Find out the factors that influence the imbalance in the development of your gluteal muscles, which will help you repair the lagging muscle. Girls pay a lot of attention to training the gluteal muscles. This is one of the problem areas of the female body, where fat deposits accumulate. In addition, the male gaze is always riveted to this part of the body. Today you will learn what to do and how to exercise if one buttock is larger than the other.
Why is one buttock larger than the other?

If you want to know what to do and how to train, if one buttock is larger than the other, then first you need to understand the reasons for what is happening. There are several reasons for the appearance of imbalances in the development of the gluteal muscles.
Misalignment of the pelvic bones and curvature of the spinal column
According to official statistics, 25 percent of women have a certain imbalance in the buttocks. It is quite obvious that the degree of this deficiency can differ and very significantly. Now we are talking about both the volume of the muscles and their vertical arrangement. By and large, every person has imbalances.
Playing sports can aggravate them, and if you find yourself in a similar situation, then the main thing is not to panic. It is possible that only you notice this asymmetry. If everything is very bad and the imbalance of the buttocks is pronounced, then you will have to make efforts to eliminate it.
Often, it is violations in the position of the spinal column that cause asymmetry. This can be scoliosis, expansion or misalignment of the pelvic bones, as well as a change in the height of the intervertebral discs. As a result, you observe the imbalance of the gluteal muscles.
Violation of the technique of performing movements or mistakes in the training program
This is an equally common reason compared to the first. Many novice athletes and female athletes do not want to spend a lot of time on the correct selection of strength movements. Today, almost everyone knows that squats are the most effective glute exercise.
As a result, this is what the majority of visitors to the halls do. However, squats in the classic form allow you to effectively pump the quadriceps, not the buttocks. To obtain the desired result, it is worth using the squat in the Smith machine with the extension of the legs forward.
Not only the choice of strength movements is important for the quality pumping of muscles, but also your feelings. Often, girls work on the buttocks and do not pay attention to the sensations that appear in the targeting muscles during training. As a result, one muscle works as actively as possible, and the load on the second is insufficient - imbalances in this case cannot be avoided.
Genetics and acquired morphological factors
Nowadays it is customary to talk about the influence of genetics on athletes and their results. However, a congenital factor can cause imbalances. Most often they are voluminous. Acquired morphological factors - any long-term (more than two years) physical activity prior to fitness. Let's say dancing can be such a factor.
Sedentary lifestyle
In order for a person to have an asymmetry of the buttocks, it is absolutely not necessary to visit the gym. If your muscles are under stress, the result may be the same. It is extremely important for girls working in offices to increase their physical activity. Otherwise, by the age of thirty, your gluteal muscles will dramatically lose in volume.
Gluteus anatomy

We will talk a little later about what to do and how to train if one buttock is larger than the other. Now I would like to dwell on the anatomy of the gluteal muscles. The appearance of your butt depends on several factors - bone structure, skin, muscle mass, and subcutaneous fat. We will now take a quick look at all of these factors.
Bone structure
The pelvis is the basis for the gluteus muscles, and we cannot change the structure of the bones. An adult woman has a wider pelvis, although it may have been narrower in adolescence. With age and the development of the hormonal system, this part of the skeleton can increase in size. However, there are exceptions, and a woman with a narrow pelvis cannot give birth normally, since the fetus does not have enough room to exit. The pelvis in women is wider than in men and set higher. This is what explains the different shape of the female buttocks.
In addition to the bone structure, the shape of the buttocks is also determined by the muscles and body fat. This muscle group consists of three sections - large, small and medium. It should be noted that the buttocks are very powerful, but do not respond very well to training.
The large section makes up about 70 percent of the total mass of the gluteal muscles. It is thanks to his growth that the buttocks acquire volume. As for the fiber composition, it is mixed with a predominance of slow fibers. This fact suggests that in order to obtain maximum results when working on a large department, it is necessary to use an integrated approach, alternating exercises in strength mode (from 3 to 4 sets of 6-8 repetitions in each) with multi-repetitive workouts (more than 15 repetitions per failure) …
The middle section is located under the large section and is responsible for the appearance of the upper part of the buttocks. Quality training will allow you to shape the pommel of this part of the body. The best choice in this case is to use strength training using medium weights at 12-15 repetitions. The small section is extremely important for the formation of the lower part of the buttocks.
Subcutaneous fatty deposits
Most people believe that fat is evil. However, in the absence of a certain amount of adipose tissue in the neckline and buttocks, it is very difficult to form a beautiful figure. At the same time, notice the word "some." It is important to maintain a certain amount of body fat in these parts of the body. If adipose tissues are present on the buttocks in the right places, then the priest will acquire volume, and you will avoid the appearance of dimples and irregularities.
It is very important to remember that in order to form beautiful rounded buttocks, girls should not torment the body with various dietary nutrition programs and devote a lot of time to relief training. The female body should contain from 12 to 17 percent of adipose tissue. Very often, when preparing for tournaments, athletes burn a lot of fat, which negatively affects the appearance of their figure.
You must remember that subcutaneous fat deposits and their distribution are important in terms of the appearance of the buttocks. This process is directly related to genetics and the concentration of hormonal substances. Unfortunately, girls in this situation have very little leverage. Basically, there is only one - hormones. Thus, you need to do the following preparatory work:
- Stop using contraceptive medications.
- Include in your diet foods that can increase the concentration of estrogen, such as soy, citrus fruits, and legumes.
- Do not neglect pharmaceutical drugs, say, hemafemin or Premarin.
By increasing the concentration of estrogen, the body begins to actively accumulate fat stores in the body, including the buttocks. However, the volumes directly depend on the genetics and type of the girl's figure. The genetic characteristics of the organism differ in representatives of different ethnic groups. For example, in Brazilian women, fat accumulates in the buttocks. But among our compatriots, this happens mainly on the waist, lower back, hips and sides.
Skin covering
The final factor that affects the appearance of the buttocks is the skin. Closer to the age of 30, girls begin to develop certain problems associated with a decrease in the elasticity index, thinning of the skin, as well as a deterioration in blood circulation. This leads to the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks. It's time to answer the main question of our article and find out what to do and how to train if one buttock is larger than the other.
One buttock is bigger than the other: practical advice on what to do and how to exercise

Before we move on to specific training programs, it is necessary to say about the preparatory work that you have to carry out:
- Choose the most effective exercises for each section of the gluteus muscles.
- Modify the classic movement options for yourself.
- Emphasize training for the lagging buttocks.
- Do not get carried away with drying and keep from 12 to 17 percent of adipose tissues in the body.
It is not in vain that we spent a lot of time on the anatomy of this muscle group. Knowing the structure of the muscles, you will be able to select the correct movements that can maximize each section. The desired shape of the buttocks can only be obtained through an integrated approach. Many girls perform two or a maximum of three movements on the gluteal muscles, and in the classic version. However, you should use a personalized exercise approach.
So what to do and how to train if one buttock is larger than the other? First of all, it is necessary to increase the volume of the muscles around the entire perimeter of the lagging buttocks. This is how you can quickly eliminate the imbalance. To solve this problem, it is necessary to use training with the following parameters:
- The number of classes during the week is two.
- The intensity of the training is moderate.
- The duration of the pauses between sets is 45 seconds.
- The number of sets and repetitions is specified.
- Cardio Exercise - Use the stepper immediately after training the gluteal muscles for a 20 minute aerobic session.
- After completing each set of any movement, static tension and muscle relaxation are required.
And now the training program itself, which will answer the question of what to do, how to fix it and how to train if one buttock is larger than the other.
1st day
- One-leg push of a platform with weights in the prone position - 2 sets of 25 repetitions each.
- Press one leg in the simulator, stance legs high - 4 sets of 15 repetitions each.
- Side approaches with one leg on a bench with dumbbells - 4 sets of 15 repetitions each.
- Leading the leg to the side at the lower block - 2 sets of 25 repetitions each.
- Dumbbell Single Leg Deadlift - 4 sets of 15 reps each.
2nd day
- Leading one leg back in a standing position at the bottom block - 2 sets of 25 repetitions each.
- Bulgarian One-Leg Lunges in Smith's Machine - 4 sets of 15 reps each.
- Side press with one leg in the machine - 4 sets of 15 repetitions each.
- Bench-supported glute bridge on one leg - 4 sets of 15 reps each.
- Breeding the legs to the sides on one side with an elastic band fixed on the legs - 4 sets of 15 repetitions each.
Learn more about asymmetry in the following video: