One of the fastest and most budgetary options for finishing the ceiling is whitewashing. In our material, we will consider questions about how to whiten without leaving streaks, what tool to use, how to prepare surfaces, and also what to give preference to - lime or chalk. Today there are a lot of options for finishing the ceiling. However, despite this, whitewashing remains one of the most popular. It is a budget, quick and easy way to update the look of your ceiling. Even a beginner can master the process itself. The main thing is to choose the right material and study the main nuances.
Features of whitewashing the ceiling

It is not in vain that this finishing option is still popular. It has a number of significant advantages, such as relative cheapness, simplicity of execution, and efficiency of work. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the fragility of the coating - it needs to be updated relatively often.
There are several methods of whitewashing the ceiling, depending on the tool used:
- Brush … The simplest device. However, it is not suitable for finishing large areas.
- Roller … Does not leave streaks, does not make streaks, is more convenient to use.
- Vacuum cleaner … A model with a plug-in blower is ideal. In this case, the device is connected to the nebulizer. This method is convenient for finishing large areas.
- Spray … Coats the surface evenly with a whitewash solution. Working with such a device is faster and easier.
Each of these methods is suitable for different types of ceilings and has its own characteristics.
Preparing to whitewash the ceiling
To update the coating, you need to prepare the surface, choose the right quality material, decide on the application tool and study the working nuances of the process. In general, whitewashing the ceiling with your own hands is a relatively easy finishing option.
Removing the old layer from the ceiling

For the result to be as satisfactory as possible, whitewash should only be applied to a previously prepared surface. The process includes cleaning off the old topcoat, dirt and leveling the coating. This is the most time consuming procedure.
It is not recommended to whitewash the ceiling on the old whitewash without preliminary surface preparation. Otherwise, the new layer will not look aesthetically pleasing very soon. To prepare the finish, you will need an old whitewash remover, a foam sponge, a large brush, and a spatula.
The most effective solutions are:
- Soapy … Consists of water, grated laundry soap and soda ash in the proportions: 10 liters - 2 tbsp. l. - 5 tbsp. l. respectively.
- Acetic … Prepared from water, acetic acid and bath foam in the proportions: 5 liters - 1 tbsp. l. - 3 caps, respectively.
- Adhesive composition … You can use regular wallpaper glue or boil the paste by diluting flour or starch in heated water. When applied, much less dust is generated.
You can also use production tools to remove whitewash. We work in the following sequence:
- We cover furniture and mirrors in the room with polyethylene.
- Apply the solution with a brush or spray to a small area of the ceiling.
- We clean the moistened layer of the old whitewash using a hard spatula. Thus, we process the entire surface. Do not get the entire coating wet at once. We work in small squares, as the solution dries quickly.
- With a sponge dipped in water, we wipe the surface, cleaning it from residues.
- After drying, we prime the coating.
- In the presence of cracks and irregularities, apply a putty and primer a second time.
- You can start whitewashing only after the primer has completely dried.
When removing old whitewash, it is imperative to use a respirator, goggles, a scarf and rubber gloves to protect the body from harmful substances.
To quickly rinse off chalk or lime dust from the floor after cleaning, you can add a little vinegar to the water.
Selection of materials for whitewashing the ceiling

Chalk or lime is used to whitewash the ceiling. Each of these materials has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account, giving preference to one or another:
- Lime … After drying, it acquires a porous texture, and therefore does not look aesthetically pleasing in living rooms. At the same time, it is recommended to use it for finishing ceilings in utility rooms due to its antibacterial and astringent properties.
- chalk … It is more preferable for finishing ceilings in residential premises, but does not hide defects due to weak pigmentation.
Both materials must be dosed correctly to make a whitewash solution. Otherwise, streaks and bubbles will begin to appear in the process, and after drying, the layer will begin to crumble very quickly.
Rules for whitewashing the ceiling with chalk
Chalk can be used either dry or as a paste. For the manufacture of the latter, finely dispersed chalk, stabilizers and special antifungal additives are used. Therefore, using a chalk paste, you do not need to pre-prime the surface.
Preparation of a solution from chalk paste for whitewashing the ceiling

So that when the ceiling is whitewashed with chalk, bubbles do not form, and the layer lays down evenly, it is important to make the right solution.
We follow this instruction:
- Stir the paste thoroughly.
- We dilute in water in a ratio of 1 to 4. The composition will adhere better to the surface if, instead of water, we use a solution of CMC 1.5% glue.
- Stir until smooth and filter through double gauze or nylon.
Such a solution is suitable for whitewashing concrete, plastered, gypsum-slag concrete, plasterboard ceilings, as well as surfaces made of fiberboard / chipboard, plywood.
Preparation of a solution from dry chalk to whitewash the ceiling

To make the composition as viscous as possible, it is not enough to observe the correct proportion of chalk and water. You need to add additional components to it. For example, wood glue (30 grams) and sifted dry chalk (3 kg) can be diluted in five liters of water at 50 degrees temperature.
However, for high-quality whitewashing, it is better to prepare the working solution in this way:
- In 3 liters of water at room temperature, dilute with 2 kg of dry chalk.
- Stir thoroughly and add wood glue (90 grams).
- Pour ultramarine into a linen bag, put it in a separate vessel with water and rotate it.
- When the water acquires the color of the desired intensity, we take out the bag, and the resulting composition is gradually added to the solution.
- Thoroughly mix the resulting bluish composition and add 60 grams of grated laundry soap.
This amount of solution is sufficient to whitewash 10 square meters. Calculate the area of your ceiling and increase or decrease the amount of each ingredient, respecting the proportions.
Chalk whitewashing on the ceiling

The most time consuming process is using a brush. Before work, it is better to soak it in water so that the villi become soft and do not fall out. Optimally, a brush 20 cm wide, 5-6 cm long with a 10 cm long bristle is suitable for work. For high-quality whitewashing in the corners, you can use a smaller brush.
We carry out the work in the following order:
- We whiten the corners and joints.
- Apply the first layer by moving the brush perpendicular to the wall with the window. The first movement is made in the direction away from the light, the second - towards the light.
- We make sure not to skip areas, for this we apply a 5-7 cm overlap whitewash. We process the ceiling completely and leave it to dry completely.
- Apply the second layer in a perpendicular direction. Repeat the process several times if necessary.
It is necessary to carry out the finishing in a room without drafts, since this way the layer will quickly dry out and leave streaks. To avoid stripes, you can whitewash the ceiling with a roller. When working with this device, do not forget to squeeze out the excess.
Features of whitewashing the ceiling with lime
The advantages of this surface finishing option are that this material practically does not crumble, breathes and has a bactericidal effect. However, whitewashing ceilings with lime has its drawbacks. In particular, such a coating significantly reduces the level of humidity in the room and can irritate mucous membranes.
Preparation of lime mortar with drying oil for whitewashing the ceiling

We make a high-quality and viscous composition for whitewashing in the following order:
- We dilute 0.6 liters of water at room temperature and 400 grams of slaked lime in a container.
- Add a third of Art. tablespoons of drying oil and table salt - 5 grams.
- Mix the resulting solution thoroughly and filter through a sieve.
- Add 20 grams of ultramarine to create a bluish look.
This solution is enough to whitewash an area of 2.5 m2.
Preparation of lime mortar with dye for whitewashing the ceiling

This composition is less porous, it is used for finishing a larger area.
We prepare it in the following sequence:
- Soak 2 kg of slaked lime in water.
- Mix thoroughly and add 0.5 kg of dyes. They must first be soaked in water.
- When you get a uniform consistency in structure and color, add table salt (50 grams) and potassium alum (150 grams).
- Mix everything and add water, bringing the solution to a volume of 10 liters.
You can check the readiness of the solution for use by lowering a wooden stick into it for a few seconds and removing it. If it is colored evenly, and the whitewash flows down in a continuous stream, then the density of the composition is suitable, and you can start finishing.
Be sure to strain the composition before use to separate foreign matter.
Technology for applying lime mortar to the ceiling

You need to whitewash the ceiling with a brush and lime in the same way as with chalk. In this, the specifics are no different. It is more efficient and even to whitewash the ceiling with lime using a roller. It is better to give preference to a tool with long fur or sheep wool. But foam or velor products are not suitable for whitewashing.
In the process, we adhere to the following instructions:
- We wet the surface with water for further lime carbonization. This is necessary to give strength to the finish layer.
- Use a brush to whiten the joints and corners or skirting boards.
- We dip the roller into a tray of lime and roll it several times with light pressure.
- We apply the solution to the ceiling in parallel stripes with the approach to the previous one. For convenience, you can use an additional handle bar for the roller.
- We whiten several times, applying each subsequent layer perpendicular to the previous one.
If the whitewash is with a dye, then keep in mind that after drying, the shade will be slightly lighter than when applied. Be sure to use means to protect your eyes, respiratory tract and skin from lime solution. At the end of the work, the roller must be washed in soapy water. In this case, it can be used several times.
Specificity of whitewashing the ceiling with a spray gun

Of all the ways to whitewash the ceiling, this one is the fastest and most convenient. Large areas are usually sprayed with a sprayer. There is nothing difficult in applying. The main thing is to set the correct intensity and spray rate. Adjust the spray gun so that the torch length is about 8-10 cm. For this, the pressure in the device should be 3-4 atm.
Usually whitewash is applied in one layer with smooth and unhurried movements. Do not keep the device in one place for a long time, otherwise the layer will turn out to be uneven. The spray nozzle for high-quality whitewashing should be at a distance of 0.5-1 meter from the surface.
How to whitewash the ceiling - look at the video:

Before whitewashing the ceiling with whitewash, decide on the application technology and material, having studied the pros and cons of each method. Taking into account the peculiarities of finishing the ceiling covering with lime and chalk mortar, you can approach the process as competently as possible and achieve an optimal result. Our recommendations and step-by-step instructions will help you understand each stage of whitewashing and carry out the work yourself.