Myths about the ideal woman

Myths about the ideal woman
Myths about the ideal woman

Public opinion on the concept of "ideal woman". The article offers versions of how a man's dream should look like. It will also analyze the legitimacy of such opinions, which are widespread in society. The ideal woman is perfection that can look different in the eyes of men. It all depends on the taste and preferences of a representative of the strong half of humanity. However, there are still some standard stereotypes that society has created. In most cases, they do not correspond to the absolute truth, because representatives of the opposite sex do not always agree on this issue.

Myth 1. The ideal woman is always ready for the truth

Conversation of a man and a woman heart to heart
Conversation of a man and a woman heart to heart

Society sees perfect people in this way. Consequently, a lady must always steadfastly hold the informational blow, which can cause her real pain. At the same time, no one calls to deceive each other, but sometimes it is better to remain silent and not to escalate the situation to the limit.

Men are often straightforward, because they do not know how to play around and do not look for the correct approach to clarifying the situation. All voiced ends with a usually banal quarrel, because a woman can have a vulnerable soul and a rich imagination. With the minimum information that she hears, an impressionable nature is able to think of an everyday nuisance to a tragedy of a universal scale.

Myth 2. A woman without flaw will understand criticism

Some people think that if a lady is smart and perspicacious, then she can talk about her shortcomings anytime, anywhere. Men react to public opinion much more calmly, and sometimes even completely indifferent. Consequently, they may criticize their woman, thinking that she will take it the same way.

The chosen one should be as careful as possible in words if his significant other asked advice about his appearance or future plans. No lady will be delighted if, when asked about the success of a new hairstyle, she receives a truthful, but unflattering answer for her. She will also not be pleased with the valuable remark from the gentleman that in the activity that she has chosen there is no place for naive fools.

Myth 3. A perfect lady always looks great

There is a category of people who believe that a woman should even go to a bakery with a full demonstration of her merits. It is by no means possible to be a sloppy special, but it is unconstructive to demand that you always correspond to the ideal. A fit figure and a well-groomed face have not yet prevented a single charming woman, but one cannot make a race for perfection out of this.

A man can squeeze inwardly when a nymph with a ton of makeup on her face and a dress on the floor comes out to a family dinner. Best of all, he will respond to a luxurious and sexy negligee that he sees for the first time. If a joint appearance is to come, then a flirty hairstyle, appropriate makeup and beautiful attire of a woman will only delight her partner. Each man is vain in his own way, and he will be pleased to see a well-groomed and effective companion next to him during any event.

Myth 4. An exemplary hostess is always in the kitchen or with a vacuum cleaner

An exemplary hostess prepares lunch
An exemplary hostess prepares lunch

This stereotype is one of the leaders among all kinds of opinions about what the qualities of an ideal woman should be.

However, life always makes its own adjustments to any beliefs that exist in society. This does not mean at all that the corners of the dwelling should be overgrown with intricate cobwebs, and the furniture should be covered with an impressive layer of dust. However, making yourself a domestic slave is very dangerous for a relationship with a partner, who is often quite happy with the current situation.

In some cases, a man begins to look not at his wife, who has turned into a knot, but at her more successful and brilliant rivals. The result can be the most sad, when an exemplary mother and hostess while away the evening alone, waiting for her unfaithful spouse.

Myth 5. The ideal woman doesn't need a career

For some people, for some reason, this statement triggers the stereotype of a blue stocking. There is also a public opinion that only a man is obliged to earn money. There is some truth in this belief, because the head of the family must be able to provide for his relatives.

At the same time, skeptics do not understand that many women may well compete with the stronger sex in many areas of activity. A smart man will always be proud of his chosen one, who does not refuse his financial support, but at the same time is looking for his place in life.

Myth 6. Super-woman lives only in the interests of the family

There is an opinion that the fair sex should develop her life according to the scheme "marriage - having children - kindergarten - school - wedding of offspring - the interests of grandchildren." In this case, one also recalls the image of an ideal woman, defined by wit, in the form of a barefoot, pregnant woman who is always in the kitchen. Some ordinary people are extremely amazed when the keeper of the home begins to look for a suitable hobby for herself.

An interesting life for a woman does not end with creating a family, because she has every right to her personal space. At any age, you can find something to your liking, which will pleasantly brighten up your leisure time, while banishing boredom and a sense of your own lack of demand from your soul.

Myth 7. The woman of dreams is a copy of the mother of the chosen one

Woman caring for a man
Woman caring for a man

Of course, some men are looking for character traits in their future chosen one that are similar to the behavior model of their parent. However, it cannot be argued that this is the main factor in their choice. It all depends on what kind of relationship once developed in the boy's family.

Seeing how a tyrant father bullies an unrequited wife, the young man may then not want to create a couple with a girl without his own opinion. If the head of the family, to whom everyone unquestioningly obeyed, was the mother, then a young man, when searching for a soul mate, can reach out with his soul to a soft and gentle person. However, it cannot be ruled out that, having got used to a certain female type, a man still does not want to see him in his future wife.

Myth 8. The ideal wife is innocence itself and has no past

This opinion seems a little naive, because when we meet with the chosen one, we do not start life from scratch. A wise man will never start a family with a licentious person with a scandalous reputation. Mechanically, in every potential darling, he sees the mother of his future children, so he will not take risks.

However, at the same time, he must understand that each person has a certain baggage of his life experience. The only question is what kind of woman he needs for a relationship.

In this case, everything depends solely on the choice of the man and his personal preferences. In the future, he may be paired with both a naive virgin and an experienced lady.

Myth 9. A strong woman is always independent

With the voiced opinion, I recall a wonderful phrase from the film "For family reasons", which was uttered by the episodic hero of the instructive film. "But isn't it so good not to depend on anyone?" - he said, developing the idea further and forcing many viewers to think about this phrase. In no case should we forget about self-realization in life, because such connivance towards oneself destroys the human personality.

However, complete independence from everyone can sometimes lead to female loneliness. The fair sex needs to look for their "I", but relying on the strong shoulder of the chosen one.

Myth 10. Sexuality is the main trait of a woman goddess

Mysterious as the basis of sexuality
Mysterious as the basis of sexuality

Of course, the external attractiveness of a potential or existing partner is important for every man. However, some people believe that it is enough to make the skirt shorter and the neckline more tempting to attract the attention of the vending object. He may turn his gaze to such a frank challenge, but how long his interest will last is a moot point.

Many of the men interviewed surprised the specialists with their answers. In their opinion, most of all they are seduced by the mysteriousness, the hidden sexuality of coquettes, which is expressed in half-gestures and meaningful glances in mutual flirting.

Myth 11. The ideal woman never gossips

Even the stronger sex is susceptible to this fascinating activity, so this opinion causes a frank smile. Men in conversations among themselves call the voiced not the washing of bones, but a serious assessment of the events taking place in someone else's life.

However, the fact remains, so it is worth forgiving beautiful ladies for the desire to be aware of everything that is happening around.

Myth 12. The woman of dreams is a great cook

Someone is not given to become a good cook, and someone is simply not accustomed to this by their parents. There are many couples in which the spouse creates in the kitchen, creating real culinary masterpieces. Such families live by the principle that everyone does what he does best.

If a woman does not know how to cook, but dreams of pampering her chosen one with excellent cooking, then both Internet forums and special training courses will come to her aid. However, there are ladies who, even with a great desire to learn all the subtleties of cooking, will surely oversalt everything, do not cook or overdo it with seasonings. Remaining at the same time sweet, understanding and respectable women, even with such obvious shortcomings, they will remain an ideal for their beloved.

Myth 13. A woman without a flaw can literally everything

Beautiful woman needlewoman
Beautiful woman needlewoman

According to some people, the ideal person should be the generator of everything that happens in the house. It is the responsibility of men to nail down a nail or fix a crane after numerous reminders. His wife only has to be able to do the smallest thing: to cook, wash, iron, clean the house, look after the children, be an interesting companion and an excellent lover. She is also not forbidden to sew, knit, embroider floss and beads.

