Losing weight at home: a set of exercises

Losing weight at home: a set of exercises
Losing weight at home: a set of exercises

Find out how spending just 15 minutes a day can put your figure in full order and get rid of excess body fat forever. To effectively fight obesity, a set of exercises for weight loss for every day will come in handy. It should be admitted that there are a lot of such complexes. As a rule, they all consist of simple movements and it will not take you long to complete them. At the same time, it is necessary to practice regularly and only in this case you will achieve the desired result.

In addition, I would like to remind you of the importance of nutrition. By constantly performing a set of exercises for weight loss for every day and using a high-quality nutrition program, you will be able to solve the tasks set much faster. We are not going to talk a lot about nutrition now, as this is a very large topic. I just want to say that you should not use strong diets, as they rarely bring positive results in the long run. Eat only healthy foods and exercise.

A set of exercises for the upper body

Chair push-ups
Chair push-ups

Now we will bring to your attention a simple set of exercises for losing weight for every day, divided into two parts. If you have not previously played sports, then start with the first and as your physical fitness grows, connect the exercises from the second part. You will need to spend from 40 minutes to one hour to complete all exercises.

All exercises must be performed at a slow pace, and the number of repetitions is 5-30. You should not immediately expose your body to powerful loads. If you want to lose weight and do it right, then increase them gradually. During the first month, for most girls, it will be enough to perform only the first part of the set of exercises for weight loss for every day.

Let's move on to the movements themselves and the rules for their implementation. For the first movement, you need to stand upright and take a deep breath. At the same time, put your hands behind your back as far as possible. Start each movement with five times and gradually bring the number of repetitions to 30.

Without changing the starting position, pull in your stomach and stay in this state for a few seconds. It is very important to monitor your breathing, which should be deep. After completing this breathing exercise, you can move on to the next one.

Place your legs at the level of the shoulder joints and alternately bending the legs at the knee joints, lift them to the opposite shoulder joint. The next movement from the set of exercises for weight loss for every day is performed in the supine position. Bend your legs at the knee joints, while placing your feet on the ground. Begin to tilt your legs alternately to the sides, but at the same time your feet should remain on the ground. When you can easily do 30 repetitions of this movement, then do it by keeping your feet in the air. Stay on your back, as the next move will be the "bicycle" you know from school physical education lessons.

If this exercise immediately seems difficult for you, then for two or three weeks you can perform it alternately with each leg. However, then you should work with two at once. Stay on your back and straighten your legs. As you inhale, extend your arms behind your head and stretch your entire body. Exhaling, lift your legs, bent at the knee joints to the chest.

This was the first part of a beginner's daily weight loss routine. As we said, all the movements described above must be performed daily for three weeks. After that, add to them the exercises from the second part of the complex, which will now be discussed.

Take a supine position with your arms extended behind your head, and your stomach must be drawn in. Raising your legs, begin to perform them in circular movements left and right. For the next exercise, you will need to sit on the ground. Stretch your legs in front of you and begin to perform bends, trying to reach your toes with your hands.

On all fours, straighten your back and draw in your stomach. Start lifting the opposite leg and arm at the same time. As you inhale, return to the starting position. Do not change position while remaining on all fours. Exhaling air, lower yourself down, trying to touch the ground with your stomach. In this case, it is necessary to bend your arms.

Get into a standing position and walk in place for one or two minutes. The knee joints must be lifted high and rolled from the heel to the toes. Arbitrary hand movements can be performed at the same time.

Exercises for the lower body at home

Leg raises
Leg raises

This part of the daily weight loss routine starts with squats. This is the most effective movement for working out the muscles of the thigh and buttocks. There are many types of this exercise, you can use all of them. This will allow the load to change and it will be more difficult for the body to adapt to it. We also recall that the downward movement should be carried out on exhalation, and return to the starting position should be during inhalation. For the second exercise, you need to sit near a chair, grasping the back of it with your hands. After that, begin to raise your legs alternately, bending them at the knee joint and touching the back of the chair with them. Then, for two or five minutes, you need to run in place at a slow pace, switching to slow walking.

For the next movement of our daily weight loss workout, you will need a chair again. Grasp his back with your hands, while straining the muscles of the legs and abs. Inhaling, begin to rise to your toes and linger in the upper position for a couple of seconds. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Complete the complex with stretching movements.

The best exercises for weight loss


We offered you one set of weight loss exercises for every day, but you can make your own. Now we will tell you about the most effective exercises that you can use when drawing up your training program.

  1. Squats. This movement is present in the complex described above. It will allow you to work the muscles in your legs and buttocks.
  2. Classic push-ups. Exercise is effective primarily for the muscles of the chest and back. At the same time, the press is also involved in its implementation. If you cannot perform push-ups from the plank position due to insufficient physical fitness, then do it with maple.
  3. Bridge. This exercise will tighten your glutes and back muscles. These are very problematic areas on a woman's body. While performing this movement, try to lift your pelvis up as high as possible.
  4. Lunges. Another great leg muscle movement that should definitely be part of your daily weight loss routine. Perform lunge alternately on each leg. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the thigh of the leg in front is parallel to the ground.
  5. Board. This is a versatile exercise that works the muscles of virtually the entire body. The forearms should be parallel to each other on the ground. Lift your torso up and hold this position for one and a half minutes. For beginners, you can reduce this time and gradually bring it up to the required one.
  6. Swing back. This exercise allows you to tighten your glutes and hamstrings and stretch them well.
  7. Deep triceps. This movement is designed to tighten the triceps and will eliminate the laxity of the skin. This exercise is also called reverse push-ups. To complete it, you need to rest your hands behind your back on any object, for example, a chair seat. After that, lower and raise the body with the effort of the triceps.
  8. Balance. The movement will help you to strengthen your back muscles, and to do it, you need to get on all fours. Keeping your back straight, begin to raise the opposite arm and leg. In the final position of the trajectory, there should be a pause of 1.5 minutes.
  9. Twisting bike. This exercise combines two exercises to build the oblique abdominal muscles. Lift alternately opposite leg and arm, trying to reach the knee with the elbow joint. In this case, the hands are in the "lock" behind the head.
  10. Balancing above the ground. The movement is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the abdomen and back. Get into a supine position. Raise your extended legs so that they are as close to the ground as possible without touching it. It is possible that beginners will have to perform the exercise with their legs bent at the knee joints. Hold in the end position of the trajectory for about 90 seconds.
  11. Side lunges. This exercise will allow you to get rid of fat deposits on the thighs, thereby eliminating the so-called "ears".
  12. Burpee. This movement is designed to work the muscles of the whole body. From a standing position, you should sit down, and then throw your legs back, thereby moving to a plank position. Then jump back into the squat and jump up.
  13. Pull-ups. Not every girl will be able to do this exercise right away. By and large, not every guy can pull up. This is a very effective movement for the lats.
  14. Star. The movement allows you to stretch the spine and relieve excess stress from it. Moreover, it is quite energy-intensive, which is very useful for losing weight.
  15. Plie. This is a type of squat designed for the muscles in the front of the thigh. To perform the exercise, you need to place your heels side by side, and spread your toes. Do squats with your knee joints extended to the sides.

Check out 6 of the most effective home weight loss exercises in this video:
