Manufacturing of a doorway, its parameters, calculation and types, preparatory work, installation technology and design. A doorway is an integral part of any interior or exterior building envelope. It is manufactured both during the erection of the building box and in the planning of its internal premises. Moreover, the shape of the opening, its size and finish can be quite varied. In most cases, you can enter an apartment, room or house yourself. This will be discussed in our material.
Doorway parameters

The calculation of openings is usually performed at the design stage of the house. An exception may be a small redevelopment of premises that does not affect the supporting structures, for example, the manufacture of plasterboard partitions with doors. The calculations take into account the dimensions of doorways, the appearance and methods of strengthening them. Currently, despite the immense popularity of non-standard design solutions, the basic parameters that correspond to the concepts of SNiP and GOST are still taken as a basis. When calculating the opening, first of all, the following are taken into account:
- Door height … In ordinary houses or apartments, its value is taken equal to two meters with small adjustments up or down.
- Width … Its standard values are 0.7-0.8 m. Entrance doors can be 90 and 100 cm wide, the doors to the toilet and bath are usually narrower - up to 70 cm.
- Strengthening the opening … This is a necessary measure, since in the area of its location the wall partially loses its strength. Therefore, to redistribute the load from its overhanging part, the top of the opening is equipped with a bridge, which can have a different shape and material of manufacture.
The height and width of the door directly affects the dimensions of the opening. Its dimensions are taken slightly larger for the possibility of mounting the door frame. If the house has high ceilings and there is a desire to create a "front" entrance, you can deviate from the accepted standards and increase its dimensions, but such a decision must be agreed with the design organization.
Features of calculating the opening for the door

Before installing a doorway, you need to decide on its dimensions. When calculating, it is important to know the dimensions of the door leaf and the thickness of its frame. Ordinary sashes are manufactured in accordance with GOST and have standard sizes:
- Toilet and bath: the width of the door leaf here can be 600 mm and 500 mm, the height - 1900 or 2000 mm, the thickness of the door frame - 50-70 mm.
- Kitchen: canvas width - 700 mm, height - 2000 mm, box thickness - 70 mm.
- Living room: with a double-leaf door block, its width is 1200 mm, height - 2000 mm, frame thickness - 70-200 mm.
- Interior: door leaf width - 800 mm, height - 2000 mm, frame thickness - 50-60 mm.
Prefabricated door blocks have a maximum thickness of 128 mm. Adjustment of the block to the opening in case of a mismatch in their thickness is carried out using additional strips and special strips.
The width of the doorway can be determined by summing up the values of the width of the leaf, the double thickness of the side racks of the box, the width of the technical seams and the clearances along the narthex. The obtained value, taking into account an error of 10-20 mm, should be guided by. This will be the optimum opening width.
Its height should be calculated taking into account the absence or presence of a threshold. If you plan to install a door with a threshold, then add 100 mm to the sash height value, or 60 mm if there is no threshold.
For example: it is required to determine the dimensions of the doorway for a canvas with dimensions of 190x60 cm. First, the width of the entrance is calculated: 60 + 3.5x2 (double the thickness of the rack) + 0.2 (gaps along the hinges) + 0.4 (gaps along the lock) + 1x2 (gaps of the assembly seams) = 60 + 7 + 0.2 + 0, 4 + 2 = 69.6 cm.
The height of the opening with a threshold is calculated as follows: 190 + 3, 5x2 + 0, 3x2 (gaps along the porches) + 1x2 + 10 = 190 + 7 + 0, 6 + 2 + 10 = 209.6 cm. Without a threshold, the height of the opening will be as follows: 190 + 7 + 0, 6 + 2 + 6 = 205, 6 cm. As a result, we get: for mounting a door with dimensions of 190x60 cm, an opening of 210x70 cm with a threshold or 206x70 cm without it is required.
The thickness of the side walls of the opening should be the same along their entire length. You should not make a doorway with a large margin in height and width, since the size of the platband does not always allow you to mask large gaps.
The main types of doorways

Before you make a doorway, you need to choose its optimal look that suits the general style of the interior of a particular room. There are several types of openings that you should pay attention to:
- Portal … This is a standard rectangular opening, but its width can be increased depending on which doors are planned to be installed.
- Arch … It can be the same portal, the upper part of which is made in the form of an arc of regular or arbitrary shape. Another option: the arch originates from the base surface and closes on the rectilinear side of the opening or continues to the floor line. Doors in arched openings are usually not installed.
In addition, there are complex designs of doorways, which are distinguished by non-standard solutions in the form of unique shapes and additional elements. In most cases, such openings are made in plasterboard partitions, since in this regard, the possibilities of gypsum boards are almost limitless. Below we will look at the stages of making doorways in walls made of various materials.
Preparatory work before making the opening

In construction, any serious process begins with the manufacture of a drawing. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to draw up a diagram of the wall, which will depict the opening of the desired shape, indicating its dimensions, curvature radii, if necessary, and binding the control points of the opening perimeter to the ceiling, corners or other basic structures.
A doorway can be made during the construction phase of a wall or partition, or cut into an existing structure when redeveloping premises. The second case is the most difficult, so today we will focus on it.
So, first of all, you need to know that the device of doorways in the load-bearing walls of buildings without the appropriate permission is strictly prohibited. Therefore, before starting such a "sabotage", you need to draw up the necessary papers and get approval for redevelopment. Otherwise, the joy of the work performed can at best be overshadowed by a fine, and at worst - by the collapse of the floor.
If such a problem does not exist, you should stock up on debris bags, overalls, work gloves, goggles, a respirator and a set of tools, which includes:
- Rotary hammer or drill … They will be necessary for drilling the wall when marking the contour of the future doorway.
- Angle grinder "Bulgarian" with a cutting wheel for stone … It allows you to neatly cut openings in walls made of brick, concrete or wood. Cutting is done on both sides of the structure.
- Chisel … It is useful for cleaning brickwork seams.
- Sledgehammer … It is the main tool for knocking out wall material within the cut-out contour of the opening.
- Diamond cutter … In fact, this is the same "grinder", only in an enlarged form. With its help, you can make an incision of the wall from one side of it to a depth of 40 cm. Advanced models are used in combination with an industrial vacuum cleaner, which immediately removes construction dust into a built-in container with water during operation.
Doorway mounting technology
Consider the process of installing a door opening in walls made of different materials.
Making a doorway in a brick wall

A feature of this process is that the top line of the opening always coincides with the longitudinal seam of the masonry in this place, since cutting the brick on a spoon is unacceptable.
First, you should mark the contour of the opening on the wall according to the scheme. It is transferred to a life-size structure using a long rule ruler, marker or piece of chalk. At this stage, it is important to observe the verticality of the side lines of the opening. Its desired height is determined by taking into account the number of rows of masonry. If the top of the opening is in the middle of the bricks, it should be raised higher to the adjacent seam.
After marking the contour in its two corners, you need to make through holes with a puncher. To do this, you need a drill with a diameter of 12 mm and a length of at least the thickness of the wall. Such holes are necessary to indicate the control points of the contour of the opening on the other side of the structure.
Then, above the upper line of the future opening, a special section should be cut, that is, a cavity for laying a lintel, which will hold the wall section above the opening, preventing it from collapsing after cutting the hole. The length of the cavity should be greater than the width of the opening by 1 m. This will provide reliable support for the lintel on the sides of the rectangular opening in the wall.
The lintel can be made of two channels. Before installing each of them, matching holes should be made in the profiles in order to perform fastening tightening them. The hole pitch is 300 mm. After that, one of the profiles must be fixed in the cavity of the wall with mortar, and through its holes the partition must be drilled through. Then, on the other side of the structure, you should cut out a similar line, install a second channel in it, and then pull both profiles through the holes with pins. When the lintel is in place, you can cut out the doorway. It is best to use a diamond cutter with an industrial vacuum cleaner for this. Work can be carried out only from one side of the wall, since the diameter of its disc is quite enough to obtain deep cuts. After weakening the wall, the excess material inside the contour of the opening should be knocked out with a sledgehammer, and then collected in bags. When dismantling the masonry, some bricks will probably remain intact. They should not be thrown away - after cleaning from the solution, they can be useful on the farm.
Making a door opening in a concrete panel

This process has less restrictions on the designation of the lines of the opening and has a similar algorithm of work: drawing the contour, installing the lintel, cutting the hole, removing excess material from it.
Unlike a brick wall, where an unnecessary part of the masonry can be broken with a sledgehammer, the concrete structure is not so malleable. Therefore, here you will have to divide the contour of the opening into squares and remove excess wall fragments in parts using a cutting tool and a perforator. The work on the installation of the doorway must be carried out along the marking lines inside its contour. Some parts will be easy to remove, others will require cutting the wall reinforcement. After cutting an opening in a concrete or brick wall, you need to reinforce it. Jumper channels should be welded using metal strips. Such fastening is carried out every 200 mm along the length of the lintel.
The sides of the opening must be reinforced with metal corners. Their upper ends are connected by welding with the profiles of the horizontal part of the opening. In addition, the corners framing the corners of the hole are connected in pairs by plates and pulled together with pins along the previously prepared holes. If the wall is load-bearing, then the opening in it is additionally reinforced with a lower lintel, which must be welded to the side posts.
Making an opening in a plasterboard partition

The doorway in the plasterboard partition is formed at the stage of manufacturing its frame. The structure of such a wall consists of guides and rack-mount aluminum profiles, soundproofing filler and outer cladding in 1-2 layers of gypsum board. Guide profiles are attached to the ceiling and floor of the room, marking the contour of the wall. Rack profiles are installed vertically in the guides and serve to ensure the rigidity of the structure and the basis for fastening the skin. Two of these profiles form a doorway at a selected location in the partition.
After their installation, taking into account the width of the door leaf, it is necessary to make a horizontal upper part of the opening. To do this, use metal scissors to cut off a piece from the waste of the rack-mount profile, the length of which will correspond to the width of the opening. In addition, you will need a couple of short lengths of 10 cm, which must be connected in the letter "P" with a transverse profile. Then this element must be turned 180 degrees and fixed with screws to the uprights as a horizontal upper crossbar of the opening. The stiffness of the side posts can be increased by inserting a wooden beam into them. In this way, the doorway will be formed. It will acquire its final appearance after sheathing the frame of the partition with plasterboard sheets.
The subtleties of the design of the doorway

To decorate a do-it-yourself doorway, you can use various materials that can properly emphasize the style of the interior. Most often used:
- Artificial and natural stone … They look great in the frame of the opening, which is impressive in size. If you correctly approach the choice of color scheme and type of stone cladding, you can create a visual intriguing effect of an opening cut through the rock.
- Natural wood … Its decoration with valuable woods of doorways gives the interiors sophistication and luxury. The pleasure is expensive, but worth it.
- Decorative plaster … It has a lot of useful properties. The material is durable and environmentally friendly, it can have a variety of embossed surfaces and can be painted in any color. Such plaster strengthens the slopes of the doorway, fills in the voids on their surface and has a presentable appearance.
- Drywall … It is one of the most practical materials used in the design of doorways. With its help, the entrance to the room can be given almost any shape: straight, curved, arched, oval, etc. Elements cut from plasterboard sheets are attached to the opening using a metal frame or glue. They can be painted in any color and serve as the basis for installing LED lighting. In addition, wallpaper, tiles and decorative plaster can be glued to drywall sheets.
It should be noted that the slopes of doorways are constantly exposed to mechanical stress when moving, for example, furniture, accidentally touching corners with any objects, etc. Therefore, if the chic design of the opening is not critical for you, an ordinary cement screed will serve as the most reliable protection for its slopes. It is easily repaired in case of damage, unlike cladding, which will require replacement of its elements. In addition, this service is not expensive at all. In any case, the decision of this issue is yours.
How to make a doorway - look at the video:

In addition to the above materials, doorways are often decorated, depending on the style of the interior, with columns, stained-glass windows or simply curtains with beautiful ornaments. Good luck!