The article discusses the types and composition of mixtures, their technical characteristics and the best manufacturers, on the basis of which you can make the right choice in favor of one or another solution for plastering walls. Cement-lime mortar can be bought in the form of a ready-made mixture or you can make it yourself. Factory products include: quartz sand, Portland cement, hydrated lime slaked with water, polypropylene fiber - a fiber intended for reinforcing plaster, water-retaining additives. The rules for preparing such a mixture are always indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging of the goods. They must be followed rigorously.
When making a solution at home, it is necessary to add lime "dough" to its main composition. It is not difficult to make it. Lump quicklime should be placed in a clean metal container and filled with water at the rate of 2 liters per 1 kg of material. After that, a chemical reaction will begin with the release of heat. The extinguishing procedure is best done in an open area. When the mixture has cooled, it must be filtered through a fine sieve and kept closed for a couple of weeks. During this time, the lumps of lime will completely dissolve, the air bubbles will disappear, and the resulting "dough" will acquire a uniform appearance.
After that, sand, cement should be added to it in the required proportion and all this should be thoroughly mixed. If the mixture is too thick, you can add some water. With this technology for preparing the composition, plastering the walls with a cement-lime mortar will be performed easily and naturally.
Specifications of Cement Plaster for Walls

These data are useful to know for the correct preparation and use of mixtures in the production process. Almost all cementitious plasters have the following general characteristics:
- The color of the finished solution or dry mix is gray.
- Used grades of binding material - M100-M500.
- Compressive strength - 6-12MPa. It characterizes the ultimate load on the plaster layer.
- Peel adhesion - 0.3-0.4 MPa, this is the ability of the coating to be adhered to the base.
- Consumption of dry mix for a layer of plaster with an area of 1 m2 with a thickness of 1 cm - from 12 to 19 kg.
- The amount of water per 1 kg of dry mix is 200-400 ml.
- Pot life of the solution is from 30 minutes. up to 6 hours, during this period it must be used. The length of the period depends on the composition of the mixture.
- Frost resistance - 50 cycles with alternate thawing.
- The working temperature for applying the mixture is from +5 to +30 degrees.
- Complete drying time - 14 days.
- The shelf life is 1 year, during this time the manufacturer guarantees the performance of the dry mixture. To extend the shelf life up to 2 years, the powder must be protected from any type of moisture in a sealed plastic wrap. Unpacked goods should be used up within 6 months.
Main manufacturers of cement-based plaster mixes for walls

Today it is rare to find a master who, before preparing a cement mortar for plastering walls, stocks up with sand, bags of cement and extinguishes lime. Modern ready-made dry mixes are widely represented by numerous manufacturers in the finishing market.
We offer the most popular of them below for your attention:
- CERESIT (brand "CR 61") … It is used for plastering brick and stone masonry, restoration of monuments and buildings. For the finished solution, 25 kg of dry mixture and 6, 7 liters of water are used. The package contains 25 kg of powder, its cost is 1100-1150 rubles / bag.
- CERESIT (CT 29) … Contains microfiber, cement and special additives. The maximum thickness of 1 layer is no more than 2 mm, it can be used as a putty. The coating is resistant to weather conditions and good hygroscopicity. The finished solution can be obtained from 25 kg of dry mixture and 5 liters of water. The subsequent finishing of the walls is carried out 72 hours after the end of the plaster. A package with material weighs 25 kg and costs 400-410 rubles.
- CERESIT (CT24) … Contains cement and plasticizing additives, it is used for plastering walls made of aerated concrete. The working mixture requires 25 kg of powder for 5-6 liters of water. The finished coating is hygroscopic and resistant to atmospheric precipitation, but during the drying process it requires protection from temperature extremes, sun, rain and wind. The cost of the material is 330-335 rubles / bag of 25 kg.
- OSNOVIT (BIGWELL T-22) … The composition contains fractional sand, cement and additives that increase adhesion. The thickness of the applied layer is from 5 mm to 2 cm, the water consumption is 150 ml per 1 kg of dry mixture. The pot life of such a solution is 2 hours. Packing price 25 kg - 200-210 rubles.
- OSNOVIT (STARTWELL T-21) … The dry mix consists of lime, cement and sand with a fraction of up to 0.6 mm. It is used for leveling walls. The finished coating is moisture resistant, hygroscopic, heat and sound insulating properties. To prepare the solution, 4 liters of water are required for 25 kg of the mixture. The cost of the material is 192-200 rubles / 25 kg.
- OSNOVIT (SLIMWELL T-23) … The mixture contains fine sand and cement. It is used for application on walls of premises, basements of buildings and for filling cracks. The thickness of the coating layer can be from 2 mm and more. The finished solution requires 160 ml of water per 1 kg of dry powder. The price of the material for 25 kg is 215-220 rubles.
- OSNOVIT (FLYWELL T-24) … The mixture is used on almost any walls, it includes sand, lightweight filler and cement. Differs in efficiency: 1 m2 coating requires 10 kg of powder. The plaster has good heat and sound insulation. To prepare a solution for 300 ml of water, 1 kg of dry mixture is required. Its viability is 3 hours. The cost of packing 20 kg is 190-195 rubles.
- STARATELI (cement-sand) … The mixture consists of fractional sand and cement M500, has an economical consumption of 12 kg / m2 and high plasticity. The finished solution requires 250 ml of water per 1 kg of dry mixture. Its viability is 1.5 hours. It is recommended to apply the plaster over the lighthouses. The cost of 25 kg of material is 170-175 rubles.
- STARATELI (universal, cement-sand) … The mixture contains sand, cement and special fillers. The finished coating is frost-resistant, elastic and vapor-permeable. The permissible thickness of 1 layer of plaster is 3 cm. For mixing, 9 liters of water are required for 30 kg of the mixture. The cost of a package of 30 kg is 234-245 rubles.
- STARERS (MIXTER) … The mixture contains sand, gypsum, cement and special additives. The mortar is used for high quality wall plastering for interior decoration. It is obtained by adding water to a dry mixture at the rate of 400 ml per 1 kg of powder. The pot life of such a solution is approximately forty minutes. The maximum thickness of the plaster layer is up to 6 cm. To obtain a perfectly smooth surface of the walls, it is recommended to treat the surface with a sponge float 30 minutes after applying the mixture. The price of a dry mix is 312-320 rubles / 30 kg.
- KNAUF (ADHESIVE) … Contains chemical additives, cement, quartz and lime filler. Used for roughing the surface by spraying. The finished coating has a rough texture, which serves as an alternative version of the reinforcing mesh. The original packaging contains 25 kg of dry mix, the price is 230-240 rubles.
- KNAUF (ZOKELPUTTS UP 310) … The mixture consists of sand of fraction 1, 25 mm, cement and additives that increase adhesion. Can be used as base plaster. Coating layer thickness - up to 1.5 cm. Material consumption - 16kg / m2 with a plaster thickness of 1 cm. To prepare the solution, you need 5 liters of water per 25 kg of powder. The cost of the material is 200-210 rubles. per package 25 kg.
- KNAU F (GRUNBAND) … The powder consists of sand, cement, hydrophobic additives and polystyrene foam filler. The finished solution can be obtained at the rate of 6-7 liters of water per 25 kg of dry mixture. The thickness of the coating layer is 1-3 cm. It does not form cracks, has thermal insulation properties and is hygroscopic. The price for 25 kg of the mixture is 200-310 rubles.
- KNAUF (UNTERPUTTS UP-210) … It contains fractional sand, cement and special additives. The mixture is used for finishing wet rooms, it reduces the diffusion of porous surfaces. With a ready-made solution, you can apply a fairly thin layer without worrying about cracking. The permissible thickness of 1 layer is up to 2 cm. To prepare the solution, 4-5 liters of water are required per 25 kg of the mixture. The cost of 25 kg of powder is 215-225 rubles.
- VOLMA (AQUAPLAST) … This mixture has a cement base, lightweight filler, polymer and chemical additives that increase adhesion. It is used for the manual method of applying plaster for interior and exterior wall decoration. The layer thickness in one pass is 1-3 cm. The finished coating does not crack. The price of 25 kg of the mixture is 200-205 rubles.
- VOLMA (AQUASLAY) … The mixture consists of filler, Portland cement, polymer and mineral additives. The ratio of water and powder in the finished solution is 300 ml / 1 kg. If there is an excess of liquid in the composition, the plaster can peel off the wall. The pot life of the solution is 2 hours. When plastering facades with this mixture, the finished layer requires protection from frost, precipitation and drying out for 72 hours. The cost of the material is 250-255 rubles. for 25 kg.
- VOLMA (PLINTH) … The mixture is made on the basis of cement and modified mineral additives. It is used for manual application of a plaster layer for interior and exterior decoration. In addition, the solution is used for finishing plinths and foundations of buildings. In the future, tiles, ceramic granite can be glued to the finished coating and decorative cladding can be applied. The solution is prepared with a water to dry mixture ratio of 200 ml / 1 kg. Drying of the coating using heaters or heat guns is allowed. The price for 25 kg of material is 235-245 rubles.
- HERCULES (cement-sand) … The composition is used for plastering concrete, stone and brick walls. It has good strength, moisture resistance and high adhesion. Its consumption is 15 kg / m2 for dry mix. The maximum permissible layer thickness is up to 2 cm. When leveling walls made of aerated concrete, it is recommended to apply plaster with a thickness of at least 8 mm in one pass. The price of the material for 25 kg is 140-150 rubles.
- HERCULES (lime-cement) … The mixture is based on lime and cement, used for interior wall decoration. Layer thickness 8 mm - 2 cm. If it is necessary to increase the thickness of the coating, the solution should be applied in layers, drying each previous layer for at least a day. Dry powder consumption - 12 kg / m2, the pot life of the finished solution is 6 hours. The cost of packaging material 12 kg - 110-115 rubles, 25 kg - 200-210 rubles.
- UNIS (SILIN front) … The dry mixture consists of fractional sand, cement and chemical additives, is used for finishing facades and in unheated rooms with high humidity for plastering walls. It is applied in a layer up to 3 cm without reinforcement. The finished coating has excellent water repellency, weather resistance and frost resistance. The cost of packing a mixture of 25 kg is 270-275 rubles.
- UNIS (SILIN for internal works) … The mixture consists of sand, cement and additional additives. The material is used for finishing the walls of wet rooms; it is allowed to apply the solution without reinforcing the layer. To prepare a working composition for 200 ml of water, 1 kg of powder is required. The pot life of the solution is 2 hours. The coating is frost-resistant and does not shrink. The cost of 25 kg of dry mix is 230-235 rubles.
- WEBER VETONIT (TT) … It is a mixture of sand, limestone and cement and is used in wet rooms for wall decoration. The finished coating is plastic, frost-resistant and not afraid of moisture. Its thickness can be from two to ten millimeters. The water consumption for the finished mixture is 6 liters per 25 kg of powder. Material price - 340-350 rubles. for 25 kg.
- WEBER VETONIT (TTT) … It is an environmentally friendly material containing sand, dispersion perlite filler, limestone and cement. Its main purpose is wall decoration in wet rooms. To prepare a working mixture, you need 20 kg of powder per 5 liters of water. The resulting solution has an economical consumption and high plasticity, its pot life is 3 hours. The finished coating is waterproof and not afraid of low temperatures. The cost of dry mix is 325-335 rubles. for 20 kg.
How to choose a cement mortar for plastering walls - watch the video:

Now you know which solution is best to choose for plastering the surface of the walls. If desired, the mixture can be prepared by hand.