At the same time, she is forbidden to get tired and look not brilliant at any time of the day. It is alarming that quite a large number of people have such an opinion. The ideal woman should be just that - period. This is a myth and nothing more, because the painted scheme is more suitable for a robot than for a living being.

Myth 14. Real ladies are alien to men's fun

There is a stereotype that femininity lies exclusively in activities and hobbies that correspond to the weaker sex. Few will be surprised by the adherence of some ladies to reading romance novels, watching melodramas and listening to soul music.

That being said, don't forget that you can remain sensual even while riding a bike. Nothing will change in the delicate mental organization of a woman if she is a fan of extreme sports. Her commitment to hard rock will have little effect on the lady's deep inner world.

Myth 15. The ideal woman has a developed maternal instinct

If future partners have previously discussed their unwillingness to have offspring, then this is their personal choice and there is nothing immoral in this agreement. However, public opinion always positions any woman as a future mother.

It should be remembered that everything has its time and it is not worth rushing things. Perhaps the lady is simply not yet ready for such an important event in her life. She can be a wonderful person, but at the same time have a sober view of future life prospects. Her views are capable of changing under certain events, therefore, unwillingness to become a mother does not at all mean the callousness of the soul of the voiced person.

Myth 16. The ideal woman never asks for gifts

Woman receiving at
Woman receiving at

Mercantileness is not always a commendable quality, but the desire to receive signs of attention from a beloved man is not an outrageous act on the part of a spouse.

However, some curmudgeons think otherwise, infringing on their soul mate in literally every little thing. They can be seized by a heartbeat if the miserly chosen one bought herself an extra pair of stockings. An ideal woman for a man of this type is an object who lives according to the scheme “I live for you - I don’t need anything - I’m happy”.

Myth 17. A dream woman is a reflection of her man

There is an opinion that after a certain period of life together, the spouses begin to resemble each other. Some people literally understand the meaning of the popular phrase, considering a woman to become a copy of her chosen one.

Loving hearts need to think in one direction, understand each other and support each other in difficult times. However, becoming a shadow of another person and copying her behavior model is an unreasonable decision, and sometimes even dangerous for the female essence. A strong-minded lady will never allow something like this to happen, which does not at all make her a bad person.

Myth 18. A perfect woman will support any conversation

Dur is loved only by similar male personalities, so a lady of a narrow-minded mind will be used exclusively for sexual purposes. However, the chosen one in no case should also show her superiority in terms of intelligence over her partner.

Still, it is worth noting the fact that the ideal woman will feel like a fish in water in any company is a myth. We cannot understand literally everything, but a wise person will always find a way out of any critical situation. She will simply try to turn the conversation in a direction in which she does not hit her face in the mud in front of the acquaintances of the chosen one.

Myth 19. The ideal wife is always ready for sex

Tired woman
Tired woman

In this case, one immediately recalls numerous anecdotes about headaches and shirking of the chosen one from intimate contact. Men begin to selflessly suspect that their significant other has ceased to be interested in them or have found a lover for themselves.

To get rid of such gloomy thoughts, representatives of the stronger sex should remember their combat readiness for sex when they feel bad. It would not hurt them to rummage through their memory in search of a magical night of love until the morning in case of troubles at work or with the next breakdown of their adored car. It's unlikely that super-males will come to mind with something sensible, so you need to respect your partner, understanding his mental and physical condition.

Myth 20. The ideal woman is always monogamous

No one in this case is talking about sexual promiscuity, but men still should not relax. The relationship should become a process that both partners are constantly working on. To hope that the chosen lady of the heart is a monogamous person for the rest of her life is a very dangerous delusion for an arrogant male.

He knows best of all what an ideal woman should be, because he is a rather opaque person. As a result, the chosen one will disappear in another direction, and the unfortunate man will console himself with the words of the song "If the bride leaves for another, then it is not known who is lucky."

Watch the video about the ideal woman:

The image of an ideal woman is a desire to get something that is not in real life. The protagonist of the film "Formula of Love" tried to find a soul mate without the slightest flaw, but realized his mistake in time. You need to love the person who is nearby and understands you perfectly.
