Turinabol and Oxandrolone solo course

Turinabol and Oxandrolone solo course
Turinabol and Oxandrolone solo course

Do you want a lot of muscle mass? Stop walking around and start using the safest steroids in bodybuilding history. Turinabol and Oxandrolone are quite popular with newbies, as they are very effective when used solo. Oxandrolone is considered one of the safest drugs, but its cost is quite high.

It should be said that in the first courses, Oxandrolone can be used in small doses and at the same time will bring good results. Turinabol is primarily intended for bulking cycles, while Oxandrolone is more effective for drying. Today we will talk about the course of Turinabol and Oxandrolone solo.

Oxandrolone solo course

Tableted Oxandrolone in plates
Tableted Oxandrolone in plates

There are a lot of legends and myths around Oxandrolone, some of which are absolutely fantastic. For example, one often hears that the drug does not affect the HPA axis and that after courses with the participation of this steroid, rehabilitation therapy is completely unnecessary. If you use no more than 20 milligrams of steroid daily for six weeks, then the synthesis of the natural male hormone will not decrease.

However, this dosage can only be effective when you have not used any steroids, and then not for every athlete. If you use oxandrolone from 40 to 50 milligrams daily, which is the optimal dosage, then within eight weeks the body will stop synthesizing the endogenous male hormone.

Oxandrolone is a very mild androgen and a weak anabolic. When used in the body, no fluid is retained, and the drug is not converted into female hormones. At the same time, it is significantly inferior in power to almost all AAS. But beginner athletes can get quite a lot of benefits from the Oxandrolone solo course. The steroid helps to accelerate the synthesis of protein compounds, accelerates the production of somatotropin, has anti-catabolic properties, reduces the level of globulin, etc.

How to take Oxandrolone?

Tableted Oxandrolone in jars
Tableted Oxandrolone in jars

It is safe to say that Oxandrolone will be an excellent choice for beginner athletes and girls. But you should remember that this is a steroid and has the same disadvantages as other AAS, but to a lesser extent.

The duration of the solo course of Oxandrolone is from six to twelve weeks, and the doses are in the range from 20 to 80 milligrams of daily use. During the day, Oxandrolone should be taken at least twice, but it is better to do it 3 or 4 times. In this case, you will get a dewy anabolic background throughout the entire course.

The dosages listed above will allow beginner athletes to gain muscle mass or go through a drying cycle. It all depends on the nutrition program you follow.

Turinabol solo course

Turinabol packaged
Turinabol packaged

Turinabol is an oral steroid similar in structure to Methandrostenolone. For this reason, Turinabol is often referred to as mild Methane. Although the differences in the structure of the molecules of Turinabol and Methane may seem insignificant, their properties differ significantly.

Turinabol is a strong anabolic and a rather weak androgen, however, according to these indicators, Methane and Turinabol are very similar. But unlike the first, Turinabol is not subject to conversion to estradiol. On the one hand, this slows down tissue hypertrophy, and on the other hand, no fluid accumulates in the body, which makes the rollback almost invisible. At the same time, Turinabol should not be used in drying courses, since the liquid is still retained, albeit in not so large quantities.

Also an important factor in the high popularity of Turinabol is the form of release - tablets. The steroid has a short half-life and must be taken several times throughout the day. You should also remember about the negative effects on the liver, although this can be eliminated with the help of hepatoprotectors. The steroid undergoes 17-alpha alkylation, which is necessary to prevent the destruction of the active substance in the gastrointestinal tract.

In general, you should understand that all AAS have the same negative properties, which manifest themselves in different ways. Some steroids are more powerful and the consequences of their use will be significantly more serious. If you do decide to start using steroids, then Turinabol is a good choice. This is a fairly cheap and effective anabolic that will allow you to significantly increase your muscle mass.

How to take Turinabol?

A man drinking a pill
A man drinking a pill

Cycle times with Turinabol can range from six to twelve weeks. It has a short half-life and is well suited for courses of any length.

The optimal dosage of Turinabol is 40 to 100 milligrams daily. Professionals take more than 100 milligrams a day, but they are more concerned with titles, and not their own health, and amateurs should definitely not take an example from them.

It is necessary to take the drug two or three times during the day, which again is associated with a short half-life, which is 16 hours. Using this scheme, you can create an even anabolic background. It is possible to start carrying out rehabilitation therapy after a course of Turinabol and Oxandrolone solo the next day after the abolition of steroids.

A few words about restorative therapy. You should not listen to those who assure that after courses of light AAS the body will recover on its own. Most likely, it will be so, but it will take a lot of time, but most importantly, you must take care of your health.

There is nothing complicated in post-cycle therapy, and it is never superfluous. We have already said that even the weakest steroids affect the work of the hormonal system with all the ensuing consequences. The faster your body recovers, the earlier you can start a new course. Do not exceed the permissible dosages and do not make your courses very long. More often than not, this reduces their effectiveness.

For video reviews of Oxandrolone and Turinabol, see below: