

Everything about radishes: what medicinal properties of radishes are known, what vitamins and trace elements it contains, how high in calories, how useful the tops are, how to choose the right one, harm and contraindications. The content of the article:

  • The chemical composition of the vegetable
  • Useful properties of radish
  • How to choose the right one
  • Contraindications

Every spring, it is the radish that pleases us with its rich set of vitamins and useful substances, this allows our body to replenish their deficiency and recover after a long winter. The sharp taste of the root vegetable in the salad is due to the presence of mustard oil. The root crop itself has a thickness of 3 cm, a thin skin, white-pink or red.

The homeland of the vegetable is Central Asia, but it is known that it has long been consumed by the Egyptians and Romans. Greeks, Japanese. It ended up in Russia thanks to the innovator Tsar Peter I.

In addition to the usual white and bright pink fruits for us, you can also find brown, burgundy, yellow and even purple fruits.

The chemical composition of radish and calorie content

The root vegetable is rich in B vitamins (B1, B2, B5), niacin, minerals - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron and magnesium. Just one bunch of radishes can provide you with a daily intake of ascorbic acid, which speeds up recovery and helps the gland to be absorbed. The product is good for gums, teeth, bones, blood vessels. There is also fiber, enzymes, proteins, fats and sugars.

Calorie content of radish
Calorie content of radish

Calorie content of radish

per 100 g - 19 kcal:

  • Proteins - 1, 2 g
  • Fat - 0.1 g
  • Carbohydrates - 3, 4 g

Useful properties of radishes

Radish is indicated for overweight problems, so it is often included in many diets as a must-have ingredient in salads. It prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, thereby improving digestion.

Useful properties of radish
Useful properties of radish

It is highly valued in oriental medicine, counting its anti-aging properties, and all because of the beneficial effect of ascorbic acid on the intercellular membranes - radish improves their permeability to nutrients.

Its fiber content promotes the elimination of harmful cholesterol from the body, leading to cell thinning and gradual death. In terms of the amount of fiber, radishes are comparable to tomatoes (learn about the beneficial properties of tomatoes), garlic, cabbage and beets.

The root vegetable also contains substances that stabilize blood sugar levels (in diabetes mellitus).

Healing properties of radish:

  • If you're having a headache, try making fresh radish juice and rubbing it over your temples, forehead, and bridge of your nose. The pain will disappear immediately.
  • With sciatica, it is useful to make compresses from fresh root vegetable gruel. Prolonged constipation can be easily cured with the help of infusion: for this, pour 250 ml of boiling water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of radish tops, leave for an hour. Take 3 times a day 20 minutes after meals.
  • In cosmetology: make a nourishing mask by mixing 2-3 chopped radishes with a few drops of any oil (you can use olive oil). Stir the mass, add starch (1 tsp) there and keep the mask on your face for 10 minutes.

What are the benefits of tops?

Oddly enough, but the tops are healthier than the radishes itself. It contains the same components, but only in a more saturated, concentrated form. It is rich in vitamins of group B, C, PP, potassium, phosphorus, iron, mustard oil, which gives it a pleasant spicy taste with a slight bitterness. The foliage is used as a seasoning for various dishes (soups, stews, potatoes, fried fish). It will be more useful to mix radish tops with parsley, dill, green onions. For the winter, you can dry, close in jars, finely chop and sprinkle with salt.

How to choose the right radish?

Choose firm root vegetables with smooth skin. If they have spots and black dots, then they are already gone. Soft to the touch indicate a long storage - they are also not worth taking, most of the nutrients have already been lost. Pay attention to the tops: it must have a fresh look, which means that they were picked recently and they are suitable for eating.

Harm and contraindications of radish

Unfortunately, not everyone can eat radishes. In case of stomach diseases (gastritis, ulcers), its use should be limited to 1 time per week - the product causes an exacerbation.

The cyanogenic glycosides contained in the root vegetable can harm the thyroid gland and cause goiter. Therefore, for safety reasons in case of endocrine system disorders, it is better to boil the radishes before use.

Video about the benefits of radish:
