golden brown and half cooked. Then mix with chopped onion and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, in a deep container. Add fresh peeled tomatoes and cook, covered, for 30 minutes, or until chicken is completely cooked. After the indicated time, add the garlic, herbs, hot, finely chopped peppers and one tablespoon of Svan salt. Cook, covered, for another 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand 5-10 minutes before serving.
- Spicy Meatballs with Adjika … For adjika, place all ingredients (chili, garlic, peeled tomatoes, bell pepper, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 tablespoon salt) in a food processor and stir until smooth. Then simmer for about 5-6 minutes over low heat. To make the meatballs, soak the bread in milk for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, place all other ingredients (finely chopped onion and minced pork) in a large bowl. Use your hands to gradually blend the bread and milk together to create a smooth paste, then combine with the meat. Form small meatballs and dip each ball in a little flour before searing. Heat 3 tablespoons oil in a skillet and cook meat cubes in batches. Start frying them on high heat until a brown crust appears, then reduce the heat and simmer under the lid until the meat inside is fully cooked. Serve with ajika and a generous bunch of fresh herbs.
- Meat soup … Place the beef ribs in a large clay pot or saucepan and cover them with cold water. Add 3 tablespoons of Svan salt and bring to a simmer over medium heat, then reduce heat to low and let the ribs simmer for 2-3 hours, or until the meat begins to separate from the bones. Skim off any foam formed on the surface while cooking. Remove the ribs from the broth, discard the bones, then cut the meat into small pieces and return to the broth, simmering again. Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Saute the onion until soft and golden brown, then add it to the broth. Add a little more oil to the skillet, then repeat the frying process with the carrots and add them to the broth. Add tomato paste, spices, dried mint, chili, ground walnuts and saffron to the broth, continuing to simmer for 10 minutes. Stir the soup thoroughly - it should have a distinct balance of sour and salty flavors. Cook for another 5 minutes, then add the chopped fresh herbs and serve.
- Baked eggplant with walnuts … Preheat oven to 180 ° C. Place the walnuts on a baking sheet and roast in the oven for 5-10 minutes until golden brown. Then spread them on a clean towel and peel them off. Leave to cool. Make the filling by grinding the walnuts into small crumbs. Mix the finished powder with pomegranate seeds, coriander seeds, 3-4 cloves of garlic and one finely chopped chili. Add olive oil (2 tablespoons), lemon juice (1 tablespoon) to the mixture and season with Svan salt. Set aside for a while. Preheat a skillet over medium heat. Cut the eggplant into plates no thicker than 1-2 centimeters, cut off the skin, leaving only the pulp. Sprinkle each slice with olive oil on each side. Place a few slices in a hot skillet and saute until completely soft and charred on both sides. Spread the walnut filling over the eggplant slices and roll into cylinders. You can use cocktail sticks to hold the rolls together. Serve at room temperature with herbs and pomegranate seeds.
Interesting facts about Svan salt

Historically, it is impossible to get to the high-mountain settlements of Svaneti by transport. Products that could not be grown and obtained on their own were delivered on foot. Due to the significant weight of the bags of salt and the difficulty of transporting them from distant regions, the Georgians came up with their own recipe for the product in order to make life easier for both merchants and housewives in everyday life. They mixed table salt with a variety of herbs that have a bright taste and aroma, resulting in a completely new and unique spice, which later became famous in many other countries.
The salt recipe was carefully guarded and passed down exclusively from generation to generation, therefore all modern variations of the product largely inherit and try to approach its original composition, which only Georgian elders keep and know.
In the ancient bazaars of Georgia and Armenia, you can find special preparations for making Svan salt at home, which tourists love to use and bring their favorite seasoning to their homeland.
How to use Svan salt - watch the video:

Svan salt is one of the most popular spices not only in the Caucasus, but all over the world. Thanks to this spice, any housewife will be able to please her loved ones with amazing dishes. Moderate consumption of the product will have a positive effect on your body. At the same time, you can reduce the consumption of ordinary table salt several times.