Bodybuilding and nutrition

Bodybuilding and nutrition
Bodybuilding and nutrition

Nutrition is an integral part of the athletes' training process. Therefore, today we will talk about the requirements for the nutritional program for bodybuilders. The content of the article:

  • Proper nutrition
  • Simple carbohydrates
  • Carbohydrates after exercise
  • Sports nutrition
  • Healthy fats

When drawing up a nutritional program, to achieve maximum progress, you should not complicate it. In the understanding of most people, the nutrition of athletes consists of tablets and powders. However, this is not entirely correct judgment.

The main task of a sports diet is to restore muscle tissue, raise the energy level in the body, activate metabolism and maintain it at a sufficient level. In this case, it is necessary to eat deliciously, and not bring yourself to the feeling of hunger. The following guidelines will help you make your nutritional program better and more effective.

Proper nutrition in bodybuilding

Proper nutrition in sports
Proper nutrition in sports

Proteins are the main building blocks of muscle tissue and increase metabolic processes. This must be taken into account when composing proper nutrition for bodybuilding. They need to be distributed evenly throughout the day so that about 30 grams of protein are consumed for each meal. Thus, the athlete will be able to bring the synthesis of protein compounds to the maximum possible.

Studies have shown that when high-quality protein supplements are consumed three times a day, protein synthesis increases by a quarter. In this case, the additives were distributed as follows:

  • Breakfast - 10 g.
  • Lunch - 15 g.
  • Dinner - 65 g.

As you can see from the data above, most of the protein was consumed in the evening. So, the concept of "quality protein supplement" should be explained. This refers to the content of at least 10% of the most essential amino acid compounds (NAC) in one serving.

You can also increase the effectiveness of your workouts by using foods that contain whole proteins: fish, eggs, chicken, and beef. They are best consumed before exercise. These foods do not contain substances that can cause digestive problems. For example, 100 grams of chicken or beef contains about 10 grams of NAC and about 30 grams of protein.

But proteins of plant origin before class in the gym are best avoided. For example, beans contain galactosides, which are a type of carbohydrate. They are difficult to digest and are food for various bacteria. Some foods, such as cheese or bacon, contain saturated fats that slow down digestion.

Eating simple carbohydrates

The pyramid of proper nutrition
The pyramid of proper nutrition

One of the main misconceptions of many athletes is the idea of the body's need for a constant flow of carbohydrates. Before a workout, muscle tissue already contains a sufficient amount of glycogen to provide all the necessary energy. But this is in the event that a strong low-carb diet is not used.

Eating excess carbohydrates during and before training decreases the body's fat-burning ability. Carbohydrates will be more effective in the evening and after exercise. This will allow you to quickly restore the stores of spent glycogen, and not create additional stores of fat.

The one exception where pre-workout carbs in bodybuilding can help is high-intensity exercise. In this case, glycogen stores may not be sufficient. In other cases, they are completely unnecessary. You should refrain from consuming sports drinks containing sugar before training.

Carbohydrates after exercise

High carbohydrate foods
High carbohydrate foods

The best time to consume carbohydrates is during the post-workout period. Especially if the classes were conducted with high intensity. At this point, metabolic processes are accelerated, and carbohydrates will be used to restore glycogen stores, and not to create fat stores. In addition, carbohydrates dramatically reduce the amount of cortisol in the blood, which will subsequently have a beneficial effect on body composition.

The best food to replenish your carbohydrate reserves is foods with a high glycemic index, such as watermelon or pineapple. Do not eat foods containing fructose after exercise. This substance is bad for the replenishment of glycogen stores, which is very important for bodybuilding and proper nutrition.

Protein sports nutrition

Protein cocktail
Protein cocktail

Athletes who want to lose weight need not eat often (on average, every three hours) and do not use protein supplements. But it will be very effective. It's safe to say that whey protein is an excellent source of protein.

In addition to accelerating the synthesis of protein compounds, these substances increase insulin sensitivity, and as a result, the body tolerates glucose better. Also, proteins are good at suppressing hunger and reduce the calorie content of food. It is also necessary to say about the strengthening of muscle tissue and the increase in strength, which is also facilitated by protein.

When the main goal is to burn fat, there is no need to consume protein before training. When it comes to building muscle fiber mass, the athlete should make the decision on the use of dietary protein supplements. When you feel a burst of energy after taking a serving of a protein shake, it will certainly be a beneficial addition to your workout program. Whey protein is best used for this. This type of supplement is very common in bodybuilding.

Healthy fats

Proper nutrition
Proper nutrition

Most athletes believe that fat should be eliminated from their diet. This is not entirely correct. Studies have shown that when milk is consumed, protein synthesis in muscle tissue increased significantly. This may indicate a better assimilation of amino acid compounds from milk, which contains fats.

In this regard, it is worth mentioning another study in which participants ate a mixed meal containing a complete set of substances. Thereafter, insulin levels rose rapidly within an hour after eating. After that, the scientists checked the protein balance in the muscles of the legs, and found a decrease in the loss of protein compounds, amounting to 50%.

All of the above suggests that the average athlete should not complicate their bodybuilding nutrition program. For example, after a workout session, the fats found in nuts, meat, and fish will be very beneficial. But when gaining weight, the amount of fat should really be limited. In this case, it is better to use protein or carbohydrate supplements.

Nuts will be very useful before classes. They contain a sufficient amount of valuable fats, and this product does not overload the digestive tract with unnecessary work. Omega-3 fats found in fish are essential to improve blood flow. At the same time, you should remove saturated fats from the diet after exercise.

Video about nutrition for bodybuilders:
