A simple set of exercises for losing weight at home

A simple set of exercises for losing weight at home
A simple set of exercises for losing weight at home

A set of exercises that will allow you to get rid of fat deposits on the abdomen and hips in a month. The human body must have a certain amount of fat and cannot be completely eliminated. However, when a certain level is exceeded, excess body fat has a negative impact on health. Many women for weight loss use various dietary nutrition programs and sometimes very strict ones. However, it is extremely difficult to lose weight without sufficient physical activity. Today you will learn about simple exercises for losing weight at home.

Of course, a dietary nutrition program can save you extra pounds, but at the same time, it deprives the body of a large number of important nutrients. It is with this that the fact is connected that after the termination of the use of the diet, a person most often begins to eat a lot of food and in the absence of physical activity, weight gains again. Moreover, the increase in fat mass is often greater in comparison with that lost during the diet.

To break this cycle, you need to start exercising. But at the same time, you need to monitor your diet. You must understand that you can only lose weight using an integrated approach to solving this problem. You do not need to use dietary nutrition programs, but it is quite enough to make some changes to the diet:

  • Eliminate all rich foods from the nutrition program.
  • Don't eat fried foods.
  • Be sure to include fermented milk products in the diet, as well as vegetables and fruits.
  • Do not eat food less than 120 minutes before bed.
  • Drink 2 to 2.5 liters of water throughout the day.
  • Eat only when you start to feel hungry.

Features of the training process for weight loss

Woman performing crunches
Woman performing crunches

When playing sports, lipolysis processes are activated due to a lack of energy for exercise. It is quite understandable that the higher the intensity of your activity, the more actively calories are burned. At low intensity, four to five calories can be burned in one minute. If the training was carried out with high intensity, then this figure for the same period of time was from ten to twelve calories.

It should also be remembered that in order to create an energy deficit in the body, you need to limit your intake of carbohydrates and fats. This primarily applies to sweets, rich bread, pasta and fatty foods. To lose one kilo of fat, you must burn eight thousand calories. However, you have to choose the right load and beginners should not do high-intensity classes right away. Start with small loads and gradually increase them.

The most energy-intensive are simple home weight loss exercises aimed at developing the muscles of the legs. In terms of weight loss, movements to strengthen the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle, chest and arms will not be so effective. However, to create a harmoniously developed body, you need to train these muscle groups as well. For weight loss, cardio sessions should be performed three or four per week, and the duration of each session should be from half an hour to 40 minutes. The first minutes of 25 sessions, the body actively uses carbohydrates, which are in the intercellular fluid, liver and blood. Only after that, the lipolysis process is activated, and fats begin to be burned. If you do simple weight loss exercises at home for a shorter period of time compared to the above, then such workouts will not be effective.

The effectiveness of cardio exercises for weight loss is usually determined by the indicator of heart rate. You probably know that maximum heart rate is determined by subtracting your age in full years from 220. Training can only be effective if you work at an intensity of 65 to 85 percent. As we said above, beginners should choose the minimum load and work at an intensity of 65 percent of the maximum.

For example, your age is 45 and your heart rate is 155 beats per minute. Thus, the intensity of your training should be in the range of 100 to 131 beats per minute. This is a very important parameter and you need to constantly monitor it during the lesson and, if necessary, change the load. Also, when doing simple weight loss exercises at home, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • It is necessary to exercise at least 60 minutes after a meal and not earlier than three hours before meals.
  • During the breaks between sets, do simple gymnastic weight loss exercises at home, but do not sit. You can just walk slowly.
  • Do not drink a lot of water during training.
  • Control your breathing and inhale when exertion, and exhale when it falls.
  • Do simple weight loss exercises at home for at least 60 minutes, and do three or four sessions per week.

Effective exercises for losing weight at home

A girl and a guy are training in the yard
A girl and a guy are training in the yard

Before the main part of your workout, you need to warm up your muscles well. To do this, you can use running in place, work with a rope, and also perform rotational and swinging movements of the limbs. If you have a lot of weight, then you should actively use walking and running. Start by walking slowly, walking for 40 minutes.

As your fitness level increases, start running. Depending on how you feel, increase your running distance by ten percent every one or two weeks. If your financial capabilities allow, then it is worth buying a small-sized simulator. A treadmill or exercise bike can only load the leg muscles, while a rowing or elliptical can work the entire body. Now let's look at simple exercises for losing weight at home, which are suitable for everyone who wants to lose weight.

  1. Push ups. This exercise should be known to you from school and you should not dwell on the technique of its implementation. We only note that using a wide stance of the arms, you increase the load on the muscles of the chest. If you use a narrow stance, then most of the load will fall on the triceps. If you still can't do classic push-ups, then do this simple exercise for losing weight at home from your knees. You need to do two or three sets of 10-15 repetitions each.
  2. Exercise "Bridge". This is also a familiar exercise. Beginners should perform a simplified "bridge", which differs from the classic movement in that it is necessary to rest on the ground with the shoulder joints, and not with the hands. As your fitness grows, move on to the classic movement. In total, you need to do 15 to 20 repetitions.
  3. Board positions. Take an emphasis in a prone position, but rest on the ground not with your hands, but with your elbow joints. In this case, the forearms should be parallel. In this position, you need to hold your body for 1.5 minutes.
  4. Reverse push-ups. This simple home weight loss exercise is designed to help develop your triceps. You need to rest your outstretched arms on the seat of the chair, with your back to it, and stretch your legs in front of you. After that, lower and raise the body with the effort of the triceps. Do 1 to 2 sets of 10-15 reps each.
  5. Exercise "Dog". Get on all fours and begin to lift the leg bent at the knee joint up and back. For each leg, you need to perform 15 repetitions.
  6. Inverted caterpillar exercise. Take a supine position and begin to raise your straight legs and arms at the same time. In this case, the blades must be lifted off the ground. Do 1 to 2 sets, 10 reps each.
  7. Exercise "Bicycle". This movement is designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles. In a supine position, place your arms behind your head and use your legs to simulate a bicycle ride. Work your legs for 60 seconds.
  8. Side lunges. Standing straight, put one leg to the side and squat down deeply. In this case, it is necessary to touch the opposite hand to the set aside leg. It is important to ensure that your back remains level throughout the entire movement. Do 10-15 repetitions.
  9. Squats. Lower yourself down to parallel with the hip with the ground, keeping your back straight and keeping your knees straight. Do 2 sets of 25-30 reps each.
  10. Jumping lunge. While lungeing forward from a standing position, make sure that the knee joint of the back leg does not touch the ground. After that, jump, changing the position of your legs upon landing. Do 2 sets, 10-15 repetitions each.

Check out a simple and effective set of exercises for weight loss at home:
