How to get rid of panic disorder

How to get rid of panic disorder
How to get rid of panic disorder

Panic disorder and symptoms of its manifestation. Rules for getting rid of this pathology using various methods of therapy and prevention of attacks of fear. Panic disorder is an attack of fear that occurs in people on a regular basis. At the same time, a wave of nervous overexcitation can roll over a person both a couple of times a day, and several times a year. Provided that this phenomenon begins to become more frequent, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist.

Causes of Systematic Panic Attacks

Panic attack in a girl
Panic attack in a girl

Experts have not fully deciphered the origins of the development of this condition in humans. In doing so, they were able to draw general conclusions regarding panic disorder after long-term observation of their patients:

  • Hereditary predisposition … Do not forget that at the genetic level, children have already received some information from their ancestors, which later began to shape their consciousness. Consequently, a child whose parents suffer from panic disorder may be predisposed to the formation of the same problem.
  • Weak nervous system … With this combination of morphological and functional structures of the body, a person begins to feel anxiety in certain situations. Panic attacks in this case are formed due to the fact that such a subject does not have the basis for controlling his behavior.
  • Melancholy … People with this temperament are very often not ready to adequately respond to stressful situations. Attacks of fear of everything new and frightening make these persons fall into uncontrollable panic.
  • Psychological trauma … A person who has experienced mental suffering or has found himself in a zone of increased risk for himself may panic even at the very thought of repeating the bitter experience. He will avoid the identical situation in any way, automatically creating panic disorder in himself.
  • Common diseases … Quite often, a similar pathology occurs against the background of diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, brain tumors and epilepsy. When treating the underlying disease, it is necessary to pay attention to its secondary symptoms.

The main symptoms of panic disorder in humans

Panic attack in a girl
Panic attack in a girl

Regularly recurring episodes of anxiety in a person with this problem in most cases look like this:

  1. Active reaction of the body … The causes of panic disorder are often difficult to explain, but with this pathology, a person can feel dizziness, loss of balance, and even temporary impairment of visual function.
  2. Systematic panic attacks … People tend to emotionally react to external stimuli, which is not a pathology. With a more serious deformation in the mind, a person becomes a victim of attacks of fear with definitely emerging factors.
  3. Change in behavior … The once calm person becomes in this case an irritable person for no apparent reason. She begins to fear death or the possibility of going crazy from certain situations.
  4. Change in personal perception … In this case, we are talking about derealization and depersonalization, when a person finds himself in social isolation of his own free will in the absence of a desire to correct the current situation.

These symptoms of panic disorder can last anywhere from 1 to 5 minutes or as long as 10 minutes. The anxiety usually lasts for an hour.

Features of the treatment of panic disorder

Therapy in this direction should be carried out in a complex with various methods and under the supervision of a specialist. The number of panic neurotics is growing rapidly, which makes this problem common.

Working on yourself with panic disorder

Reading literature on panic attacks and disorders
Reading literature on panic attacks and disorders

Each person has the ability to analyze the pathology that has arisen in him. With panic disorder, he should take the following measures to restore mental balance:

  • Acquaintance with literature … Before trying to get rid of the problem, you need to familiarize yourself with its features, which are described in detail in medical reference books. Panic disorder in itself does not threaten a person's life, but with an exacerbation of the disease, it can cause significant harm, including disability.
  • Certain restrictions … Nicotine and alcohol abuse often negates the desire to get rid of panic disorder. With a weak nervous system, addiction to coffee also adversely affects the psyche of a person who cannot control his emotions.
  • Refusal from certain medications … In this case, the use of stimulants is not recommended in the treatment of panic disorder. This is especially true for women who take weight loss drugs in order to become attractive persons.
  • Breathing control … Gymnastics of this kind will help suppress anxiety and prevent the development of a panic attack due to hyperventilation. To begin with, you can try to hold your breath for 10 seconds while releasing it further in several stages.
  • Relaxation … Yoga and meditation to a calming melody is the foundation of stress management. Psychologists call such manipulations progressive muscle relaxation, which leads to relaxation of the whole body.
  • Walking before bed … Doctors recommend jogging in the park in the evening for restful sleep and blocking panic disorder. If this action is difficult, you can simply go out into the fresh air to admire the local sights.
  • Lifestyle correction … If it is impossible to change your place of residence and field of activity, you can try your hand at some unusual project. The Internet offers many of these options, which should be carefully sorted to avoid meeting scammers.
  • Diet change … Carbonated drinks can once again make a person feel anxious. In this case, power engineers can also play a cruel joke on the lovers of such a product. Fatty foods taste good for some people, but can exacerbate anxiety.

Attention! In a situation where it is urgently necessary to decide how to get rid of panic disorder, you need to stop being a hostage of circumstances. Exclusive self-control helps people with this problem respond correctly to provoking factors.

