Turinabol: a course for mass

Turinabol: a course for mass
Turinabol: a course for mass

The article describes the properties of one of the most popular anabolic steroids of our time - Turinabol. You will learn about the properties of the drug and how to take it correctly to achieve a 100% result. The content of the article:

  • Turinabol course for mass
  • Turinabol for beginners
  • Action
  • Dosage
  • Price

New anabolic steroids are regularly appearing on the sports supplement market. Of course, there are those that have proven their effectiveness over the years. When buying another drug, the athlete, first of all, reads the instructions.

But there is a hidden problem - doctors cannot establish an ideal standard for this or that athlete. This is due to the fact that there is not enough experimental data to draw up a detailed picture of the drug. Although there are anabolic steroids that have been studied far and wide. We will introduce you to one of them today.

Turinabol course for mass

Laboratory research
Laboratory research

Today Oral Turinabol can be easily bought in our country. And once, in the distant 60s, it was used only by German luminaries in medicine. Sport was given special importance in Germany. The commanders in chief personally motivated famous athletes by sending them to the Olympic competitions.

In 1966, turinabol began to be used on athletes, and all data was carefully recorded. Who needs it, you ask? The answer is obvious - all manipulations with the steroid were controlled by the government. The Germans have always dreamed of creating their ideal nation, why not start with sports reserves.

After some experimental success, the drug was tested in women. It was 68th year. Most of the documents were carefully hidden from the public. But all the secret sooner or later becomes clear, and in 1973, amusing documents were published, which said that women throwing balls improved their athletic performance after two tablets of the drug. The result became better by two meters, and this is a noticeable distance when it comes to competition.

Everyone was amazed by such data, and it was decided to pump not only athletes, but also other athletes. Thus, German athletes have become not only better at throwing javelins, discs and cannonballs. The runners improved their time indicators, now the woman resorted to the finish line by 5-10 seconds than before taking turinabol. All of this was kept secret as the data was impressive. Scientists recorded every step of the athlete after taking the drug. Due to this, today there is valuable information about this steroid.

Turinabol for beginners

Turanabol tablets
Turanabol tablets

Russian pitchings have appreciated the action of Oral Turinabol relatively recently. We are not talking about professional athletes who had acquaintances in the GDR, or about those who received the trainer's drug.

In basement gyms, they knew about this anabolic only in theory. In practice, everyone used methane, which was not always mixed with testosterone and retabolil in a competent proportion. But the effect was present, and the price attracted many. German bodybuilders also claim that in practice they never dreamed of such a drug. Whether they are disingenuous or not, we are not given to know.

Turinabol was reborn in America. It was from there that "legs" grew, and successfully "walked" on all points of sports nutrition. American pitching made an excellent advertisement for the drug, pointing out the strengths of the anabolic:

  • Power indicators increase several times.
  • Water in the body does not accumulate in excess.
  • The muscle remains firm and tough.
  • The drug prevents the breakdown of muscle mass.
  • Turinabol works well with drugs such as stanozolol, oxandrolone and testosterone propionate.
  • Doping controls cannot "catch" the offender. The drug is excreted from the body completely after 7 days. Today it is not taken seriously at all, since in theory it does not exist.

This steroid can be safely used at the stage of mass gain. At the same time, you do not have to worry that the muscles will be blown away after the course. There is another feature of this drug - male libido increases so much that it is sometimes difficult to think about training. Of course, if you have a regular partner, then this will not be a problem. But its absence can affect the quality of training. Therefore, do not be alarmed if suddenly the flesh starts to revolt.

Turinabol action

Oral Turinabol
Oral Turinabol

We can safely say that the chemical composition of the substance resembles Methandrostenolone. Of course, there was an upgrade that made it possible to practically avoid aromatization - already a huge plus for athletes who are struggling with this problem. Also, an indisputable advantage was the fact that the drug is very quickly excreted from the body. Doping control is passed without problems and fears.

The drug is taken by the oral method, therefore, the liver will be loaded in earnest. But if you go back to the documents of scientists, you will find an interesting nuance: the liver is not mentioned anywhere at all. It is possible that doctors simply did not pay attention to this organ. Although the health of athletes has always been closely monitored.

Speaking about muscle mass, we can confidently say that growth is not carried out rapidly. Someone thinks this is a minus. Although it should be noted that after the course, the successes achieved do not leave the body of the athlete. Someone tries to use other steroids between courses of turinabol in order to increase muscle volume and consolidate the result. In fact, not everyone succeeds in this.

Does turinabol suppress the production of its own hormone testosterone? Yes, but not with such losses as Methandrostenolone. To a greater extent, this result is typical for bodybuilders who take too long courses. Anabolic steroid abuse will always make itself felt.

Turinabol: dosage

Tablets in a spoon
Tablets in a spoon

Every bodybuilder is interested in the dosage of the drug, because the wrong calculation may not give the desired result. At the same time, do not forget that turinabol is not considered particularly strong. Yes, it improves endurance and does not retain excess fluid. This is very important because the muscle has a pronounced hardness, and does not resemble a ball filled with liquid.

Today there is no perfect formula by which you can calculate your dosage. But the indicative values of experiments with athletes remained. After analyzing the data from past years, you can draw up an approximate mathematical formula. Athletes counted in this way: the athlete's weight in pounds was taken into account, after which this figure was divided by a factor of 10. Thus, the daily need for turinabol in milligrams was established.

For a bodybuilder, such a dosage will be like a drop in the bucket. Therefore, it will be necessary to slightly modify the formula of scientists. To begin with, you should weigh yourself and get the data in kilograms. The number 1, 5 is taken as the coefficient. So, we get the dose in mg that the athlete needs to drink. Let's look at a clearer example. For example, a jock weighs 95 kg, we divide this weight by 1, 5. We get 63 mg - that's how much you need per day. Reception can be done at once in the morning, or divided into two parts.

If you do not like this formula for calculating, then you can proceed in a different way. Just multiply your current methane dose by 1, 5 and find out how much Turinabol you need to consume for tangible results. The steroid is suitable for a course of mass gain, and can be safely used during the drying period. The duration of the course is 6-8 weeks. Women can also use this drug, but the dosage should be reduced by 2 times. The duration of the course is no more than four weeks. If you ask the opinion of an experienced athlete, then he may respond negatively to this asteroid. But for novice bodybuilders, this option is more suitable.


You shouldn't abuse turinabol either. Although researchers in 1965 said nothing about the effect on the liver, this cannot be taken as a basis. Modern doctors claim that the drug has a negative effect on this organ. In any case, each medicinal product should be used in moderation and within the allotted time.

It is always necessary to take a break between steroids. Oral Turinabol does not require long pauses. It is most often used before competition when it is necessary to increase endurance. Athletes like the fact that doping control cannot detect this drug after a 7-day break. This is a great indicator for those who like to claim that they are gaining muscle mass naturally.

There is no single opinion whether it is worth using Oral Turinabol, or it is completely ineffective. How many athletes have so many opinions. The main thing is that not a single jock will give out his secrets on dosages and the choice of steroids. Usually such secrets are revealed when a bodybuilder decides to release his own textbook on strength training.

But historical evidence tells us that Turinabol is very effective if you need to improve your strength skills. Endurance improves markedly, but muscle gain is not particularly strong.

The course of steroids for weight can be combined with various drugs. For aspiring bodybuilders, this is a great option. Do not rush to pump your hands with injections, let your body reach its limit. Oral turinabol will become a good assistant in this matter, especially after the course you will not noticeably lose weight. It is also convenient that the drug is produced in tablets. They are somehow easier to drink than injections. Yes, the liver will have to take a hit. But if you do not abuse, then during the break, the organ will recover.

Turinabol: price

Turinabol price for 100 tablets (10 mg / tab.) - from $ 30. A unique steroid worth the stated price. Gives an appropriate result in mass recruitment and muscle rendering. You can buy Turinabol on any sports nutrition website. Counterfeits are extremely rare.

Turinabol video:
