Every person is afraid of something. In this article, you will discover the 6 main fears that do the most harm. Take a closer look at which of these fears you are most susceptible to and why it constrains our freedom so much.
What is fear?
is a negative emotion that destroys the life of a person who is in captivity of all kinds of restrictions on the way to the successful realization of his desires. Before you do anything worthwhile in your life, you need to listen to yourself, what you are most afraid of, show all your determination and courage, and then you will succeed.
But first, you must find out what fears may lie in wait for us at every step:
Fear of old age
This fear grows out of the thought that poverty can come with old age. Such fear can also be the reason for the fear of death.
Fear of getting sick
It is born of both social and physical inheritance. From birth to death, there is an eternal struggle between health and disease in every physical body. The seed of fear appeared in the physical body as a result of nature's cruel plan to allow the stronger forms of physical life to destroy the weaker ones.
Fear of losing someone's love
This fear is generated by such a state as insane jealousy for one's love object. If a person is accustomed to being constantly loved and admired, then he gradually overestimates his self-esteem and becomes selfish. And he is ready to do anything so as not to feel the fear of losing someone's love.
Fear of poverty
Although the state in one way or another protects the weak from the strong, adopting dozens of laws, still every person in our time can be left at one moment with nothing: without housing and any means of subsistence. Here is a man and is afraid of poverty, which can deprive him of everything.

In fact, to be afraid of poverty is good and right, if there is no fear of being poor, then this is exactly what you should be afraid of. In its absence, a person will not have the desire to achieve material success in life, he will live with what he has - roughly speaking, with nothing. Advice to anyone who wants to become successful in material terms (and this is health, career, success in personal life and freedom): be afraid to stay poor and strive to prevent this from happening!
Fear of criticism
We try to look a certain way, "not standing out from the crowd," so as not to be ridiculed. Therefore, people adhere to certain stereotypes of behavior in a certain company, adhere to fashion in relation to clothes, hairstyles. They try to do everything so as not to fall into the category of "not like everyone else" and "he is somehow strange and looks ridiculous", and also chase after such a level of material well-being, which seems to be at their age in comparison with other people … This is a gross mistake, you should never be afraid of your actions, verbal presentation and appearance. All rich people were not afraid of this before - they did.
If everyone knows that it is impossible to do this, and some mad and evil person does not know that this is impossible, he does it, makes the impossible and becomes rich and famous. So, now you know "your enemy in the face", now you need to muster up the courage and determination to get out of the captivity of these shackles and become the master of your fear. But this will be written about in another article "How to overcome your fears."