For each group of muscles, unique training methods have been developed, even for training deltas, because this group is quite difficult to develop harmoniously. Many athletes have some difficulty working on the deltoid muscles. When training them, it is quite difficult to achieve a balance in development. Some athletes try to develop all three departments at the same time, others work on them separately. But few achieve harmonious development.
There is one scheme for circular training of the deltoid muscles, which at first glance may seem somewhat primitive, but it has always been possible to achieve excellent results when using it.
Circuit Delta Training

In any athlete, each of the sections of the deltoid muscles has different strengths. Some athletes have great frontal swings, while others are better with side swings. This circular deltoid workout should eliminate such bottlenecks.
It was already mentioned above that the scheme turned out to be very simple. You need to pick 3 pairs of dumbbells for each of the muscle sections, and you will also need an EZ bar. It is very important to equip the training area in such a way that when you pull up the bar to the chin, your assistant can quickly throw off a couple of pancakes from the bar (one on each side).
It is necessary to pay special attention to the selection of the working weight. Everything should be calculated in such a way that in each approach when pulling the bar to the chin, exactly 30 reps are obtained in total. It should be noted that the scheme is based on the maximum filling of all parts of the deltoid muscles with blood. It should be admitted that after the training, the deltas increased in size literally before our eyes.
The most common delta training mistakes

Most athletes know that visually the shoulders seem wide, not because of the well-developed medial deltas, but because of the degree of its coordination with the rest of the muscles in the group. It should be admitted that many athletes have been unable to develop the medial section well for a long time.
This is largely due to the wrong approach to training this muscle. The principle of "more weight, more intensity" does not work in this case. A lot, if not all, depends on the correct choice of the working weight. It also negatively affects the technique of performing the exercises, which cannot lead to progress in training.
The same situation arises when performing a dumbbell lift in an incline, when athletes are again confident that the large weight of sports equipment will provide them with mass gain. But, unfortunately, this practically never happens, which makes athletes look for new ways to gain muscle mass. When choosing the weight of sports equipment, preference should be given to one at which you can feel the work of the muscles well. Of course, you will want to choose a larger weight, but resist this temptation, as it will not benefit you. The situation was similar in pulling up the bar to the chin. Why are all athletes, or at least most, going to break their own records when performing this exercise? This impression arises at the moment when you see with what weights they are going to work.
It is important to remember that using large weights, you want to complete the required number of approaches and repetitions in any way. Of course, this is good, but in this case, other muscles are also involved in the work, which removes some of the load from the deltas. Only with the right weight will you be able to concentrate all the load on the target muscles, provided you have the right technique.
Delta Circular Training Technique

When all the mistakes have been sorted out, you can begin to describe the training scheme itself. You should start with a set of dumbbells to work out the back of the deltas. Then, without pausing, you need to move on to swinging through the sides. The first stage of delta training is completed by frontal lifting of dumbbells. There should also be no pause between swings and lifting, and each movement is performed in one approach.
After the first stage, you need to rest for one and a half minutes and do the second round of the above exercises with dumbbells. On average, it is necessary to do from three to five such circles, provided that the difference in the pumping of the delta sections is not significant. If the developmental delay is serious, then you should work until you are completely tired.
Do not think that it was all over, but rather remember about the EZ-bar. Pulling a sports equipment to the chin should be performed in three approaches, losing weight twice. It must also be said that each approach in a barbell exercise should be performed with a grip of different widths.
In conclusion, a few words should be said about the exercises themselves. Frontal dumbbell raises are not the most technically difficult exercise, but a mistake is often made when choosing a working weight. You need to exclude cheating, the last two repetitions may be the only exception. The rest of the time, the exercise should be done correctly.
When doing swings over the sides, it is also often difficult to select the correct weight. It is very important to start the movement not from the hip, but at the moment when the arms form an angle with the body from 20 to 30 degrees. Only in this case is the medial delta section working.
The chin barbell pull is one of the easiest deltoid circuit exercises. However, special attention should again be paid to the selection of weight. In addition, it is also important to choose the width of the grip so that you can feel the deltas well, and not the trapezoid.
Well, the general recommendation for athletes who decide to use circular deltoid muscle training is that when doing it, try not to do bench presses in the prone position. In order not to overload the muscles of the shoulder girdle, it is better to perform, for example, crossovers or layouts while lying down.
Learn more about circular deltas in this video: