A pumped-up, wide (V-shaped) and massive back is not only an indispensable attribute of an athlete engaged in bodybuilding, but also of almost every man. The pull of the vertical block of the muscles of the back is just one of the most effective types of exercises for this purpose. The very definition of "thrust" comes from the characteristic movement of the arms outstretched back to the body. Figuratively, it looks like an exercise on a crossbar, on the contrary - we do not pull the body to the horizontal bar, but the horizontal bar to the body.
The advantages of this particular set of exercises over pull-ups, dumbbells or a barbell in a jewelry, targeted load on the muscles of the back (mostly wide), and not the arms or chest. It especially concerns beginner athletes and those who are not “friendly” with the crossbar and help to avoid jerks and “undershoots”. The ability to adjust the weight of the projectile is also fundamental.
Seated exercise technique

Wide and straight grip
We place straight arms on the projectile as wide as possible by the shoulders, grasping the very edges of the lever. Sit tightly on the seat, slipping the roller under the thighs and resting against it. Keep your back completely straight, without bending over.
We begin the exercise with a sharp pulling off the handle and pulling it to the chest. And with a jerk, everything should only begin. All efforts should be concentrated on the back muscles. In the lower position, the shoulder blades, brought together, try to hold for a few seconds. We make the return movement to the starting position smooth, without jerks.
With this performance, we mainly load the middle part of the back, providing muscle bulge.
Tip: The handle should be directly above you. Keep your elbows slightly laid back, and bend your back, protruding your chest.
Reverse Grip Row
It differs from the previous one in the palms turned towards itself with the minimum possible distance between them. This is already a load for the lats.
Here the forearms and biceps are involved. In terms of their strength, they are inferior to the spinal muscles and get tired earlier, not allowing them to fully load and work them out. Hand straps can help you overcome fatigue and continue the exercise.
Tip: before starting, do a circular motion with your shoulders, from which your arms are slightly bent and the handle will move down. Start the exercise from this position that excludes the involvement of the chest muscles. The main load will lie on the back.
Parallel grip
On a special handle, palms with inner sides "to each other". The easiest exercise to increase weight on the machine.
We carry out with the body slightly tilted back and define the middle of the chest as the point of contact. In the upper position, we extend the body as much as possible, avoiding excessive deflection. We load the back as much as possible. We start with an inhalation and end with an exhalation.
Tip: leave your arms slightly bent, without straightening all the way. This will prevent sprains. Do not relax, leave your back tense. This exercise is for the lats.
Seated Rows

When performing, the back should be straight, arms in a wide grip, and the head slightly tilted forward. We pull the bar until it touches the neck and, after a short delay, straighten the elbows. We bring the shoulder blades together.
Tip: the exercise puts a lot of stress on the spine and shoulder joints and is therefore traumatic. Do not chase weight and rather reduce it. Try to avoid jerking.
Standing Row
Wide grip
In these exercises, we use a barbell and we ourselves are in a standing "soldier" position. We place our palms slightly wider than shoulder level and pull, while inhaling, the bar to the chin. At the top point - a slight holding of breath and movement, and a smooth descent.
Tip: the rhythm should not be too fast, and the load should not be too heavy. Back flexion and forward position of the elbows are unacceptable.
Narrow grip
The bar must have a specially curved bar. The palms are in the "already shoulders" position. We do the traction to the chin and with light weight. The exercise is performed to emphasize the relief of the back.
Tip: Do not use too tight a grip or push your elbows forward - this reduces stress on the back and can lead to shoulder injuries.
General guidelines for vertical block thrust
- When pumping up your back, you need to unload your arms as much as possible. Therefore, you need to learn how to turn off your biceps. This can be done by performing simple nightly (5 minutes each) exercises with an imaginary lever, focusing on the spinal muscles. After three months of training, you will learn how to redirect the main load to your back and more easily perform vertical rows with a real machine.
- Don't give up pull-ups completely. This exercise, along with other vertical rows, will help increase the width and thickness of your wings.
- It is not necessary to assume that if the muscles do not hurt in the morning, then there was no result from the training. This may be a consequence of your progress in class and a decrease in the number of micro-injuries.
- Do not use any one type of grip. When wide, the upper back works more, but at the same time the range of motion decreases. The best option is medium, especially with the ability to turn off the biceps.
- At the beginning of classes, nevertheless, give up the movement "behind the head", which requires at least basic skills and training.
- Use in training the optimal combinations of loads - deltas + back and biceps + back.
- Use a belt to prevent abdominal hernia and growth as a result of increased pressure inside the peritoneum.
- In all other exercises and movements, use your back muscles, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the exercise.
All exercises (movements) must be performed powerfully and shortly, giving all the best. No need to neglect the technique, considering trainings to be purely strength and thereby reducing the effect of the resulting effect. You need to make a strong and powerful back with a variety of traction, working out a large group of smaller muscles and building up mass. The back is the focus of strength. Without it, there will be no strong legs, arms and shoulders. How impossible, in principle, the health of the whole organism in general.
Video with tips on how to properly pull the vertical block from above (Denis Borisov):