Training for beginners: the Plintovich system

Training for beginners: the Plintovich system
Training for beginners: the Plintovich system

The Plintovich training system is known in bodybuilding circles. This is an ideal training routine for beginner athletes. It remains to clarify some of the nuances, and you can safely pump your body. Some people combine these options and get their results. To understand what is right for you, you need to scatter each program in detail.

Micro-periodization: rules and nuances

Dumbbell bench press
Dumbbell bench press

The main "feature" of the program is that the load is changed 3 times a week - heavy (full strength), light (50% strength) and medium (70-80%). It is preferable to perform workouts in alternation, for example: Monday, Wednesday, Friday. The number of repetitions does not change, the number of kilograms changes.

Consider a detailed diagram of the weights for each stage of training. If you can lift no more than 80 kg, then we equate it to 100%. Therefore, 50% is 40 kg and 75% is 60 kg. It is important to consider that during the period of light training, when the apparatus weighs half as much, you will want to do more repetitions. But this should not be done in any case. Do not forget that the muscles received a lot of stress during the previous training session, and today they are still at the stage of recovery.

At a hard workout, there will be a "refusal" - the inability to perform the next approach in the correct execution, since all the energy is spent. The rest of the training days will not feel this way. According to Plintovich's system, it is necessary to apply the straight pyramid method, when the weight of the shells increases gradually, with each new approach. As soon as you feel that the technique is suffering, and there is no strength to move on, then you have reached the final point.

Reduction of hands on the simulator
Reduction of hands on the simulator

Let's look at a detailed example. Suppose you are squeezing 6 times 80 kg. Do five approaches. Thus, the weight of the bar should increase in the following progression:

  • 30 kg 6 times.
  • 50 kg 6 times.
  • 70 kg 6 times.
  • 75 kg 6 times.
  • 80 kg 6 times.

In this case, in no case violate the number of repetitions and approaches. Even if it seems to you that light training does not give any load. Set repetitions will increase over time, but now we're talking about aspiring bodybuilders. For them, this standard is considered ideal.

It is also better to reduce the number of approaches in the initial stages to 3. Gradually increase their number, and you will see that the muscle tissue is stretched evenly. In this case, it is not necessary to use steroids, at least in the first steps of building your muscles. Try to get to your maximum weight yourself.

The peculiarity of this system is also that the whole body is trained. You need to choose 5-6 exercises, and perform them according to the established approaches and repetitions. You will be using one workout for a long time, and only the number of kilograms in your inventory will change. Program for a novice bodybuilder according to Plintovich's method

Plintovich system table
Plintovich system table

As you can see, this program excludes split workouts. Although for many bodybuilders, this method of strength loading is acceptable. Why is that? Because at the initial stage, the body is not adapted to increased stress. A gradual approach and a waste of energy throughout the body will provide the right base for doing split workouts. Over time, when the muscle mass becomes large, and the body's endurance increases, you will also switch to a load of this level.

Many, having familiarized themselves with the program, may be outraged that there are no abdominal exercises. No need to panic, you can safely turn on the twisting exercise in different directions while lying down. And it is best to leave them as "homework". Here are some of the most effective workouts for a bodybuilder. Leave the rest of the exercises until better times when you do the split program.

Macro periodization: training rules

Professional athletes never train on one program for more than three months. The body adapts to the same types of stress, and muscle mass stops growing.

Dumbbell push-up
Dumbbell push-up

The macro system is broken down into three stages - strength, mass and endurance. Each period lasts at least a month and no more than 60 days. Any stage ends with a break of 7-14 days. During this period, the body is recovering, and is ready to make a rapid leap forward for further success. This program is chosen by all athletes who practice for the sake of awards and self-affirmation among a huge mass of people.

For a bodybuilder, two weeks without exertion can negatively impact fitness. Therefore, do not abuse the rest, let it be no more than seven days. We carry out trainings in this way:


- you do few sets and do not use too much weight. For this period, you can use the micro-periodization training scheme. It lasts two months, after which you rest for seven days.


- now trainings are carried out in the split system. You do not train your body right away, but divide the exercises into two days. Increase repetitions from six to eight. In the first, we put a load on the shoulders, back and chest. In the second period, we pump triceps, biceps and legs. That being said, you are not giving up on micro-periodization. Say, is it unrealistic? Anything is possible if you strongly desire it.

You don't need to try to combine two workouts in seven days. You also study for three days, but only one week has a micro system, and the second has a macro.

First week of training:

  • Bench Press - 4 sets / 8 reps.
  • We press dumbbells in a prone position - 4/8.
  • We pull up - 6/6.
  • We carry out the barbell pull, bending over - 6/6.
  • Standing position, press the barbell from the chest - 4/8.

Second week of training:

  • Squat using a barbell - 6/8.
  • Deadlift, legs straight - 5/8.
  • We press the barbell, the grip is narrow - 5/8.
  • Raise the barbell for biceps training - 4/8.
  • We press dumbbells from behind the head - 4/8.
  • Hammer bends - 4/8.

Refusal is only for intensive training. In the period of the lungs, it is absent. You don't have to work with the heaviest barbell in the gym. You need to progress by lifting more pounds over the entire training cycle.

Seated Barbell Press
Seated Barbell Press


- work takes place with less power load, but the number of repetitions increases. You allow your muscle tissue to recover, but you do not allow it to completely relax. Not all athletes, "addicted" to the Plintovich system, perform the third cycle - the alternation of strength and mass is enough for them. But it is still necessary to talk about the third cycle.

Split is divided into three parts. Many repetitions are done throughout the month.

The first day we train the chest and back muscles:

  • We press the bar at an angle - 5/15.
  • We press dumbbells at an angle - 5/15.
  • We do the barbell row during the tilt - 5/15.
  • We carry out the traction of the vertical block - 5/15.

The second day we pump the muscles of the shoulders and legs:

  • In the prone position, bend the legs - 4/15.
  • We press dumbbells while sitting - 4/15.
  • Standing dumbbell swings - 4/15.
  • Squat with a barbell - 5/15.
  • Deadlift on straight legs - 4/15.
  • Extend your legs while sitting - 4/15.

The third day of training is aimed at the formation of biceps and triceps:

  • Raise the barbell while training the biceps - 4/15.
  • We press dumbbells from behind the head - 4/15.
  • Calves, in a standing position - 4/15.
  • Calves, in a sitting position - 4/15.
  • We press the bar using a narrow grip - 4/15.
  • Hammer bends - 4/15.
  • Turning the torso, in the prone position - 4 sets, we do the maximum possible number of repetitions.

The cycle recovers, therefore, you can reduce the number of repetitions by up to 12 times. In every system, it is important to follow all the established rules. Self-activity may not give the desired result. Train smartly, and only then will progress be seen!

Video about Plintovich's system:
