Strength training system of the 21st century

Strength training system of the 21st century
Strength training system of the 21st century

Of the many training methods, the program of the founder of modern bodybuilding Joe Weider is singled out separately. Learn about strength training for the 21st century. It is difficult to calculate how many systems and training methods have been created during the entire existence of bodybuilding. The creator of each of them tries to prove that he has developed the most effective and revolutionary system. But a special place among all these methods and schools, of course, is occupied by the Joe Weider system. This man managed to raise many champions who won at Olympia.

It should be remembered, however, that all professional athletes use steroids. For this reason, many systems are highly drug-dependent. Sports pharmacology has taken a huge step forward. Now there are so many drugs produced that you can get lost in their names.

Scientists do not stop studying the human body, and new information is constantly emerging. For this reason, much of what was previously considered an axiom turns out to be a false assumption. Before you start talking about the 21st century strength training system, you need to understand some of the bodybuilding myths.

Myth # 1: There are two colors of fibers that differ in the rate of contraction

Types of muscle fibers
Types of muscle fibers

Now everyone knows about the existence of red (slow) and white (fast) muscle fibers. Scientists have found that there is no direct relationship between color (it depends on the amount of myoglobin enzyme and ATP activity) and speed. Fast and slow fibers are now mentioned everywhere. To activate each fiber, a certain number of nerve impulses are required. The activity of ATP will be the higher, the more impulses the nervous system sends and, accordingly, the fiber will contract faster.

In the cells of muscle tissue, myoglobin performs functions similar to hemoglobin in the blood. This means that myoglobin is the transport for oxygen. All fibers can be divided into oxidizing, as well as glipolytic, and the activity of ATP has nothing to do with this. To date, no fiber has been found with a high content of myoglobin (red) with a highly active phase of ATP. This allows us to talk about the conventionality of dividing fibers into fast and slow in accordance with their color.

Myth # 2: Slow Fibers Have Less Potential to Grow

Muscle structure diagram
Muscle structure diagram

It is often said that slow fibers have less growth potential than fast fibers. Scientists have proven that such a statement is far from the truth. It can be agreed that fast fibers bypass slow and significantly in development. For this reason, it was suggested that they also have higher opportunities for growth.

But at the same time, everyone forgets that athletes representing speed-strength sports took part in the research. They need to develop exactly fast fibers, and specially for this, special techniques were created. Back in the seventies, a training method called pumping was developed. He quickly became popular. Its essence consisted in the assumption that in order to accelerate muscle hypertrophy, a large amount of blood must be supplied to them. But this is impossible, since muscles that are working to the limit of their capabilities do not allow blood to pass through. However, thanks to this, the athletes understood how to properly develop slow fibers. To do this, it is necessary to perform a large number of repetitions in sets, which causes acidification of the muscles and their subsequent failure. This is due to the synthesis of a large number of hydrogen ions. With a large number of approaches, it was possible to achieve good results. After that, studies were carried out showing that the sizes of fast and red fibers are identical and it is simply necessary to find a way to achieve their hypertrophy.

Myth # 3: Fast fibers are stronger than slow ones

Classification of muscle fibers by the content of SDH
Classification of muscle fibers by the content of SDH

There is an assumption that fast fibers are superior in strength to slow ones. This issue is not so easy to understand and for this you need to know the anatomy of the human body. It has already been said above that slow fibers are capable of developing no worse than fast ones, and for this it is only necessary to choose the necessary training method.

It is also known that the amount of myoglobin in the fibers, and it is this substance that determines their color, does not affect the rate of contraction. This indicator depends only on the degree of ATP activity. The more nerve impulses the brain sends to the muscles, the more energy they need to work.

This fact predetermined the fact that fast fibers use glucose as an energy source. This substance breaks down significantly faster than non-fatty acids. Today, scientists know only two states of ATP and this influenced the fact that fibers are usually divided into fast and slow.

The brain is capable of sending 5-100 impulses. Fast fibers require more pulses to activate than slow fibers. Scientists used various parameters to find evidence of greater strength in fast fibers. They investigated the frequency of twitching, the structure of myofibrils, and more. But the results of all these experiments cannot prove the superiority of one type of fiber over another in strength, because the speed depends only on the state of ATP.

Fast fibers are activated only if the operating weight or explosive force is more than 80% of the maximum. This fact was the reason to believe that fast fibers are stronger. During the biopsy, it was found that the fast fibers are large, which should have proved their superiority in strength. But then it became known that slow fibers in size may not be inferior to fast ones. From this, only one conclusion can be drawn - fast fibers cannot be stronger than slow ones. If you find a way to properly train slow fibers, then they will have no less strength compared to fast ones.

For more information on the strength training system in the 21st century, see this video:

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