Do you like aromatic and delicious teas? Then make it yourself from healthy and fragrant spices. How to prepare a pre-made tea made from spices for future use, read in a step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

Spices are a dominant product in the kitchen. They improve the taste and aroma of food, as well as provide incomparable benefits: they speed up metabolism, block inflammation and strengthen the immune system. In addition, with them or on the basis of them, a warming, healthy tea is prepared, which is necessary in the cold season. Invigorating nutmeg, healing and youthful ginger mixed with spices and orange peel create a wonderful rich cocktail!
This drink normalizes metabolic processes in the body, relieves heaviness in the stomach, normalizes digestion and helps to recover from colds. Also, such tea will remove toxins and toxins from the body, which contributes to weight loss. In order not to prepare such a drink every day, collecting in a heap and picking up all the spices and spices. It is convenient to make tea in a large portion, which can be stored in a jar like tea leaves. And when you need to brew it and enjoy an invigorating healing drink. So, we are preparing a combined tea from spices.
See also how to make green tea with milk and honey.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 299 kcal.
- Servings - 50 g
- Cooking time - 5 minutes

- Dried ground ginger - 1 tsp
- Dried ground orange or lemon zest - 1 tsp
- Anis - 4 stars
- Carnation - 10 buds
- Ground nutmeg - 1 tsp
- Cardamom - 20 grains
- Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp
Step-by-step preparation of the preparation for the future use of combined tea from spices, a recipe with a photo:

1. Pour the cardamom seeds into a chopper or grinder.

2. Next add the clove buds.

3. Follow them with anise stars.

4. Grind the spices to a powder consistency.

5. Then pour the dried orange zest into the grinder bowl.

6. Add ground cinnamon.

7. Pour ginger into the grinder.

8. Next, add ground nutmeg. If desired, you can add allspice and peas and any other spices to taste.

9. Scroll the food in the chopper again until you get a homogeneous brewing powder. Pour the ready-made spice tea into a glass jar and store the prepared blank for future use in a dark place at room temperature.
See also a video recipe on how to make spiced tea.