Medicines for panic disorder

Medications for the treatment of panic disorder
Medications for the treatment of panic disorder

If you independently want to block such uncontrolled seizures, you must clearly follow the instructions of specialists who may advise the following therapy:

  1. Antidepressants … The intake of these medications should be coordinated by a doctor, because their one-time use exclusively during a panic attack will not bring tangible results. The specialist may prescribe in this case "Trazodone", "Amitriptyline" or "Clomipramine". They are usually taken at night in order to achieve a tangible effect after a couple of weeks of such therapy.
  2. Benzodiazepines … Mild tranquilizers are prescribed in the treatment of not only depression, but also in the treatment of panic disorder. At the same time, it is recommended to take "Phenazepam", "Clorazepat", "Chlordiazepoxide" and "Alprazolam".
  3. Psycholeptics … Best of all in this case, "Buspirone", which is available in the form of tablets, has proven itself. In case of anxiety and panic disorder, it is recommended to take this remedy for a month at the dosage prescribed by the doctor.
  4. Beta blockers … They are needed in a critical situation when panic disorder is accompanied by tachycardia and tremors. Beta-blockers in the form of "Metoprolol" or "Carvedilol" only muffle the symptoms of such attacks, but with a decrease in physical symptoms after taking them, impressionable persons calm down.
  5. Sedatives … Such drugs have a mild effect, which in rare cases leads to addiction. To regulate the functions of the central nervous system, therapy is often prescribed in the form of the use of Valokormid, Persen and Trivalumen.

Folk remedies for panic disorder

Decoction from the collection of medicinal herbs
Decoction from the collection of medicinal herbs

The wisdom of our ancestors suggests adhering to the following treatment regimen for mental illness when the problem was voiced:

  • Use of decoctions … In case of panic disorder, it is recommended to drink herbal preparations of mint, yarrow, chamomile and valerian root for a couple of weeks. To consume this collection of equal proportions, taken in one spoon, you need three times a day, half a glass of warm infusion before meals after consulting an allergist.
  • Inhalation … If there are no contraindications, you can try to breathe in pairs of coniferous trees (spruce, pine, fir) or medicinal plants (thyme, juniper, eucalyptus), soothing the psyche.
  • Healing baths … In this case, to strengthen the nervous system, sea salt is suitable, two tablespoons of which are quite enough for a relaxing water procedure. However, it is best to use (alternatively) plants such as peppermint, rose petals, lavender and yarrow.
  • Creation of a favorable microclimate … For panic disorder, sleeping in a room with herbs, which are best placed under your pillowcase, is very helpful. In this case, it is recommended to use oregano, lemon balm, hops, lily of the valley and belladonna.

Psychotherapy in the treatment of panic disorder

Working with a psychologist for a patient with panic disorder
Working with a psychologist for a patient with panic disorder

In parallel with the use of medicines and gifts of nature, experts recommend undergoing the following course of therapy for this problem:

  1. Cognitive-behavioral … In a way, this method resembles the responses to the once popular “I Want to Know Everything” program. With it, the specialist helps his patient understand the origins of the problem and develop a habitual response to stress. The practice of self-management and prevention of panic attack symptoms is the foundation of cognitive behavioral therapy.
  2. Open pick method … Such an effective way of solving a problem always pays off if it is correctly applied. It is necessary to deliberately appear in those places that annoy, and even communicate with provocateurs. In this case, immunity to such factors will be developed, which then seem to be an insignificant trifle.
  3. Combined treatment … Psychotherapy for panic disorder involves an integrated approach to solving the problem. In this case, it is necessary to combine hypnosis, medication and individual work with a psychologist. After removing acute fear with the help of tranquilizers and putting a person into an unconscious state, you can try to start attending group trainings.

Prevention of Panic Disorder

Panic attack at work
Panic attack at work

Some experts insist on the fact that it is impossible to prevent this pathology. However, you can really reduce the risk of panic attacks by:

  • Correct daily routine … With moral and physical exhaustion, an imbalanced balance in the body leads to a disorder of this kind. To avoid this trouble, you need to sleep at least 9 hours a day to fully recuperate your own strength and to prevent the occurrence of panic disorder.
  • Avoiding alcohol … Alcoholic drinks create a state of euphoria for quite a short period of time. Therefore, for the prevention of sounded seizures, it is necessary to learn how to control your addiction to alcohol.
  • Proven circle of friends … Quite often, close relatives or friends become provocateurs of panic disorder. In this case, it is necessary either to talk frankly with them on this topic, or to completely limit communication with the manipulators of someone else's consciousness.
  • Minimal risk when organizing leisure time … People who love extreme sports may not be afraid of panic attacks. Otherwise, they should protect themselves as much as possible from stressful situations. In this case, experts also recommend refusing to watch horror films and thrillers, because overly emotional persons do not always adequately respond to these cinema products.

How to get rid of panic disorder - watch the video:

Panic disorder is a fairly common condition that ordinary people often do not pay attention to. However, its consequences sometimes lead to severe neuroses, which are not in all cases amenable to drug treatment.
